233.绗琗NUMX绔 233锛氶濂

涓ゅぉ钖庯纴鐕曚 鍐涗簨婕旀浼 鍐涗簨婕旀浼 鍐涗簨婕旀浼 満闄嗛檰缁 満闄嗛檰缁 満闄嗛檰缁 夊ぇ宸 夊ぇ宸 夊ぇ宸 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 浠庢垬鍦 绉诲洖鏉ワ纴姣忎竴涓兘绌 兘绌 潃钖勮嚜鍐涘尯镄勫埗 嶆瑁呭嚭 嶆瑁呭嚭 浠婂ぉ鏄ぇ璧涘悗镄勮〃褰 浠婂ぉ鏄ぇ璧涘悗镄勮〃褰 浠婂ぉ鏄ぇ璧涘悗镄勮〃褰 浠婂ぉ鏄ぇ璧涘悗镄勮〃褰 浠婂ぉ鏄ぇ璧涘悗镄勮〃褰

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鈥沧 浜嬶纴鍙嶆鎴戜篃鎻嶈 浜嬶纴鍙嶆鎴戜篃鎻嶈 浜嬶纴鍙嶆鎴戜篃鎻嶈 浣犱 銆 銆 Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng €

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Xu Cheng 鐪嫔埌璋(一)徃浠ゃ€佸啖鍖哄弬璋嬮昵銆佽█Instructor 涓変汉閮借潗鍦ㄧ5鍐涘尯鍖哄烟镄勭涓€鎺掑骇浣崭笂浜嗭纴浠婂 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 搴忔湁镒忔 濓纴锲犱 濓纴锲犱 濓纴锲犱 濓纴锲犱 鐖嗗喎鎷垮埌浜嗗啝鍐涳纴 鐖嗗喎鎷垮埌浜嗗啝鍐涳纴 鐖嗗喎鎷垮埌浜嗗啝鍐涳纴 鐖嗗喎鎷垮埌浜嗗啝鍐涳纴璋冨埌浜嗙涓 璋冨埌浜嗙涓 鎺掑尯鍩燂纴璋 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 佸弬璋嬮昵涓や 佸弬璋嬮昵涓や 绗戝灏 绗戝灏 绗戝灏 绗戝灏 绗戝灏 绗戝灏 绗戝灏Umbrella 鍧愬湪鍓嶉 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 湜钖庤儗镄勬劅 湜钖庤儗镄勬劅

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Chain 钖庢墍 chain 変 閮 閮 閮 潗涓嬶纴鐒跺悗棣栭昵鍙戣〃璁 瘽锛岃镄勫叏鏄縺锷卞 瘽锛岃镄勫叏鏄縺锷卞 鍏 鍏 鍏 €

鈥沧湁瀹 墠 墠 chain 夊浗锛屼缭鍗浗瀹跺 鏄缭鍗嚜宸 鏄缭鍗嚜宸 殑瀹讹纴 濆崼鍗冨崈 濆崼鍗冨崈 濆崼鍗冨崈 濆崼鍗冨崈 absolute 镄勫搴纴杩欎竴骞 纴浣 纴浣犱 閮 閮 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 嚭鑹茬殑浠 殑瀹炲姏锛屾垜 殑瀹炲姏锛屾垜 殑瀹炲姏锛屾垜 殑瀹炲姏锛屾垜 屾湜褰撴妸浣犱 屾湜褰撴妸浣犱 屾湜褰撴妸浣犱 屾湜褰撴妸浣犱 鍒嗛 閮 閮垚涓 腑鍧 腑鍧 腑鍧 姏 忎缭鍗竴鏂 忎缭鍗竴鏂 忎缭鍗竴鏂 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮 浗鍦熺殑瀹夌ǔ锛屼綘浠秺寮忎篃浼氲秺鍏寸洓锛屾垜洓锛屾垜屾湜浠婂悗屾湜浠婂悗潵锛屼綘浠兘鑳潵锛屼綘浠兘鑳椂鍒诲畧镌鍐涗鍐涗镄勮亴璐纴鎴戜纴鎴戜浣犱浣犱Breakthrough 镊垜 屾劅鍒 屾劅鍒 鍌 鍌 傗 傗 傗

鍦 笅涓 笅涓 阒 阒 阒 銆 銆

棣栭昵涔熶笉 叴锛岀 叴锛岀 叴锛岀 叴锛岀 鍗旷殑鍙戣〃浜呜璇濅 鍗旷殑鍙戣〃浜呜璇濅 鍗旷殑鍙戣〃浜呜璇濅 鍗旷殑鍙戣〃浜呜璇濅 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 笂鐪嬬潃涓嬮 笂鐪嬬潃涓嬮 笂鐪嬬潃涓嬮 笂鐪嬬潃涓嬮 笂鐪嬬潃涓嬮 浜涘 浜涘鍜岃敿镄勭洰鍏夛纴鎺ョ潃鐢 鍜岃敿镄勭洰鍏夛纴鎺ョ潃鐢 鍜岃敿镄勭洰鍏夛纴鎺ョ潃鐢 鍜岃敿镄勭洰鍏夛纴鎺ョ潃鐢 枃鑹哄洟涓 寔缁 寔缁 寔缁 涓嬮 涓嬮 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯

棣栧厛鐢辫 Umbrella 娆 弬璧涚殑 弬璧涚殑 € € € 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM崌涓€绾с傞偅浜涙柊鍏靛ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮傞偅浜涙柊鍏靛ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮芥槸娌°C湁鍐涘姛鍐涜镄勶纴涓嶈湁鍐涘姛鍐涜镄勶纴涓嶈鑳鑳粠钖勫ぇ鍐涘尯鎺掗夊嚭鏉ョ殑浼樼澹叺杩欎 澶 澶 澶 灏辫 灏辫 灏辫 灏辫 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮 锛屽摢镐曚粬浠ぇ閮ㄥ垎閮锛屾墍浠NUMX 钖嶆浠ュ悗镄勶纴鏂 叺缁熶竴棰佸彂浜嗗皯灏夊甫 叺缁熶竴棰佸彂浜嗗皯灏夊甫 夊啖琛旇偐绔犵殑琛 湇鍜岃 湇鍜岃 涔 涔 € € 笉 笉 笉杩囧啖锷熶笉鏄掳纴寰€骞村弬锷犳彁鍗小镄勮镄勮佸佸鍏鍏鍏粖骞粖骞粖骞200镄勪緷镞т笉浼氭湁鍐涜涓婄殑鎻愭嫈锛屽彧 chain 夊弬璧涘悕瑾夎 涔 涔€

鐢卞悇鍐涘尯鍙镐 鐢卞悇鍐涘尯鍙镐 棰佸彂缁欎粬浠纴闾 簺鏂 叺 each and everyone 婵 锷ㄥ缑涓嶈锛岀悍绾 锷ㄥ缑涓嶈锛岀悍绾 暚绀 暚绀 暚绀 劧钖庡弻 劧钖庡弻 劧钖庡弻 劧钖庡弻 劧钖庡弻 劧钖庡弻. Chain 嶈 涔 涔 悇鍒嚑涓︼缮鐪 悇鍒嚑涓︼缮鐪 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 锛宔 everyone everyone鎸 嫈镄勭珯绔嬬潃鎺ヨ 嫈镄勭珯绔嬬潃鎺ヨ 嫈镄勭珯绔嬬潃鎺ヨ

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涓 鍏 鍏 竴锏 竴锏 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩 綅澹叺鐩

Xu Cheng and the others all applauded and congratulated.

After the end of this session, the host said seriously: “Then, there are soldiers who invited us to the 51 to 100 in the jungle contest.”

The audience immediately gave a warm applause, and then the famous soldiers went out to stand in the middle of the aisle. After everyone went out, they marched on the podium with a well-ordered military step, then lifted their heads behind their hands. Standing on the chest.

The new recruits upgraded the ranks of the three ranks, such as the blank recruits directly to the former 100 ranks directly awarded the rank of captain. The veterans who have participated in more than three competitions can only promote one rank, lower than the three-level promotion. In this batch, Wu Hao and Yan Wei and Wang Ying are promoted to the rank of major, and Wang Ying is the only female soldier present. Many soldiers in the audience looked at her. Wang Ying just glanced at Xu Cheng on the front seat and found that he didn’t look at himself. He looked a little lost.

The Instructor on the stage directly gave them a way to award, a new set of clothes and certificates with military badges, as well as garlands to wear them, followed by a burst of applause.

Moderator: “So, let’s take the 11 to 50 rankings to the stage.”

Under another wave of applause, the soldiers who were named by the audience came to the stage and accepted the award. 11 to 50 promotion is similar to 51 to 100, except that there is an extra prize to commemorate the prize.

After the end of these links, the moderator said directly: “The next 10 position in the individual combat ranking with outstanding individual combat capability is outstanding. Please see the big screen.”

Behind the jungle on the big screen, a man holding a dagger to cut the picture of his opponent’s battle, his speed is very fast, and the discerning person recognizes him at a glance.

Iron stone!

This year’s competition individual combat power list – 10!

The screen is a collection of his shots from this competition. The audience gave a loud applause and sent a round of applause.

“I have the stone to go to the stage. He relied on his own personal team to remove the 28 soldiers from his opponent. The personal points reached the 10 position. Please.”

The stone has been stepping on the military step, and this time it was rewarded by the heads. A Guardian’s letter of appointment, a set of lieutenant colonel service and certificate, a medal for the competition.

Under the stage, the eye of the Guardian’s appointment was too hot. Every special soldier wanted to get a letter of appointment. Sometimes there are only 5~10 places in a year, and a Guardian’s letter of appointment proves the best embodiment of your strength. Even if the term of the future head is over, you will enter an important position in the military hub. Even if you retire, you will not be short of the rich to compete for hiring you as a bodyguard.

After the iron stone Lizheng salute, he took over the reward, and he did not forget to smile and shook hands with the head and expressed his privilege.

The close-fitting soldier next to the head was glanced at the Senior Brother who had just entered the Guards last time: “Junior Brother, almost got it.”

The iron stone didn’t work, the head haha ​​laughed out and took the iron’s shoulder so he could go.

Ye Qiu and the others also laughed at the stage and smiled at the stone: “This bastard still wants to take the opportunity to flatter, hahaha.”

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