Admiral in the Marvel Universe

: Finish this testimonial


The first book of Orange Cat is finally officially finished!

emmm... I don't seem to be very happy, but no matter what, it is a wish. After all, no author wants to be a eunuch, and everyone wants to write their book completely, and I am no exception to the orange cat.

This book was created and ended today, exactly 250 days, with 485 chapters and a total of 1.11 million words.

For half a year, except for the strange numbers, everything else is fine. Thank you readers, thank you for being able to see the end.

After I have finished my thoughts, let’s talk about the new book. I have some ideas. It’s still a fan.

In the past few days of the National Day holiday, I will save some manuscripts first, and I will post them after the holiday. This book has suffered from the pain of not saving manuscripts, and it must not be like this again.

There is a saying that the author of the novel only knows the plot in three or two minutes than the reader, and I am a orange cat... that's not the case!

I do outlines, detailed outlines, and chapter outlines.

But... the author, there are always a few days every month. Sometimes I sit in front of the computer and buckle my feet, but I just don't want to write, obviously all the preparations are done, and the storyline is straightened out, but I just don't want to write!

So, this time I must save the manuscript!

Not only to save, but to save a lot!

That's it, I've finished what I wanted to say, so see you after the National Day.

Oh, and one more thing!

Here, the orange cat wishes the readers a happy holiday, fun to eat, and the best to be happy.

The orange cat is different. The fortune teller once said that I would be trapped by love. I always thought that orange would be love, but I never expected it to be an epidemic!

There is one more thing, although it is National Day, this book will still write a chapter or two extra chapters.

And... no, this time it's really gone╰( ̄ω ̄o)

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