Adore Trick of Beauty

Chapter 564: Return (3)

More? better? It turned out that he kept thinking that way. But how could he be the same as him ...

Nie Wushuang looked at him and finally turned away: "If you want to cut Qi, you must ask Gu Qinghong. Only he is familiar with everything about Qi Guo."

"How did he say that? Wasn't he vowing to protect Qi Kingdom at the beginning?" Xiao Fengqing saw that she finally accepted his heart, and a ecstasy filled her heart, her cold eyes gradually softened.

"He will." Nie Wushuang sighed in a long breath: "He is now a relative country of Ying Guo, and he will not stick to these stigmata. Moreover, unified the world, it is also good for the people of both countries."

She rolled her eyes: "If you refuse to go to him, I will go to him."

"No need!" Xiao Fengqing's eyes flickered unnaturally: "I don't allow you to see him!"

Nie Wushuang stunned, and the sorrowfulness just disappeared, his face slightly red, and he was annoyed, "You ... I will not be with him ..."

Xiao Fengqing snorted coldly: "Gu Qinghong doesn't like this king. I don't look right at him when I look at him. Is everything he has done before can be cancelled because he helped the king and you now?"

Xiao Fengqing spoke very sharply. Nie Wushuang remembered the deep hatred of the blood in the beginning, and his eyes were dark, and Xiao Suo surged in his heart. At this time, hate and hate were raised again, as if it were a thing of the past life, so long. But the mood of hate and madness was half gone now. Time really is a potent medicine, which makes people gradually forget the original intention in the suffering of the world ...

"That being the case, I will not see him in the future." She finished and turned slowly away.

Xiao Fengqing watched her leave sadly and wanted to chase, but watched that there were courtiers waiting in the palace, she could only turn away with resentment.


Rolling 100,000 troops, like clouds, swept from Qin Di. The Yu Party, who had just defeated Yelutu, rebelled. The morale of Ying Ying, who swept the entire Qin Dynasty, was high. Everyone thought about it, and was eager to fight back to his hometown, drive away the chaotic thieves, and return to the kingdom of Ming Dynasty.

Among the dragons, Xiao Fengxi looked at the secret battle report in his hands and frowned deeply.

According to the battle report, Xiao Fengqing decided to attack Qi State and is stepping up his training to prepare to break through the Qi National Defense Line in Qijiang area. If Qixia Pass is a dagger inserted by Qi State in Qi State, then breaking Qijiang area is equivalent to destroying Qi State. The dagger ripped open a huge opening.

Qi State has been weak for a long time. As long as the defense line around the Minjiang River is completely breached, the entire Qi State is invincible, and there is no natural danger to rely on, then in the end-Qi State will undoubtedly die!

The hand holding the battle report repair was trembling slightly. Xiao Feng shuddered it into a ball, and his heart was not shaken. He found more and more that he did not understand Xiao Fengqing, the fifth brother who was special to him.

At this time, how is Qi Qi the best time for him? Not to mention that Yinguo is now fragmented, and the princes from all over the country have started to join forces. It is said that the news he has received shows that Xiao Fengqing's army is full of factions, and several generals are fighting each other. Why did he Xiao Fengqing act so recklessly?

The more he thought about his brows, the more he locked them. After thinking about it for a long time, a faint light flashed across his mind: Is it for her? ...

My heart suffocated suddenly, and the battle report that was tightly grouped in my hand started hurriedly. Sure enough, Xiao Fengqing would personally lead 100,000 stone grains and grass to Qixia Pass, isn't that where her brother is?

The battle report in his hand fell to the ground, Xiao Fengying looked at the empty palm, and suddenly smiled bitterly, yes, only he can be so crazy, knowing that he can't do it, knowing that he is going to send his teacher back to Beijing, and still go all out.

In his mind, was this rebellion for the throne or for her? !!

"Bang!" He slammed the tea beside him.

The father-in-law, Lin Feng, who followed Long Yong, heard the sound and quickly climbed up, looked at Xiao Feng's complexion, and asked carefully, "Why is the emperor angry?"

Xiao Fengxian was fascinated for a long time, and then he said in a cold voice: "Passing on the will of the army, the three armed forces rest day and night, non-stop, rush to Yingjing!"

"Ah-but-the emperor, it is very fast." Gong Lin was surprised.

"Don't you hear what I said?" Xiao Feng exclaimed angrily: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Yes ..." Father-in-law Lin had never seen him so angry, and was so frightened that he rolled away from the dragonfly.

The sound of shouting and drinking in front was the sound of the soldier being instructed to speed up his pace. The dragon underneath shuddered forward and became more bumpy. The scenery on both sides flew back quickly.

Xiao Feng closed her eyes suddenly, a voice in her heart was saying, too late, too late ...


Yinfeng Taichung was a mess.

Nie Wushuang instructed the maid to pack things. Many maids took the things and showed them to her. She either shook her head or nodded. More often, she was just silent, or she was foolish. The maids did not dare to interrupt her thinking, and gradually, they quietly retreated.

Nie Wushuang was sitting on the chair, stroking the protruding abdomen for nearly five months, and she could feel the children happily moving hands and feet inside.

"He's leaving ..." She suddenly said to it. In the empty palace, only her voice was sparse and cold: "He's going to fight for me ... I don't want to listen to him ..."

She lowered her head and watched the light and shadow of the golden bricks on the ground move slowly. How could the years in this palace be so long and endless ...

A gentle footsteps sounded behind him, and Nie Wushuang looked up suddenly and saw Xiao Fengqing standing in the light and shadow, opened his mouth, and barely stood up and smiled: "Are you here?"

She said, turned and walked in, and laughed: "I packed some clothes for you. I don't know if it will work or not, there are some ..."

She picked up the baggage that the palace woman had just packed up, her hands shaking somehow, and she shook off the ground. The mess in the place made her stunned. She just wanted to squat down to pick it up, and a pair of slightly cold hands held her.

"Let them clean up." Xiao Fengqing held her, and whispered, "Are you sad?"


Continue rolling for monthly pass, monthly pass monthly pass …………

Xinkeng's "Beauty Conspiracy: Poisoned City" please be kindly collected, so that when the demon Queen is finished, you forgot that there was a female paper with a bitter code in the red sleeve.

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