Adore Trick of Beauty

Chapter 561: Sum

"Emperor!" Father Gong Lin looked at his increasingly indifferent face because of his hard days, and couldn't help but be sad: "Emperor, don't blame the queen mother, she must be forced to be a queen mother!"

Xiao Fengzhen was just silent, his thin lips clenched.

"The emperor ..." the father-in-law said again, and the old tears twitched. "The old slave couldn't bear to see the emperor embarrass herself like this. The queen mother is a good woman, she must not be so uncomfortable as others. She also has the emperor's dragon son, she What if she is not in the palace alone? "

Xiao Fengxi was motionless, the wind blew through his hair, melodious, with a sense of vegetation. He suddenly remembered that in the past, it was autumn season, and in the vast grassland, her eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky.

She shyly said, "Phoenix ..."

At that moment, he clearly saw her sincerely, and timidly wanted to approach him.

The wind blew, and something seemed to fall into his eyes, sour that he could not help closing his eyes: "I understand, Limbo stepped down."

"Go to order. Rush march eighty miles. Battle Yuncheng!" He said slowly, after finishing speaking, turned over his horse, raised his whip, and the horse under his body hissed, and flew far ahead to the looming Yuncheng.

Wind hunting, the water in his eyes had gradually dried up, he looked at the vast grassland in front of him, Qing Jun's face was gradually hardened by the wind as stone carving.

Ying Jing, Ying Guo, and the whole look of the city, when he finally looked back one day, would she still be there and still smile? ...


At the end of June of the fourth year of Wu De, Rui Wang Xiao Fengqing established Taiji as the emperor and Queen Nie as her queen. Independence as the regent king commanded the Six Army. In the same month, Xiao Fengxun, who was far away in the north, sent 30,000 light rides to take Qindi Cloud City. Under the two loaves, Yelutu failed to join the army and was defeated. He led 3,000 remnants overnight and fled to Mobei along the old path of escape.

Unexpectedly, before Yelutu had fled, he was forced back by Xiao Fengyu on the road set in Mobei. There is no way forward, Yuncheng has been broken backwards, and the sleeve set by Xiao Fengyi is slowly tightening, trapping Yelutu, which is trying to make a comeback, on a place called Luoyunpo.

On the small hill, there are three thousand soldiers and horses fighting against Yelutu, and Xiao Fengying's cavalry, densely crowded under the mountain, is like a cloud of clouds, thick and dense.

Among the military tents, Xiao Fengxi sat in front of the lamp and looked at the endgame in front of him. It took him a long time to move. The candlelight swayed, reflecting his cold and elegant side.

"Wushuang, it's your time ..." he asked abruptly, suddenly.

After waiting for a long time, I suddenly looked up, but found that the other side was empty.

The glare of his eyes suddenly darkened, and his heart writhed, and the pain spread unconsciously to the extremities. He loves playing chess, and always feels that life is like a chess game. As long as each step is designed, he can slowly get the victory he wants. But now, is he playing chess or is he playing chess? !!

This game is called a chess game in the world. How much he is sure? Every step he had done, but he just felt like he had lost everything ...

"Emperor Qi, Yelutu sent envoys to negotiate with the emperor." Someone whispered outside.

"I don't see it." Xiao Fengxuan squeezed the **** in his hand and said lightly.

"This ... Emperor Qilu, Yelutu sent someone to say that the emperor must meet the envoy when he sees this thing." Outside the royal account, the soldier continued.

Xiao Fengxian finally looked away from the chessboard, and Shen said, "Come on."

After a while, the soldiers outside the imperial tent handed a lacquer pan covered with silk cloth. Xiao Fengzhen took it away, and on the lacquer plate, a delicately crafted dragon-shaped dagger lay quietly. The familiar dagger seemed to pass by the chic and spirited spirit of the two men who had bounded to Tianshan together.

He looked for a long time, and said lightly, "Okay. Let the envoy meet you."

The soldier responded, and after a while, entered a Qin man with a beard and a beard. Xiao Fengyi looked at him and smiled down, "Brother Yelu, you have to disguise yourself when you come to see you? Isn't this extra?"

Yerutu sat opposite him silently, tearing off the fake beard on his cheek, revealing his true features. In the past, the cold and arrogant and unruly, now only half of the body is left, Xiaosuo half.

"It's so much for you. You have a chance to win tonight, but for my three thousand warriors, I went down the mountain alone to make peace, but it was a fatal blow to their morale." Yerutu said slowly.

Xiao Fengxuan watched the lights out, and ordered the people outside the account to bring drinks and pour a glass for him: "The Qin people worship the warriors, and your pain of going downhill to seek peace is also for their lives. It is really difficult for you."

Xiao Fengxuan's hand brushed the dragon-shaped dagger on the table, and he said for a long time: "If you are not the emperor of Qin State, I am not the emperor of Ying State. At the time, I was commensurate with your brother, and I am in love with Jin Lan, and I am not happy to swim in rivers and lakes?

Yerutu smiled coldly: "You should know that this day is impossible."

Xiao Feng said for a long time, "Yes, this is impossible."

He took back his thoughts and put the dagger in his arms: "You can kill you without killing you. From tomorrow on, you will take these three thousand Qin people and never step into the Qin land."

Yerutu trembled, and looked at Xiao Fengyu who was light and windy in front of him. He only found out that everyone had underestimated his determination, and that he was exhausted and calmed down and determined.

"Okay." Yelutu finally lowered his proud head, and the blood of Qin Ren's brave and fierce fighting stirred up in his heart, but he knew that as long as Xiao Feng was in this life, he would not be able to return to his country, and he would no longer be able to enter his homeland. .

"Let's go." Xiao Fengyi held up a glass of water and wine, staring at his former brother and his current enemies.

Jarutu raised his glass and drank silently. He lowered his glass, covered his face suddenly, and wept silently. The man bleeds without tears, but since then he really can't come back.

Xiao Fengyi looked at him silently, the candlelight swayed, and the standing water in the royal tent was generally quiet. Erutu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, raised his head, and said suddenly, "One thing still needs you to know."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Fengyi asked.

"In the matter of Kunlun Tianshan's fire against Kirin, Xiao Fengqing's rebellion and my leadership's counterattack were actually premeditated." Yelutu said.

****** I'm sorry, so much more today, something went out tonight.

To make things better, I can only hope that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

Weakly said, asking for a monthly ticket ...

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