“Ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! ”


Next to the log cabin where Su Li lived.

The newly added bear apprentice is training against Caidou’s eight-clawed martial artist.

A face similar to that of a panda, plus a strong kung fu momentum.

Let Su Li, a Chinese person, have a special feeling for it.

“Elf battles, is it really that interesting?” Look at the bear apprentices and eight-clawed warriors sweating under the high sun, punching and kicking each other.

Lilia hugged Little Nebula and said to herself.

“Huh? Liliai, have you never tried elf battles? ”

Cai Dou next to him said curiously.

Lilia looked a little cryptic

“Hmm… Although Mom is very good at elf battles, but…”

When talking about the back, Liliai suddenly thought of the things her mother did, I am afraid that they could not be casually described as she said, and hurriedly choked the second half back into her stomach.

Caidou blinked and didn’t ask more.

Continue to command the eight-clawed warriors, and they continue to cultivate.

He must break through the Heavenly King level as soon as possible and strive to gain the strength to compete with the Dan Emperor.


Just like that, the pattern is still too small.

To completely defeat the Dan Emperor and become the new champion.

In this way, we can live up to the guidance of the master.


The sudden sound of hemp calling made Caidou, who was practicing boxing, snort.

A clear look of unhappiness flashed in his eyes.

Lilia also turned her head to look in the direction where the voice came from.

What came into view was a beautiful woman dressed boldly and openly, with long black skin and hair.

“So beautiful…”

Liliai sighed in a low voice, thinking that she could be compared with her mother, right?

In the next second, I saw the other party suddenly throw himself into Su Li’s arms, tiptoe under Liliai’s blushing gaze, and was ready to …

However, this time, Su Li stretched out her hand to cover Lulina’s Fangxiu, signaled her to look to the side, and reminded:

“And children, pay attention.”

“This kid is?”

Lulina bowed down and cast her curious gaze at Liliai.

Su Li briefly described the origin of Liliai.

Liliai bowed a little timidly and introduced herself

“You, hello, I’m Liliai, now, working here with Mr. Su Li and learning the knowledge of elves.”


Lulina dragged the long tone and looked Liliai up and down.

The other party who watched was uncomfortable.

“Why, do you look at me like that? It was the same before the colored beans, is there anything strange about me? ”

Lilia thought with self-doubt in her heart.

And Lulina’s heart also gushed with the same thoughts as when Cai Dou first met Liliai:

“It feels like my eyes and Li…”

But also with Caidou, Lulina didn’t think much about it, thinking that it was just a simple coincidence.

“Lulina, how did the investigation of that strange cave before?”

Su Li changed the subject.

“Well, according to Sonia’s investigation, it is suspected that it is a legend handed down from ancient times in the Alora region – the Cave of the Extreme.”

Lulina took Su Li’s arm and explained

“It is said that the Alora region has a space that connects to another world, and once destroyed, the elves living in the other world will come to our side.”

“Elves of another world?”

Cai Dou turned his head to look at the poisonous babe who was playing with the bear apprentice.

Indeed, it feels like the style of painting is not quite the same.

Liliai secretly bowed her head, and a drop of cold sweat fell from her white face.

Wise choice did not join the discussion on this topic.

This…… Isn’t this what my mother came up with before?

Lulina also said that this matter had been informed of the Endarola Elf Alliance, and the people over there would deal with it.

What is more worthy of attention now is the turmoil caused by Su Li.

It was the same thing that came to Osiris earlier.

It must have attracted many trainers to the Crown Snowfield.

In unwitting small talk.

The setting sun has set on the horizon.

“I’ll go cook.”

Under the expectant gaze of Poison Babe, Xiong Apprentice and other snack goods, Su Li smiled slightly, got up and walked to the kitchen.

“Honey, I’ll help you!”

Lulina couldn’t wait to stick to Su Li and immediately followed.

“The relationship between Mr. Su Li and Miss Lulina is so good…”

Lily Ai said enviously.

If Dad is still there, Mom will definitely be like Miss Lulina, pestering him all day and night, right?

“Huh? Miss Caidou, what are you doing? ”

At this time, Liliai found that Cai Dou had brought a large amount of hay and spread it under a large tree far away from the wooden house.

“Just call my name, we’re not much older than that.”

Colored Bean made the hay into a simple bed and replied:

“I’m going to sleep outside tonight, do you want to go together?”

“This… Why not sleep in the house? ”

Lilia was puzzled.

Cai Dou didn’t know what to think, and the coffee-colored face flashed an unnatural blush, tilted his face to the other side, and stumbled:

“Anyway, I reminded you anyway, don’t, don’t regret it.”

Liliai’s little head tilted.

I don’t understand the meaning of colored beans at all.

PS: Plus more dedication, wait for more later.

The body has not yet recovered, please understand, at least for now I must maintain the update speed.

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