Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 21: : Newbie!

The result of Sawamura guiding everyone to pitch is still very significant.

Afterwards, when the batters played the pitch of Xiao Gu Xiao, the state was obviously much better. Even Tojo, Kuramochi, Hakushu, and Miyuki got hits. Even if others didn't get a hit, there were a lot of successful hits out, which was measured by Qing Dao's defense, and it wasn't considered a hit. It's hard to say whether such a ball can be hit with a normal opponent.

"This guy, really?"

For this result, Ota Minister is also very disturbed.

If you say in Qingdao High School, whose straight ball is the most reassuring? That is without a doubt a valley. Now that his straight ball is being targeted so badly, it is really surprising.

"Falling valley is not only limited to the straight ball for himself, but also limited to the outside corner. So it is easier to target, and it is not surprising."

On the contrary, it is Ochiai, which is more open to see. He is very optimistic about Yugu's talent. If Qingdao High School hadn't had the big killer Sawamura, then Jianggu would definitely be the hope for Qingdao's rise.

"When his inner and outer corner kicks are honed, he should be able to be on his own. At that time, even Sawamura will have to deal with it carefully. If he doesn't pay attention to his ace position, he may be robbed."

Ochiai's optimism about the valley is beyond imagination.

On the side, Ota and Takashima Rei didn't take it seriously.

In their opinion, Sawamura is absolutely invincible. Not to mention that Jiang Gu has not yet honed the ball control, even if he has honed it, he will even further reach the level of the troll hometown.

Neither of them thought that Yugu Xiao could take the trump card position from Sawamura.

"Speaking of which, how's the enrollment this year?"

Ota turned to ask Takashima Rei.

Takashima Rei has always been in charge of recruiting students from other counties. Ota is only responsible for inviting famous players in the Tokyo area. Talented players from other counties need to be invited in person. This job is the responsibility of the deputy minister.

Because Takashima Rei has a backer, sometimes even players in the Tokyo area will invite her if she likes it.

At the beginning, Miyuki was invited by her like this.

"Because I just won the national championship, the invitation went smoothly, and most of the players expressed their willingness to come. Of course, how many people can come in the end depends on their last-minute choices."

"Among those who expressed their willingness to come, is there anything to look forward to?"

"There are several. In principle, we cannot invite more than two from the same position. But there are too many excellent catchers this year. Although I have already invited two, I am afraid that they may make other choices when the time comes. So I invited one more on my own initiative. These are all good, but the biggest problem is that this year’s pitchers are hard to find.”

It's not surprising that pitchers are hard to find.

It's hard to find a good pitcher. Each region is staring at the pitchers in its own region, just like staring at Tang Monk's meat. Once they reached age, they immediately surrounded them like flies.

A really good pitcher, Qing Dao can only find them locally in Tokyo.

But the Tokyo area really has more wolves and less meat, and there are four of the top giants alone.

Daocheng, Didong, City Junior High School, Qingdao High School.

Four schools, each with its own territory. It's a pity that there are no good seedlings in the Qingdao site this year. On the contrary, on Daocheng's site, there are two good seedlings that make people jealous.

If Qing Dao is short of good pitchers, as their national champions, it is not impossible for them to win.

But the problem is, Qing Dao's ace is still in the first grade, and there is also the monster pitcher Yugu.

The newcomer is here, let alone the throne of the trump card, you can't even get the main substitute. If this situation lasts for a year and a half, they will endure it. The problem is that this will continue until Sawamura and Fugutani retire.

A good pitcher, unless your brain is flooded, how can you come to Qingdao and sit on the bench.

"There's nothing we can do. The giants already lack good pitchers. Next year, things should be better."

Ota comforted.

Takashima Rei was not discouraged at all: "But there is also good news. There is an international student in Chinese Taipei and an international student in Guangdong Xincun. They all applied to study in our school."

"We're not a study abroad school, are we?"

Ota frowned.

Rei Takashima gave an unfathomable smile: "It doesn't matter, we are a private high school and can recruit students independently. As long as they can meet the standards we require."

Ota asked, "Ao, is it a good seedling?"

"The one from Chinese Taipei is the champion pitcher of the World Junior Baseball Championship! As for the one from Guangdong Xincun..."


"It is said that it was a TV show, and I came here because of Sawamura's fame."

Ota subconsciously frowned, and then glanced at Kataoka timidly: "Supervising him, I don't like to play on the scene."

"There's no way around The sponsor of that show is our family's strategic partner. So..."

Rei Takashima shrugged helplessly.

Even if she doesn't like some things, she can't refuse.

"We are the national hegemons. If that player does not meet the standard, Director Kataoka will never let him play."

"These have been said, but the other party seems to be very confident, saying that everything depends on strength."

Takashima Rei said hesitantly.

In China (Defense Harmony), there are very few good baseball players emerging, and I haven't heard of any players from there in the major leagues. There are a few minor leagues...

According to Takashima Rei's experience, the teenagers who do the show are generally young masters with good family conditions. She doesn't think the other party really has any strength.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem. Considering the opponent's ability, it should be easy to transfer schools."

Like Takashima Rei, Ota is not optimistic about the other party's ability to stay.

But in this world, who can say for sure?

Because baseball is getting more and more attention in China (anti-harmony), their performance has also risen along the way. Now the players are still in the groping stage, and their world rankings are not high, only twenty.

But before Sawamura's rebirth, the baseball team of China (Defense Harmony) could barely compete with the island nation and Chinese Taipei, and the world rankings also reached the top ten.

At the highest time, it even ranked seventh.

And all of this is because of their golden generation and the exchange game with Chinese Taipei.

Sawamura's best friend in the major leagues in his previous life was also a Chinese. Although he was not a player, he was just an agent.

After everyone's attack was over, it was Sawamura and Furuya's turn.

The two of them were also welcome, changed their equipment and walked to the strike zone.


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