Lin Lichuan originally wanted to exchange the credit for this mission in exchange for a large amount of meteor stone. As a result, the didn’t expect operation had just started and almost fell into the trap of Qianyuan.

Obviously, there was a traitor inside Nightsong, and the plan of the assassination was leaked to Qianyuan Military ahead of time. This is what happened tonight.

I was overcast for no reason. If there is no anger, it is impossible. If there is an opportunity, Lin Lichuan will never let go of the hidden mastermind.

After listening to Lin Lichuan’s words, Meng Xiaotong couldn’t help being silent.

Indeed, she hates the traitor who caused herself and Lin Lichuan to fall into the danger zone from the bottom of her heart, and she can’t wait to get it out and kill it immediately. If there is a way to know who the hidden mastermind is, then she really can’t. Let it go.

Traitor is a kind of creature that makes people hate it. If you don’t find it out, you might be stabbed in the back again.

After hesitating for a while, Meng Xiaotong was still nodded after all.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan said in a condensed voice: “Although our own safety is first, it is useless to think more about it now. When it comes to Huangpo City, we will make plans depending on the situation.”

“Let’s get out of here now.”

Lin Lichuan controlled the reiatsu barrier to drill out the sludge, moved towards the river surface, and floated towards the river. After recognizing the direction, he dived into the bottom of the river again and moved along the river. In the direction of speed, swept forward.

The reiatsu barrier itself does not have the ability to move. It is driven by the user itself. It’s okay to say on the ground, but in the river, the water in the photosphere is exhausted again, and there is no focus. Lin Lichuan wanted to move thanks to Tentōken’s flight ability. The speed was not slow, but Reiatsu dissipated quickly under double consumption.

Walking for more than an hour, only once encountered an enemy passing by. From the aura induction, it seems to be just a Silver Rank Transcendent, but Lin Lichuan did not choose to do it, but quickly sneaked into the bottom of the sludge. , Wait for that person to leave.

Killing the pursuer here is equivalent to exposing your position.

When Reiatsu consumed more than 80%, Lin Lichuan stopped driving, took Meng Xiaotong ashore, found a hidden place to rest in the forest by the river, and restored Reiatsu.

The sky is already bright. After more than an hour on the road, Lin Lichuan estimated that the two of them had already run 70-80 km, and the distance to Huangpo City was less than 50 km. Waiting for Reiatsu to recover completely. It’s about an hour or so to arrive.

“It seems that what you expected was correct. Qianyuan hardly sent many chasers in the direction to Huangpo City. After walking so far, we only encountered an enemy once.” Meng Xiaotong With joy now, I sat down on a rock, turned my head and met Lin Lichuan’s line of sight, the pretty face involuntarily blushed slightly.

In the hour or so just now, she was held back by Lin Lichuan all the way. After all, it is not easy to spread the blood wings in the reiatsu barrier. Only by holding Lin Lichuan can she move with her.

Although she had no choice but to grow up, she had never had such close contact with the opposite sex. After landing, she was completely confused for a while.

This will meet Lin Lichuan again, and she suddenly feels uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the light is dim in the forest, Lin Lichuan not at all noticed her strangeness, hearing this lightly nodded, pondered then said: “From the situation last night, a large number of people gathered in Taiyang City The high-end transcendent battle strength in Huangpo City is going down, and there are too many transcendent power It shouldn’t be in Huangpo City.”

Lin Lichuan is not clear about Qianyuan’s garrison force, but the contrast empire is here. The transcendent power invested in the second war can roughly reverse the strength of Qianyuan, and the two sides will inevitably not be too far apart.

As far as he has understood during this period, even if Nightsong and the military are included, the Empire’s Gold Rank battle strength in the occupied territories will not exceed 20 at most, and the Knight Rank, as far as he knows, is only Shu Xinge of Nightsong Chief and the highest commanding officer Lieutenant General Wiseman of Iron Rock Legion.

And Qianyuan’s high-end transcendent battle strength should not be too far apart. Taiyang City alone gathered at least one Knight and seven or eight Gold Rank Transcendents, plus other frontline cities. Transcendent power, Gold Rank Transcendent that can still stay in Huangpo City, the number will not be too much.

As for the Knight Rank, such an important battle strength impossible at this time is still behind.

“Thinking about it this way, Huangpo City’s team may not fail to succeed in probability.”

Lin Lichuan’s mind became active.

On the other end, Meng Xiaotong also lowered his head, his fair calf swayed, wondering what he was thinking.

The forest fell into silence for a while.

About two hours later, the sky was completely lit up, the morning sun rose east, and the morning fog surrounding the trees gradually thinned.

Lin Lichuan came back to his senses from his meditation and felt it intently, and found that Reiatsu had recovered to more than 60%, so he got up from the stone and said to Meng Xiaotong, “Let’s go. “

“Uh, oh, oh, okay.”

Meng Xiaotong was immersed in his thoughts and woke up when he heard the sound. He quickly got up from the stone and hesitated. He bowed his head and walked slowly towards Lin Lichuan.

Lin Lichuan glanced suspiciously at the girl who behaved a bit strangely, but didn’t ask much, just gently embraced her waist, took out the Miniature Reishūkaku, thoughts move, and the reiatsu barrier immediately appeared around her body. Then he moved horizontally and swept out without force, and sank into the river with a whoosh.

silent journey.

About an hour later, Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong arrived in Huangpo City smoothly.

The two found a vacant house in the suburbs and took a rest. It was not until Lin Lichuan Reiatsu was fully recovered that he was going to explore.

After the assassination last night, his and Meng Xiaotong’s false identities must have been exposed, and most of them appeared on Qianyuan’s wanted list. Although Meng Xiaotong’s appearance has changed, he may not be fooled. enemy.

But he is different. As long as he takes off the clown mask and returns to his original appearance, he doesn’t have to worry about being recognized by the enemy.

Although Qianyuan tried to kidnap him before, it is estimated that no one remembers him anymore. After all,’Lin Lichuan’ is just an insignificant ordinary people.

When he came to the street in the city, Lin Lichuan, like other citizens, pretended to be walking forward with his head down, secretly watching the army passing by on the street.

Huangpo City is not the forefront area after all. Although the atmosphere is also solemn and patrolling troops can often be seen on the streets, it is not at all like Taiyang City.

And this also gave him a chance to act.

As early as in Taiyang City, Lin Lichuan asked Wang Li for information about Huangpo City and Zhou Guanghuan. After reading it, I remembered it deeply in my mind. This will come in handy.

According to the description on intelligence, Zhou Guanghuan stays in the barracks most of the time, even if he sleeps and eats. It’s not because he loves soldiers like a child and wants to eat and live with the soldiers, but Because he feels the safest to stay in the barracks.

“This guy really did not live up to his timid and cautious comments.”

Recalling the intelligence in his mind, Lin Lichuan could not help being grinned.

It is impossible to catch Zhou Guanghuan and break into the barracks. He can only start when he leaves the barracks. If you want to do this, you have to monitor the inflow and outflow of the barracks.

According to the original plan, this information will be provided by the imperial spy lurking in Huangpo City. However, after last night’s events, Lin Lichuan decided not to contact the imperial spy here.

better safe than sorry, if someone in the latter was involved in last night’s affairs, contacting them would be tantamount to sending yourself into Fire Pit again.

“It’s better to rely on yourself.”

Lin Lichuan muttered to himself, suddenly slowed down, and calmly looked at the surrounding situation next year, confirming it with the information in his memory. It was quickly determined.

With a flick of his finger, he threw away a small bottle quietly and quietly on the ground not far away.

After that, Lin Lichuan observed all around and saw that it did not attract anyone’s attention, so he walked into the opposite restaurant leisurely and sat down to order.

For high-ranking military generals like Zhou Guanghuan, there is naturally a dedicated staff officer group around him. Among them is a Lieutenant Staff Officer called Mercer. Zhou Guanghuan arrived in Huangpo City from the local defense team. Officers promoted in force.

As a local, Mercer had to spend the night in the barracks because of Zhou Guanghuan’s habits, but he would return home for two or three days to eat every week, and this street corner was the only way he would go home. road.

It is not fixed when Mercer will go home. Lin Lichuan thought he would have to wait for two or three days. Not long after he sat down, he saw a car slowly passing by.

Through the open window, you can see a young officer in his thirties sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Good luck.”

After a slight daze, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, and immediately manipulated the Monitoring Bacteria to float over and land precisely on Mercer.

When the car passed by, he quickly finished the food, packed another portion, and left the restaurant naturally.

Back to the hiding place, Meng Xiaotong greeted him as soon as he entered the door.

“How is the situation?”

“Some gains.” Lin Lichuan slightly smiled, handing her the food, “Eat first, and talk about it later.”

Monitoring Bacteria has been set up. The next step is to wait for the opportunity. As long as Zhou Guanghuan leaves the barracks, he will have the opportunity to do it himself.

But before that, it is best to determine the garrison force around the target.

“Unfortunately, the information provided by Wang Li did not mention this information in detail, otherwise I would save a lot of trouble.”

Taking advantage of Meng Xiaotong’s efforts, Lin Lichuan I opened the monitoring light screen and was surprised to find that Mercer had left home and was about to return to the barracks.

Not long after he arrived at the military camp, he hurriedly stepped into the camp after getting off the car at the door, came to a spacious house, and knocked gently on the door.

“Come in.”

An old voice came from inside.

Mercer pushed in.

Through his vision, Lin Lichuan saw that four or five people had been in the house, all of them Military Officials with epaulettes on their shoulders, sitting on either side of the long conference table.

The one sitting at the top was an old man with gray hair and slightly fat body, whose appearance quickly overlapped with a certain image in Lin Lichuan’s memory.

“Zhou Guanghuan!”

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