After only one day’s rest, Lin Zhenyi’s injuries fully recovered, and he turned his head to search for and pursue the remnant party of the attacker.

It can be seen that she was very angry at the attack on the Special Affairs Division that night.

On the other hand, although aunt has agreed to join Nightsong, Lin Lichuan is still an ordinary citizen before the official appointment order, and there is no need to do anything for the time being. The only change is that there is no need to hide the aunt. Act secretly, you can just and honorable go out for training.

On the way back from the training location, when passing the streets near the community, you can clearly see that there is a huge deep hole in the center of the road, and the edges are covered with densely packed cracks. The little burnt scars and dark brown blood stains were all left over from the battle that night on the 12th.

It is said to be the traces of an armored vehicle after the explosion.

The battle that night frightened many citizens. Up to now, Linyang City has not recovered from the panic and fear caused by the attack. There are few people on the street and deserted.

Looking at the bleak street, and then thinking of what Lin Zhenyi said, what is about to come in troubled times, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help feeling gloomy, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses and exhale. .

“It’s too early to consider this, and there is still two or three years to go. As long as I improve my strength as soon as possible and break through to the Knight Rank, even if the star disaster does come, I will have enough power to protect myself. “

Throwing the mixed thoughts behind, Lin Lichuan turned to think about the improvement of his strength.

Reishi Air-Walking Skill is currently steadily improving. After so many days of training, he has been able to move in the air at a normal running speed. You only need to be proficient for a few more days before you can start trying to compete with Shunpo. Fusion.

If he succeeds, his movement speed and agility in the air will probably surpass many Bird Shifters at that time, and the battle strength will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Apart from this, the enhancement points accumulated in these days have reached more than 700 points, which he added to Shunpo, raising Shunpo’s level to LV 2, and the enhancement points required for the upgrade At the same time, it increased from 500 to 1,000.

“Kidō Level should almost be improved.” Lin Lichuan muttered to himself.

His current Kidō Level is LV 3, as long as he promotes a level to LV 4, he will be able to chantless Hadō and Bakudō below #40. Then he can be released directly in battle without incanation Sōkatsui.

With his current Reiatsu Level, even if he is half-powered by Sōkatsui, his damage cannot be underestimated. Even if the Gold Rank is facing a shot from the front, it would not be comfortable. If it is a Silver Rank opponent, then If you don’t die, you have to be seriously injured.

Apart from this, there are also many practical skills in the Bakudō at the beginning of the thirties, such as [Shitotsu Sansen] that can seal the enemy’s actions and [Enkōsen] that has strong defensive characteristics.

If these two Bakudō can master the chantless technique, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the improvement of battle strength.

As his thoughts flew, Lin Lichuan had unconsciously returned to the neighborhood, and suddenly he caught a familiar silhouette from the corner of his eye. Turning his head to look around, he couldn’t help but slightly startled.

The man also discovered his existence at this time, and immediately waved his arms happily, loudly shouted:


While still running quickly towards him.

It is Ren Yanan who went to train in the mountains before.

“When did you come back?”

Lin Lichuan looked at the girl who hadn’t seen in front of him for a long time. It seemed that it was because she had been in the mountains for a while. It’s a little deeper, but compared to other high school girls, it still looks very fair and delicate, with the youthful aura unique to girls of this age.

hearing this, Ren Yanan scratched his head and laughed and said: “Just now, and then passed by here, didn’t expect to meet you. It’s a fate.”

Lin Lichuan laughed, Asked: “How are you training?”

Ren Yanan puffed up his chest and said proudly: “It’s very smooth. I have broken through to the new realm. Now I am much better than before.”

While speaking, he made a fist.

Lin Lichuan’s heart moved.

Ren Yanan’s previous strength was already very close to the Silver Rank. Now that he breaks through again, isn’t it an official promotion to the Silver Rank?

His eyes fell involuntarily on the girl’s fist, and suddenly he wanted to see the power of boxing that was comparable to bullets.

“Ah, by the way, I said that I will invite you to dinner when I come back. It’s better to meet by chance, just today…” Ren Yanan said, touching his pocket. As a result, the words suddenly stopped in the next second, and his excited face instantly collapsed, “I forgot that I didn’t bring my wallet.”

Lin Lichuan laughed involuntarily: “It’s okay, then I will invite you.”


“No, I said it was my treat. I can’t regret what I said.” Ren Yanan expression seriously shake the head said.

“Will the day be changed?”

“Also, then tomorrow!”

Lin Lichuan nodded, he just has 45 crystal stone on hand, You can draw a few rounds of Ren Yanan’s good luck, if you can draw one or two hands like Hyōrinmaru and Shinsō Zanpakutō, which is practical and powerful.

I made an appointment with Ren Yanan and watched the girl leave happily. Lin Lichuan turned around and walked into the community, and soon returned home.

As a result, I opened the door and was surprised to find that Lin Zhenyi was actually in the living room.

She should still be busy outside at this time.

“It just happened to be back, Lichuan, I have something for you.”

Look at Lin Lichuan, Lin Zhenyi showed a smile on his face, got up from the sofa, and stretched out his hand. Hand the thing to him.

Lin Lichuan took a closer look, but it is a clown mask with very exquisite workmanship and a beautiful and beautiful work. The overall size is about the size of a coin, and it is very delicate and compact.

“What is this?”

Lin Lichuan looked curious, took the mask and looked at it carefully. The touch felt a bit like plasticine, but it was very flexible. Squeeze it slightly and loosen your fingers, and the deformed mask will immediately return to its original shape.

“This is a clown mask.” Lin Zhenyi said with a smile, “Didn’t I say it before, to solve the problem of hiding your identity, the key is this Item.”

Lin Zhenyi nodded his forehead, “As long as you put the clown mask on your forehead, you can change the appearance and aura and become another person completely.”

“So amazing?” Lin Lichuan looked at the small mask in his hand in surprise. Didn’t expect this world actually has items as wonderful as the items in the Shinigami Shop.

“Why did this mask come from?”

“I asked a friend of ability user to make it. His ability happens to be able to make similar items, but the validity period is only 100 days. I will ask him for one again after time, okay, let’s try it now.”

Lin Lichuan showed the expression of be eager to have a try on his face, and Yiyan came to the bathroom to wash his hands. In front of the stage, facing the mirror, stick the clown mask on his forehead.

The cold touch came. When he released his palm, the clown mask was already close to his forehead, and then it was slowly disappeared. At the same time, the face in the mirror gradually changed.

The eyebrows are slightly raised, the cheeks are sunken inward, the cheekbones are slightly convex forward, and the skin becomes slightly rough and darker. In general, every part has undergone slight changes, and these The small changes come together, and the result is a complete change in appearance.

Lin Lichuan clicking one’s tongue in wonder looked at the stranger in the mirror.

Compared with his slightly green face before, his current appearance is much more mature, about equivalent to 25-26 years old, and aura has also undergone significant changes, with a touch of The silk is decadent, numb, and vicissitudes of life, if you insist on describing it, it seems like it has been beaten by society.

“Yes, the effect is very good. If I didn’t see you change appearance with my own eyes, I would not recognize you even if I met you on the street.” Lin Zhenyi on the side was nodded with satisfaction,” The only drawback is that he cannot change his body shape.”

Lin Lichuan is also very satisfied. As for the body shape, it is not a big problem. There are more people with similar body shape. The probability associated with the original identity is not great, and it can be concealed to a certain extent by dressing.

“I finally don’t need to wear a mask in the future.” Lin Lichuan touched his forehead. Although the clown mask is not visible from the outside, it still exists. As long as you touch the forehead, you can still feel its shape.

After experimenting for a while, Lin Lichuan took off the clown mask and left the bathroom with Lin Zhenyi.

“There is one more thing I want to tell you. The Nightsong Headquarters in the capital has a temporary job. I have to leave Linyang tonight.”

“So urgent?” Lin Lichuan surprisedly said.

“After all, Nightsong has just been reorganized, and there are a lot of things to be busy.” Lin Zhenyi laughed, “In addition, I have reported your joining Nightsong, and I said hello in advance. It shouldn’t take long. It can be approved. At that time, certificates and other things will be sent directly to the Military Affairs Bureau of Linyang City, and Meng Xiaotong will notify you. Then you can go with her to get it. If you don’t understand, you can ask her.”

Lin Lichuan nodded said that he understands that this can be regarded as the Imperial court who can handle things easily.

Speaking of which aunt or Nightsong Apostle is already one of Nightsong’s four highest leaders in terms of status, and its influence is self-evident.

The feeling of holding the thigh is pretty good.

With a few more instructions, Lin Zhenyi left energetic and bustling.

The silence in the living room was restored in a blink of an eye.

Lin Lichuan was taken aback for a while, then opened the personal panel and cast his gaze on the Crystal Stone Column.

“There are 45 crystal stones left, you can draw 4 cards.”

“But you can’t use them all, you have to reserve some.”

The more practical recovery medicine in the store, such as Jiyō Kyōsōzai and Hojiku-Zai, requires crystal stone exchange. The exchange price of the latter is even as high as 5 crystal stone. With the addition of Nightsong, there may be more emergencies in the future. Part of the crystal stone must be reserved to exchange for medicine at critical moments.

While thoughts are revolving, Lin Lichuan has made a decision.

“draw three cards, reserve 15 crystal stone for backup.”

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