There are obvious wrinkles on the man’s face, his eyes seem muddy, but there are subtle hints.

After opening the door curtain and walking out, he first glanced at Lin Lichuan and An, and then asked, “Guest, what are you going to buy?”

His voice was hoarse, like Sandpaper is worn over the tabletop.

Lin Lichuan turned his head and glanced at An. The latter was imperceptibly nodded, indicating that the bald man in front of him was Kendall.

When he saw this, he re-looked towards Kendall and went straight to the subject: “I want to find someone’s whereabouts.”

“I am a grocery store, sir. “Kendall hearing this startled, and then shook his head, “Finding someone…”

He was interrupted by Ann before he finished speaking: “Mr. Kendall, we are Old Drunkard introduced it.”

“Old Drunkard? Who is that? Dell from Mary’s Bar? Or…”

“It’s Anthony.” Ann once again Interrupting Kendall’s words, “He said that you still owe him 145 kana plus a bottle of good hand-brewed ale, and let me remind you that the agreed debt repayment date is three days from now.”

Kendall expression suddenly Stagnation, speechless for a moment, suddenly gritted his teeth and cursed cursed in a low voice.

“Damn Anthony, that old ghost will drown in the barrel sooner or later!”

After venting, he raised his head again, and asked stiff expression: “who are you looking for?”

“A female Transcendent named Lin Zhenyi.”

“Lin Zhenyi?” Kendall frowned and thought for a few seconds, then shook his head, “I’m sorry, I haven’t heard I passed this person.”


Lin Lichuan hearing this was not disappointed. Instead, he suddenly turned around and walked to the shelf to look carefully.

An on the side gave him a suspicious look.

“What are you doing?” Kendall frowned and looked at him.

“As you can see, buy something.” Lin Lichuan replied without looking back, “I have come here, I can’t leave empty-handed.”

Hearing this, Kendall closed his mouth angrily and stopped asking.

The grocery store fell into silence in a blink of an eye. One pick, two to look at, the atmosphere was silent and weird.

For a long while, Kendall broke the silence and asked impatiently: “Have you not picked it yet?”

Lin Lichuan took a box of cans and looked back laughed , Said: “Don’t worry, I’m the only customer in the store anyway.”

Kendall’s words were stagnant, so he suppressed his temper and endured for a while. After a while, he finally couldn’t hold it back, and waved his hand: ” Sorry, I suddenly remembered that there is something else. The store is going to be closed temporarily. If you haven’t figured out what to buy, you can wait until tomorrow. Please leave now.”

“You seem to have been I’ve been anxious to let us leave.” Lin Lichuan stopped and turned his head to reveal a faint smile, “Is he worried that the person in the room will not receive timely treatment and the injury will get worse?”

, Kendall’s complexion suddenly changed.

At the same time, the curtain at the back of the grocery store burst open suddenly, turning into rags in the sky, and a sharp sword light rushed out from it, tearing the air like an arrow from the string. To Lin Lichuan.

in the sky suddenly sounded sonic boom, sharp and piercing.

Lin Lichuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He didn’t panic when he saw it, and he didn’t rush to reach out his hand.

“Bakudō #8. Seki.”

The invisible Reiatsu spouted from the palm, quickly converging in the sky two centimeters in front of the palm, forming a small diamond in a flash -shaped shield to block the sword light coming from stabs.

The diamond-shaped shield is as thin as a cicada’s wings, and it appears impossible to withstand a single blow in front of the sword light that rushes with turbulent energy, but when the sword light hits the light shield, it does Suddenly stagnated, without an inch, revealing a sharp blade.

The Master of Long Sword was also stuck. He stared at the diamond-shaped shield in amazement. He was obviously shocked that such a flimsy thing could block his surprise attack.

But after an instant, he reacted and drew back quickly.

“Bakudō #9. Geki.”

However, in the next moment, accompanied by a faint voice, a bright red radiance burst into the air, entangling him who could not dodge Tighten up.


Unexpectedly, the assailant fell directly to the ground and let out a painful grunt.

The incident happened so abruptly that Kendall and Ann did not react at all. When the two came back to his senses from their consternation, they saw that the attacker who suddenly rushed out from behind the curtain had already Lie on the ground binded.

As soon as he saw the face of the man, An was stunned and his eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “It’s you!”

The attacker lying on the ground was not long ago. Vero, who had just escaped from the Black Prisoners, looked very embarrassed. Not to mention the cuts and bruises, he was still wrapped in a bandage that was half-wrapped. Perhaps because of the raid just now, the wound broke again, and the flowing blood soaked the bandage and dyed most of the red. .


Kendall next to him subconsciously took out his self-protection pistol, raised it and aimed it at Lin Lichuan, surprised and angry said: “Stop!”

As soon as the words were spoken, he woke up Come here, the secretly thought is bad, and those who can knock the Vero of Silver Rank to the ground will obviously not be afraid of the trivial pistol.

Unexpectedly, Lin Lichuan turned a blind eye to this and didn’t even look at him. He just fixedly looked at Vero on the ground and asked indifferently: “Do you know Lin Zhenyi?”

When he asked Kendall about Lin Zhenyi’s whereabouts earlier, he noticed the slight noise made by Vero subconsciously behind the door curtain, and doubts arose in his heart, and he secretly observed.

With this concentration, he immediately noticed the extremely faint bloody smell in the air, and then he had the next temptation.

Struggling hard, and realizing that he can’t get rid of the restraints due to his current serious injury, Vero had to give up, lift the head looked towards Lin Lichuan with difficulty, and asked instead: “Who are you guys?”


Looking at the deep guard in Vero’s eyes, Lin Lichuan shrugged, thoughts move, and lifted the red light rope on his predecessor.

“You don’t need to be so defensive, I said, I just came to Mr. Kendall to buy information and found that you are here only by accident.”

Lin Lichuan’s actions made Kendall and Vero Startled, Kendall reacted immediately, put away the gun quickly, and quickly came to Vero to help him up, and the two of them cast a surprised look at Lin Lichuan.

The silence lasted more than ten seconds before Vero took a breath and asked:

“What is the relationship between you and Lin Zhenyi?”

“I am Her companion.” Lin Lichuan said lightly. On the surface, he was investigating aunt’s whereabouts as Hollow White, saying that a companion was more appropriate.

Hearing this, Vero expression immediately moved: “You are from outside the island?”

“I am, but he is a resident of the island.” Lin Lichuan pointed to An “Now you can tell me about Lin Zhenyi. It seems that you know her true identity.”

“We only know that she is from outside the island.”

“Where is she now?”

“I don’t know.” Vero replied simply, catching a glimpse of Lin Lichuan’s slightly cold eyes from the corner of his eye, and quickly said, “But we can probably guess Where is she!”

“Where?” Lin Lichuan’s eyes lit up slightly.

Vero took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “It should be in vestige.”


Vero and Kendall looked at each other, After hesitating for a few seconds, Vero lightly sighed, and slowly said: “It’s nothing to tell you, anyway, this incident is probably not a secret soon.”

“The cause of the incident happened three months ago, a transcendent The team accidentally found a corpse in the wild, which is said to be a Transcendent from thousands years ago. The team then found three strange cubes from the corpse, and according to the diary records carried by the corpse, those cubes entered Star Disaster. The key to Vestige.”

“Star Disaster Vestige!” Lin Lichuan was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized that Vero said Star Disaster Vestige, he immediately startled, revealing an expression of surprise.

The star disaster thousands years ago left this continent with devastated and devastated traces, as well as a large number of mysterious places called vestige by people today.

Where these vestiges came from, and why they survived is beyond consideration. Perhaps only a few of the continent’s extremely secret documents contain relevant information, but what everyone knows is, Most vestiges have rich wealth, including the meteor stone which is very attractive to Transcendent.

Thousands of years, there is no lack of a lucky Transcendent who strayed into Star Disaster Vestige and finally embraced the anecdote of the return of immense wealth.

Although Star Disaster Vestige is also extremely dangerous, the extremely rich wealth still allows Transcendents to selectively ignore this, and Star Disaster Vestige has become a treasure in the eyes of Transcendent, inside Nightsong The record of the appearance of Star Disaster Vestige has caused a large number of fierce looting by Transcendent each time, and many casualties.

Lin Lichuan didn’t expect to hear about vestige on Blackflame Island.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and raised his eyebrows and said: “The transcendent team that found the ancient corpse, is it possible that is Tower Hat?”

Vero was surprised immediately His eyes widened: “How do you know?”

Lin Lichuan glanced at Ann, whose head was hanging down, waved his hand without any intention of explaining, and motioned Vero to continue talking.

Lin Lichuan glanced suspiciously, Vero continued: “This news was somehow understood by Diamond Society and Black Prisoners, and they immediately sent someone to snatch the key, and Lin Zhenyi happened to be with Tower Hat at the time. People are together, so they are implicated.”

“The result?” Lin Lichuan asked immediately.

“Most of the members of Tower Hat were killed, but Diamond Society and Black Prisoners also failed to get the keys.”

“There are three cube keys that can enter Star Disaster Vestige. One of them was in the hands of Lin Zhenyi. She escaped from District 11 on the day the Diamond Society destroyed Tower Hat. However, the Diamond Society and Black Prisoners immediately blocked the port and roads to other districts and sent A large number of people searched in the wild, and I haven’t heard the news of her being arrested for so many days, so I think it is very likely that she has followed the guidance of the cube and entered Star Disaster Vestige.”

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