The sudden drop in temperature on the street instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

His eyes fell on the flat-headed man who had been frozen into ice sculpture, and everyone couldn’t help showing a stunned expression.

Ice Elementalist was actually frozen, this scene is simply shocking.

But soon, someone reacted and couldn’t help but mutter:

“Gold Rank!”

There are only the same Ice Elementalist Gold Rank Transcendent can do this kind of thing.

The rest of the people also reacted, and their gazes at Lin Lichuan suddenly felt awe.

In contrast, the Transcendent on the Special Affairs Division side showed an expression of despair, trying to escape in vain, but was quickly overtaken and killed by Meng Xiaotong one after another.

As the last enemy wailed and fell to the ground, the battle came to an end and the streets instantly returned to calm.

The eight Nightsong members looked at each other in blank dismay. It took four or five seconds before there was a man who looked like a leader, who was in his thirties and had a sharp short hair. In the previous step, he saluted the two Lin Lichuan and said:

“many thanks, life-saving grace of the two officers!”

Lin Lichuan relieved Shikai and asked casually: “Are you from the Nightsong Battle Division?”

After the reorganization, Nightsong is divided into more than ten divisions, including the Battle Division, Strategy Division, and Intelligence Division. The Battle Division, as the name suggests, is responsible for the battle on the frontal battlefield. Both strictly speaking Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong belong to the Battle Division.

From the battle scene just now, although this group of people is not particularly strong, but their combat literacy is quite outstanding, it is the Battle Division in all likelihood.

Sure enough, listen to the short-haired man replied: “Report to the sir. The subordinate is the 18th Squad Captain Xia Chengde from the Battle Division, and the rest are members of the same team.”

Lin Lichuan Nodded lightly, glanced over the epaulettes on the opponent’s shoulders, and found that it was still a Lieutenant, so he asked: “We have just returned from the enemy-occupied area and we don’t know the specific situation. What is the current situation in Liaogao City?”

Xia Chengde hearing this slightly startled, but reacted quickly and quickly explained to Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong.

Through his mouth, the two understood what was going on.

Speaking of which is also related to them.

After the death of Eman Cardan, Taiyang City was in chaos. In addition, in order to hunt down the assassins, Knight Andres drew a lot of transcendent battle strength, which suddenly made Taiyang City’s garrison force tight. Without shrinking the battle line, he retreated to Taiyang City and put on a defensive state.

And the imperial military was simply, seeing that Taiyang City could not be attacked in a short time, so he secretly drew part of the military force and quietly moved to the vicinity of Liaogao City, where the army stationed in Liaogao City fought the empire. At that time, I suddenly launched a sneak attack from the side, which hit Liaogao City’s garrison force suddenly.

In this situation, Qianyuan quickly could not withstand the imperial attack, and even couldn’t wait to support it. After only supporting it for a long time, it was broken through the defense line. The Imperial Army then invaded Liaogao City. There was a melee inside.

And Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong arrived at exactly this time.

“The Empire has roughly controlled Liaogao City, and is now clearing the remaining rebels. Those from the Special Affairs Division just now are the last batch of Transcendents Qianyuan left in Liaogao City.”

For a moment, Lin Lichuan asked, “Is there any Colonel in Nightsong?”

“Colonel Jorge and Colonel Azure Wolf are here!”

Lin Lichuan expression Startled, turned his head and looked at each other with Meng Xiaotong, then thought for a while and said: “Take me to see them.”

“Yes, sir!”

Xia Chengde should be right away, Turning his head to a pretty girl who looked about 20 years old and was instructed, “Wan Jun, you take the two officers back to the temporary command center.”

“Yes, Lieutenant!” The girl immediately responded.

Xia Chengde nodded, then turned to Lin Lichuan and apologized: “The two officers, our team still has a mission to chase the Qianyuan Army and cannot return. This is Liao Wanjun Second Lieutenant. She led the way for the two officers.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Lin Lichuan shook his head indifferently and glanced at Liao Wanjun, who suddenly stood up a little nervously.

Nightsong strictly speaking belongs to half of the military organization. It also has the characteristics of most of the Imperial Army. The hierarchy is clear, strict and everywhere. Of course, as a transcendent organization, it also has a powerhouse. is respected.

And the Gold Rank powerhouse is at least Major Rank in Nightsong, a full level higher than her. Facing a powerhouse with a superior status, she is naturally a little nervous and restrained.

Without saying much, Lin Lichuan asked Liao Wanjun to lead the way and rushed towards the temporary command center.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the entire group did not fly high, but drove from the ground.

silent journey.

Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong didn’t know what they were thinking, they expressed grave all the way and didn’t say a word, so that Liao Wanjun was also a little nervous and could only lead the way.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the three of them encountered an imperial armed convoy. Liao Wanjun became aware of his identity and directly requisitioned a jeep, so the speed of the next journey accelerated a lot. .

Half an hour later, the vehicle drove into the city and stopped at the entrance of a square in front of a building.

After being checked by the soldiers at the entrance, the three quickly walked across the square and into the building.

As soon as they entered the building, Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong turned their heads as if consciously, and looked towards the right hand at the end of the corridor. Two men in the uniforms of the Imperial officer were walking towards them. .

One of the burly and sturdy man with a gentle smile on his face was Jorge, while the other was a lean, sharp-eyed man, walking with light and smooth steps. Like a cheetah walking lazily, his body is aggressive.

What is surprising is that half of the man’s head was covered with ugly scars, covering half of his forehead, and he was only about to touch the upper eyelid, making his face look very scary and scary. .

Lin Lichuan’s gaze fell on the scarred man’s face, Meng Xiaotong’s gaze changed involuntarily, his tone said solemnly: “Azure Wolf!”

Lin Lichuan’s complexion suddenly moved slightly, looking towards the scarred man .

Is this person Azure Wolf?

“Welcome back, Hollow White, Meng Xiaotong, thank you for your hard work this trip!”

Stepping closer, Jorge said with a smile, “I received the Battle Division 18th Squad’s report, only then did you know that you two have returned.”

Lin Lichuan nodded to him, and then took a look at Azure Wolf.

When he noticed this action, Jorge smiled and said resolutely: “We have already understood the Hallen thing. Go to my office and talk about it.”

He looked at it intentionally. People passing by.

Lin Lichuan eyes flashed, nodded, turned to Liao Wanjun and said, “Thank you for leading the way.”

Liao Wanjun was slightly taken aback, and quickly said: “You are welcome, sir It’s my pleasure!”

Lin Lichuan nodded at her laughed, and followed Jorge with Meng Xiaotong, and the entire group went straight to an office on the third floor.

After closing the door, Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong looked towards Jorge at the same time, waiting for his explanation.

“I’m sorry, this time it was our mistake. The information about the operation was leaked out, which caused the two of you to fall into the danger zone.”

Jorge first reported to Lin Lichuan and Meng Xiaotong apologized, and then lightly sighed, slowly saying:

“After Eman Cardan was killed, we found Qianyuan’s hunting actions were strange. All the mobilization seemed to have been prepared long ago, and we were secretly in doubt. After conducting an investigation, we learned about the information leak.”

“After that, we immediately started an internal investigation and quickly identified the traitor’s identity, Hallen, but he absconded shortly after the investigation began. Now it’s hidden, and the organization is now trying its best to search for his whereabouts.”

“As for Azure Wolf…” Jorge glanced at the expression, a little gloomy, without saying a word Azure. Wolf, said resolutely, “After investigation, the organization has ruled out his suspicion. He is not involved in this matter.”

Lin Lichuan glanced at Azure Wolf, retracted his gaze, and asked Jorge: “In other words, only Hallen is the traitor?”


“Who is the hidden mastermind?”

Jorge hesitated and said : “From the current investigation results, Second Prince Mizell Tania is the most suspicious.”

Second Prince…

Lin Lichuan is groaning. Meng Xiaotong’s previous guesses are similar to the information obtained from Zhou Guanghuan.

After joining Nightsong, he also understood a lot of information about the division of influence within the empire. Among them, the information related to the succession of the throne is arguably the most important aspect.

Tania Empire currently has a total of more than 30 princes and princess, and all have succession to the throne in name, but in fact only three people are really qualified and able to compete for the throne, namely First Prince Ford Tania, Second Prince Mizell Tania and First Princess Elle Tania.

These three people can be said to represent the three largest influences in the empire today, and they fight with each other secretly.

Among them, standing behind First Prince is the traditional influence of the empire, a group of veteran aristocrats, and Second Prince holds the largest official transcendent organization in the empire-the Imperial Secret Police Division. First Princess has the weakest influence. However, with the establishment of White Crown Province, its influence has greatly increased, and there is a faint tendency to come from behind, which inevitably caused the weary of the other two influence factions.

The most shocked is naturally the Second Prince who controls the Imperial Secret Police.

After all, the emergence of Nightsong means that the Imperial Secret Police Division is no longer the only official transcendent organization in the empire. From now on, no matter it is the transcendent resources such as meteor stone or the transcendent control authority, it will no longer be the Imperial Secret Police Division. It is unique to a family and will inevitably be shared by Nightsong.

This is obviously unbearable for Second Prince.

So it’s not hard to imagine that he would obstruct the establishment and growth of White Crown Province in every possible way, but he didn’t expect that he had planted spies in Nightsong early, and he had climbed to such a high position at the critical moment. Stabbed.

If Lin Lichuan hadn’t successfully escaped from Qianyuan’s ambush and exposed the matter, maybe Hallen could continue to lurch and cause more and more serious losses to Nightsong in the future.

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