Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 2: :team leader!

Eijun Sawamura guessed right. There was a big disagreement within the Qingdo High School coaching staff regarding the selection of the new captain.

Generally speaking, the leaders of the team are selected from the previous main players.

The original Qingdo High School, which dominated the country, had three main players left, namely Kuramochi in shortstop, Hakushu in outfielder, and Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound.

According to general logic, the captain must be one of these three people. After all, they are the heroes who won the national championship for the team, and it is easy to convince them to lead the new team.

Another, they have the experience of dominating the country, and they have more experience in leading the team out when the team is in difficulties.

This choice seems to be no problem at all.

But all three have fatal flaws.

First take the first position.

If you tell him to let him lead the team, the guy is probably very happy.

But when the coaching staff thought about the result of Kuramochi's leadership, they immediately abandoned the idea.

They don't want the team to be misunderstood as a mixed society when they take it out.

Next, Baizhou, he worked hard enough, his strength was solid, and his popularity was not bad...

Anything is good, just that kind of character, not suitable for being a leader. Whose captain is this gentle?

Finally, there was Sawamura.

If Sawamura Eijun is the captain, there should be no problem. He used to be the captain and coach of the Akagi Middle School baseball team, and he has rich experience.

But there is also a problem, which is very fatal.

That is, Sawamura Eijun is not a second-year player, but a first-year player. Letting the first-year players lead the second-year players is not possible at all, but it always feels strange.


Compared with Kuramochi and Hakushu, Sawamura is more suitable. Even if it looks weird, he looks like a captain. Unlike Kuramochi and Hakushu, there is no captain's posture at all.

With a seemingly suitable candidate, the first voice appeared, that is, to support eclectic talent and promote Sawamura as captain.

The supporters of this proposal, I am afraid no one can think of it? It was Ota, the minister who had the most estranged relationship with Sawamura.

In Ota's view, Sawamura is simply omnipotent, and there is no more suitable candidate than making him the captain.

"Sawamura is the team's main ace. After he retires in the third year, he is likely to be the fourth team. If he is promoted to the captain's position at this time, will it be too much pressure?"

In this regard, Coach Ochiai is against it. Except for some small teams, the individual ability of the pitchers is too strong, and the ace pitchers will not be arranged as captains in ordinary giants.

Ace pitchers train twice as much as the average player, which means they train almost twice as long. The average training time for an average player at Qingdao High School is three to three and a half hours.

Sawamura's training time is multiplied by two.

In this way, his own time is very limited, and he has to take into account the practice of striking, and then assign the position of captain to Sawamura.

Can you imagine how busy Sawamura will be?

Of course, those who can do more work, and Sawamura is busy.

The most critical question is, after too much time is occupied and energy is scattered, can Eijun Sawamura guarantee the quality of his training?


Minister Ota said it unequivocally.

His trust in Sawamura Eijun was blind.

Ochiai wanted to refute, but as long as he thought about Sawamura's performance on weekdays, he really couldn't say the refutation.

Yes, if it was Sawamura, maybe he could really do it.

Supervisor Kataoka was noncommittal, and Rei Takashima suggested others.

In addition to these three main players, there are two more suitable people.

One is the current catcher Miyuki. Although Miyuki's main position was robbed by Senior Chris, there is no problem with his strength.

Not to mention, before, he was the absolute core of Qingdao High School. On the field of Jiaziyuan, during the rotation time, his performance was also very dazzling.

Of the five star players of Qingdao High School, three have already retired, and the remaining two are him and Sawamura.

Whether it is strength or influence, he has no problem.

Takashima Rei is also more inclined towards Miyuki.

The reason is the same as what Ochiai thought before. Even in a wealthy high school, even if the team is built with ace as the core, ace rarely serves as the captain.

Can't handle it at all.

So even though Sawamura is a good fit for captain, Takashima Rei still thinks Miyuki is more suitable.

The only problem is Miyuki's character.

This guy is a bit dark-bellied, and usually has a poisonous mouth, and his popularity is not very good.

In fact, when it comes to character, the most suitable person to be the captain is Mae Garden.

Unconsciously, he has become the leader of the Second Army, and everyone is convinced of him.

But the front garden itself also has a problem, that is strength.

After the establishment of the new Miyuki at the catcher position, Sawamura at the pitcher position, Kuramochi at the infielder position, and Hakushu at the outfielder position formed a new central axis.

Teams are built around them, and captains are best chosen from them.

The problem with the front garden is that he is not a member of this central axis.

The discussion came and went, and in the end, the supervisor Kataoka did not give a conclusion.

In his heart, I am afraid there is some hesitation.

I don't know if it's Miyuki, or Sawamura is more suitable?

As for the other three, he really didn't think much of it. Although Miyuki and Sawamura have their own shortcomings, they are all small problems and nothing to worry about.

The problems with the other three people are really too big, and they are likely to shake the foundation of the team. Supervisor Kataoka will never let them come to power.

In the case of hesitation, Director Kataoka specially asked for the opinion of the former captain of Qingdo High School.

"Although you are still the captain of the team, it may not be a good question to ask. But there is too little time left for us, so I can only ask you. Who do you think is more suitable to be the captain, Miyuki or Sawamura? "


He said with great certainty.


Although Director Kataoka was not surprised by this result, he did not expect that the association would answer so succinctly.

"If Sawamura is the captain, the team will become stronger!"

Jun Cheng said.

Before getting this answer, the balance in Supervisor Kataoka's heart was actually in favor of Miyuki.

In his opinion, Sawamura Eijun's technology is not yet fully mature. There must be a lot of change **** to practice, and it would be harmful and unhelpful to give him too onerous tasks at this time.

But after saying this, he originally favored Yuyuki's balance, but unknowingly, he favored it again.


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