Ace Of Terrans

120 Rebelling Dukes.

As soon as the youngster finished his words, he stopped in his tracks, he said, "I have located our girls. I will now rush over to get them out, Carole you are to shoot only when necessary, that Seven-star Terran might be looking for any chance to pinpoint your location."

Carole was aware of such a possibility, after all, the speed of a phaser beam from a sniper rifle was as fast as the speed of light, how can a Terran, regardless of the power level evade it? Thus Carole understood the command and stopped firing. Shi Lang moved through the debris of fallen walls and rooms, heading towards the holding cell.

Carole relayed the message to Sharpnel and Hunk, and they began to finish the leftover enemies quickly. They were all veterans and were aware that the seven-star Terran might be taking action soon. They had been killing people for a few minutes now, and the strength of the enemy was never above five stars. As secret division officers, they all were strong enough to walk through waves of people with strengths similar to theirs. Such was the quality of their skills.

Hunk, who was swinging an enemy like a nun-chucks asked, "Why are all the enemies, five stars? I have not spotted a single six-star till now in the crowd."

Carole replied, "Captain took them down personally. Deal with what you have on hand quickly and go to aid him. I have a bad feeling about this."

Hunk and Sharpnel nodded and picked up the pace. Hunk was an expert in hand to hand combat, he used his super strength to boost his speed as well, and moved like a meteor, he would use his enemies as a a speed breaker. Well, he was like a truck with no breaks. He would stop only when the enemies have broken his momentum.

Sharpnel on the other hand was an even bigger menace, he would use, mini bombs, his ability was dulpicacy, he could make a fake double of his body, though the clone would be a fragile thing, a slight shock will make it vanish or disappear. However, while the clone is out, Sharpnel gets to stay invisible.

Tada, this guy would use this trick and sneakily plant micro bombs over all his enemies. In the after math, corpses with missing limbs would be found scattered all over the place. This was his skill, and that was why he was more dangerous than Hunk. Imagine, if he was to place his clone in a secluded place, and move into a crowded area, plant a big bomb in there?

That being said, as the two of them killed enemies, Shi Lang had arrived at the in front of the holding area. He found that the guards of this place had not moved, this made him curious. He slowly crept closer to the people, wanting to hear what was going on here. After all, he had killed so many people yet the guards in this place were still all standing rooted to their place. There must be something special about this place.

Guard One: "What do you think is happening out there? The explosions must be some enemy attack."

Guard Two: "Do you have to guess? It must be someone who came to rescue Old Man Duke."

Guard One took a deep breath and asked, "What do you think the possibilities of their success is? After all, Master Duke gave out the order to search the manor, the forces must have found someone at least."

Guard two shook his head, "I do not know."

Guard one nodded and asked, "Why are they doing this to the old man?"

Guard two said, "I heard from a guy close to the adjutant of Master Duke, the old man seemed to be opposing the Master when he expressed his notion of taking this planet for himself."

Shi Lang raised his eyebrow at this. No wonder the secret division had placed this whole family on the assassination list. They were brewing the notion of a rebellion. Shi Lang took out his handgun and rushed towards the guards, his actions were so well timed and surprising, that the guards could not even react.

Two beams of light flashed, shortly after Shi Lang got past the gate of the holding area, and the two guards fell down on the ground, with holes in their forehead. The boy got inside the holding area with two motives, one was to free his teammates, and second was to use the old man duke. He moved quickly. His senses were enough to tell him that most of the cells were empty, so avoiding the needless inspection, he moved to the ones where he spotted the two girls.


A special mention to Charles Duncan, the reader who has been supporting both my works for such a long time. I thank you from the depths of my heart. Thank ou for the dragon and the massage chair you gifted me on this book. Means a lot to me, if you are reading this, the I hope you contact me on discord, THE WORDSMITH#7490

There is something I have been doing that you might like, and it might bring you an exclusive peek of my upcoming project. Thank you once again.


Inside the cell, Lullaby and Tian were communicating with each other using their breathes. They froze suddenly when Tian said, "The guards outside are dead. Someone came in."

Before they could even process what was going on someone broke the cell door and came inside. They heard a familiar voice, "Ladies, pardon me for the delay."

Lullaby and Tian recognized Shi Lang, they were emotional, but the boy said, "Calm down, we have to be quick."

The ladies nodded, after Shi Lang checked them for any booby traps, he took out the cloth shoved in their mouths, Lullaby said, "Ace..." her voice was hoarse, seems like her throat got wounded because of the shoved cloth.

The same happened to Tian but she did not speak right away. She gestured the guy with her neck. Shi Lang followed her signs and looked at the restaints set on their hands and legs. He squinted his eyes and said, "Motion detecting shackles?"

The two ladies nodded and Shi Lang sent out a message from his communicator, "Sharpnel, we have a motion detecting shackle holding our people, get over here and diffuse this."

Sharpnel replied in positive, and Shi Lang said, "You two wait here, I will go and look for another person, he will be our ticket out of this place."

The ladies exchanged a glance and nodded. Shi Lang patted them on the shoulders and said, "Do not worry, either we all go out together, or none. I do not have a habit of leaving my comrades behind."

Lullaby and Tian showed him a firm look and the sparks in their eyes were enough to tell him that they trusted him and his words. Shi Lang left their cell and moved around to look for the old man in the mouth of the guards.

His search did not last long, turned out the old man was kept inside the inner most cell of the area. Inside the cell an old man sat with his legs crossed and eyes closed. He asked, "Sir, would you be the Old Man Duke?"

The old man opened his eyes and replied calmly, "Yes. Who might you be?"

Shi Lang replied, "Shadow Executioner, Agent Ace." his voice was calm and cold.

The old man nodded and said, "So, things have already escalated to the point where the military has issued an execution order?"

Shi Lang nodded, "Things might not have turned out to be so violent, if your family had not held our two people captive."

The Old man stood up and asked, "Is it true?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "It is not something to be joking about." as he shrugged at the old man. He did not let the old man express his thoughts and said, "I can give you a chance to redeem some honor of the family but that will not be able to change the death sentence."

The old man did not even hesitate and said, "What is it that you need me to do?"

Shi Lang said, "I would like you to kill the seven-star Terran responsible for all this."

The old man nodded and said, "I intended to do that even if you had not come to find me. This cell is made specially from the rarest and strongest material from this planet. It can only be opened from the outside. If you can help me open it up, then I will be able to help you."

Shi Lang nodded and again used his communicator, and called over Hunk. The bulky man came rushing to his side, "Captain, the target outside are neutralized. What instructions do you have for me now?"

The latter said, "I need you to break open this prison cell."

Hunk nodded and got to work. He planned to yank the bars apart. Shi Lang was not worried if the person inside the cage was a fake one, he utilized the facial scanner embedded in his visor and found the details of the person in front of him through the satellite around this planet.

Hunk grasped the bars tightly and with a grunt he pulled, the bars seemed to have been tougher than expected, they did not budge. Shi Lang saw how Hunks whole face was blushed, he said, "Let me lend you a hand."

He took out a piece of steel wire from his utility belt. The piece was only as big as a meter, he tied it around a bar and tugged at the other end hard. The force in the pull was concentrated at one point on the bar. With a zhang of vibrations, the bar folded slightly from between.

At this moment, a loud voice boomed through the surroundings, "Come out, who dares to trample my Duke household."

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