483. Chapter 483 484: Do you want to be a dictator?

Xu Cheng’s manor house.

Rich and his Teacher sat on the sofa and looked at Xu Cheng, who was squatting on his legs.

鈥淲hat do you call?鈥?Xu Cheng asked Richie鈥檚 Teacher Road.


“Good name.” Xu Cheng laughed: “Who gave it to you?”

“I took it myself.” Caesar said: “I forgot the name of the past. I regained my name. My usual network name also uses this.”

“Caesar?” Stanson, who was sitting on his side, said: “Where I heard about this name, I feel so long.”

Caesar laughed: “We are the people who have been eliminated. Nowadays, many hackers and young people don’t know us. It’s normal. In the era when the Internet was new, hackers could do too little. After all, it was far from commercial value. At that time, the Internet was not yet fully accessible to the whole world, and the commercial value was not as high as it is now. At that time, the legal awareness of various defenses was weak, far from being so mastered. At that time, we couldn鈥檛 turn a big wave of anything. Ah, many hackers look down on the hackers of the past, and can鈥檛 remember my name. It鈥檚 normal. They think that there are times when the network police and technical masters are sitting everywhere. The hackers who can toss are the real masters. It鈥檚 like the previous ones. The Legendary star is not worthy of being recognized by the current star.”

Xu Cheng nodded.

Caesar looked at Xu Cheng and said, “I said what I should say. If you feel that I have something to help you with, please save my students.”

Xu Cheng said: “Mr. Rich, I have limited conditions here, or you have to choose one. It is to let your Teacher recover your hands, or to cure your illness!”

Rich: “How much do you have to save my Teacher?”

Xu Cheng: “60 percent!”

Rich: “Please save me Teacher!”

“Rich!” Caesar sighed interrupted Rich’s request and sighed: “I am just a knockout of an era.”

“Teacher, no one knows more than I know how much you can have a hand to operate the keyboard. I feel it. Every time you let me write an attack, you always think that I am not perfect, because I am not learning Yours! You have dreamed of how to avenge your vengeance in this life, don’t let it be a pity!”

Xu Cheng looked at Caesar lightly smiled with interest: “Can you listen to your story?”

Strangely said: “Do you know the organization of CARO? He is an organization specializing in the development of viruses. There are five members of the first generation! They attacked the entire Silicon Valley battle for a swallowing and anti-swallowing campaign. Later, The organization won! But they sinned! Four of them chose to surrender, and a leader of stubborn rebellious pride refused Diane! He was wanted after being betrayed by four members, and the most unacceptable to him was… The person who called the alarm was his family! In order to reward the wanted money!”

Caesar, who has been numb, is sitting so timidly at the brief remark.

Rich continued: “The four members later started to become the existence of more than $10 billion in the market value of each company. They became the influential figure on Wall Street, but at the beginning, they broke the arms of Teacher! Let him You can’t lick the keyboard anymore!”

Xu Cheng Emei: “Why break your arms?”

Rich: “Because in that organization, Teacher’s hacker name is the leader, Caesar, aka: dictator! The four of them know that if Teacher chooses to yield, the country will definitely let him go through the process and treat him, they I am afraid that Teacher will revenge them for the betrayal of the four people, so I chose to break his arms!”

Xu Cheng took a sip of cigarette and looked at Caesar and said, “Are you willing?”

鈥淣ot reconciled!鈥?Caesar said bluntly: 鈥淏ut what about it? It鈥檚 already late, it鈥檚 not enough for them. They have a billions of dollars in the market value of each and everyone, and a bodyguard can kill me! Besides being able to live like a dog, what else can you do? So you still save my students.”

Xu Cheng pointed to a laptop on the table and said, “It depends on you. There is a computer here. Now let me see your strength. I ask you to blacken the Swiss bank. I heard that their network security team. It鈥檚 World鈥檚 top, you can prove your worth.鈥?/p>

Caesar: “I don’t think it makes sense. My students are not focused enough on this situation. He can’t do a good job of some of the instructions I have explained. I just can’t beat the team and I will be aware of you.” The IP, no 10 minutes, your villa is estimated to be surrounded by the Security Bureau.”

Xu Cheng lightly smiled: “In this case, you can leave.”

After Caesar and Rich looked at each other, they stood up and walked out the door.

Not long after, Caesar bite his teeth and suddenly turned to look at towards Xu Cheng. “Give me a hand! I promise to blacken the Swiss bank for you! But… I still need you to save my students! The condition is, I will be What you use! No deadline!”

Xu Cheng made a finger: “What if you fail? Who knows if your current technology is out of date.”

Rich: “I am willing to replace my Teacher!”

Xu Cheng thought for a moment: “Well, Mr. Caesar, come with me first.”

Caesar walked over to follow Xu Cheng, who took him directly to the elevator in the basement.

Caesar looked at the head of Xu Cheng, curiously asked: “Why do you want a black Swiss bank?”

“After a while, they revealed my personal information to the FBI. They violated the principle first. If I don’t get back to the game, I will be a bit overwhelmed.”

Caesar frowned: “Can you really cure my hand?”

Xu Cheng: “You should ask what I will let you do in the future. Now this question is superfluous and show you a video.”

Xu Cheng took out his mobile phone and showed him a full-process video about how he recovered the foot of the bulldog.

After reading, Caesar looked at Xu Cheng directly: “Is this true? You didn’t fool me?”

“Are you a woman? Do you need me to fool you?” Xu Cheng dismissed, and when the elevator door opened, he went out first: “Come on.”

Caesar couldn’t help but ask: “What do you want me to do for you later?”

Xu Cheng said without saying back: “I want you to spread a net on the intelligence network of each country!”

Caesar blinked: “What do you want to do?”

Xu Cheng turned back and gave him a calm and calm smile, and then he said one word at a time: “I like your screen name and its meaning!”

Caesar’s eyes widened out in surprise: “Do you want to be a dictator?”

鈥淗ey.鈥?Xu Cheng did an awkward move: 鈥淪mall voice, don鈥檛 be killed in the cradle.鈥?/p>

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