The sudden change caused everyone in the billiard room to startled, subconsciously stepping back to avoid the smoke and dust, and then looking intently, they saw an Iron Pagoda-like red-bearded man holding a spear with sharp eyes. Sweeping from here.

As Adams and the others retreated, they were unable to move because they were too injured. Aaron, who could only be lying on the ground, immediately stood out. Hōzukimaru’s eyes rested on his face and golden hair. For a few seconds, he grinned suddenly.

“It seems that you are right, Aaron Mandell.”

Aaron was taken aback for a moment, revealing a puzzled look.

Who is this person?

Adams had the same thought flashing in his mind. He frowned and stared at Hōzukimaru, with an uncertain radiance in his eyes. From the red-bearded man in front of him, he faintly felt a slight threat.

This is not common to him as a Gold Rank Transcendent, which means that the opponent is very likely to be a Transcendent of the same rank.

However, what surprised him more was still behind. As the smoke gradually dissipated, another group of people walked in. One of them was Tina who had been captured by Eugene as expected.


Seeing Aaron who was paralyzed on the ground with bruises and bruises, Tina immediately showed an anxious and worried expression on her face and rushed over to help him up.

“You, you are so badly injured.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Aaron shook his head reluctantly, looking straight over Tina, looking behind her, When he saw Lin Lichuan, his face couldn’t help but a look of astonishment, and he exclaimed, “Mr. Hollow White!”

He glanced at Lin Lichuan in shock and made sure that he did not recognize the wrong person. She cast a questioning look at the younger sister.

“I met Mr. Hollow White in vestige.” Tina explained in a low voice.

“Let’s talk about the details, take this first, you can treat the injury.” Lin Lichuan stepped forward and handed him the recovery medicine.

Aaron glanced at Tina and saw that the latter was slightly nodded, and then took the recovery medicine and swallowed it. In the next second, he felt that the injuries on his body had recovered completely in a moment, looked towards Lin Lichuan’s gaze Can not help becoming more shocked.

And Lin Lichuan has already set his sights on the three Adams.

“These three are from Ghost Lance?”

“No, only those two are from Ghost Lance, Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades in 13 Spades. “Aaron pointed to Adams and the muscular man, and immediately looked towards Alek with implied anger, “The other is the traitor of the Youth League!”

“traitor? Alek?” Tina was shocked by hearing this. When the reaction came over, he immediately glared at Alek.

Alek took a step back subconsciously by her gaze, and then realized that there are two Ghost Lance powerhouses of spades on his side, and his courage suddenly grew, and he sneered secretly, even if he came. What about the helper, you all have to die today!

He joined the Youth League after Aaron siblings returned from vestige. He has not become a core member until recently, so he has never heard of many things, and naturally he does not recognize who Hollow White is.

Furthermore, from Lin Lichuan and the others, he doesn’t at all feel the powerful aura. If he wants to come to the other party, he can’t be much stronger. There are Adams and muscular man, two Level 19 Golds. Rank powerhouse is here, it’s easy to clean up these people.

“Where is Eugene?” Adams asked suddenly, his indifferent gaze directed at Tina like a sharp sword.

“Eugene? Is that the guy who can emit azure light on the palm?”

The answer was Hōzukimaru, who rubbed his chin and grinned laughed.

“That fellow is dead. I killed him.”

Adams hearing this face suddenly sank.

The muscular man next to him shouted impatiently: “Adams, what do you tell these guys that many? First squeeze them off the bones of their limbs one by one, and then slowly torture them.”


The words fell, he already rushed forward in stride, raised his huge fist, and moved towards Hōzukimaru with his head and face covered.

Seeing this, Hōzukimaru has a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and just about to step forward to fight, he suddenly hears Lin Lichuan’s voice behind him.

“Hōzukimaru, step back and leave these two people to me to solve.”

From Aaron’s mouth, Lin Lichuan has learned that Adams and muscular man are both Transcendents close to Gold Peak , The strength is almost the same as that of Hōzukimaru and the others. If it is handed over to Zanpakutōs, even if it is 2 to 1, it will probably take a lot of time to decide the outcome. He doesn’t want to delay too long.

Hearing the sound, Hōzukimaru smiled and shrugged regretfully, but he stepped back.

The muscular man immediately punched in the empty space, and the violent fist strength fell on the ground, smashing the wooden floor together with the hard cement below.

“Hey, don’t hide, let this Sir punch you and break your limbs and bones. It saves effort!” The muscular man spit, pulled out the fist embedded in the ground, and raised it. The first said with a malicious smile.

However, the smile on his face suddenly froze in the next moment, and a sudden and terrifying imposing manner descended in an instant, sweeping across the billiard room like a hurricane, making the air in the room instantly change as if frozen. It was extremely stagnant.

The complexion of muscular man and Adams changed.

The two people looked at the source of aura in amazement, only to realize that the shocking imposing manner actually came from Lin Lichuan, whose shoulders and back did not know when there was a large amount of naked eye visible. Distorted air waves, like a pillar of flame, slowly extend upwards diagonally.

Lin Lichuan tore off his tattered jacket and looked up at Adams and the muscular man.

As soon as the eyes met, the two of them were frightened and frightened, as if they were being stared at by a prehistoric ominous beast, deep in one’s heart involuntarily, there was a deep panic.

They have experienced a similar feeling before, in Mu Hong who is Knight.


Without hesitation, the two of them just glanced at each other and made a tacit decision at the same time, turning around and rushing towards the door, feeling terrified in their hearts.

No one didn’t expect that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him turned out to be a powerful Knight!


As soon as the two moved, a dull sky-splitting sound that seemed to be beating on the heart suddenly sounded in their ears. At the same time, the silhouette of the muscular man flashed, and Lin Lichuan suddenly appeared in front of him. , A punch came straight.

Obviously, it was just a seemingly ordinary punch, but the moment it was shot, there were oppression assaults the senses. Wherever the fist passed, the air seemed to be scalded to two. Side rows, white mist suddenly emerged from the surface of the fist.

Looking at this scene, even with the frenzied fearless of the muscular man, I couldn’t help but numb my scalp at this moment, loudly roared, desperately gathering strength, crossing my hands to face the attacking fist, and then It was a dull thunderous body crash. Although the muscular man didn’t take a step back, his fists, arms, and shoulders were all broken at once. The crushed arms were pressed against his chest by his fists, causing his ribs to burst. A series of crisp bone cracks sounded like a bead, blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person fell to the ground instantly.

The muscular man is a Gold Rank Body Refining Martial Artist. Fleshy body strength is not much better than high strength alloy. It has always been a tough attacker who wins with violence, but at this time he was hit hard by Lin Lichuan. , Completely withstood the power of this fist, and there was no room to retreat and fly.

I caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of my eye, and Adams, who was escaping at the door, couldn’t help showing a terrified look. There was no doubt about Lin Lichuan’s Knight power, and only bitterness in his heart.

District 11 only one name is Knight, Leader Morrow of Diamond Society. It is said that he died in vestige three months ago. How come there is another Knight now, and still so young.

This is a lot of trouble!

A lot of thoughts flashed in Adams’ mind for a moment, and Lin Lichuan had twisted the neck of the muscular man casually, his figure flashed like a whirlwind, and he swept to the door of the billiard room in the blink of an eye like a streamer. Before him.

When Adams saw his face changed, without the slightest hesitation, he swung his weapon, but it was a pair of steel claws on his hands, which were already covered with the invisible qi energy of naked eye. The tearing air whizzed out.

Lin Lichuan touched his hands indifferently, palm-to-palm, lightning grabbed the steel claws, and then five-fingers clenched, suddenly exerted force, hard steel claws in Adams together with his palms Crushed into a twisted mass.

The intense pain made Adams pale, and his head was full of cold sweat, but he did not dare to stop for a while. Another steel claw took the opportunity to grab Lin Lichuan’s chest viciously, but the bang was covered on it. Invisible Reiatsu blocked it.

Seeing this, Adams finally showed hopelessness in his eyes.


As Lin Lichuan’s arm flicked like a whip, Adams’ neck made a crisp sound, which was almost ninety degrees distorted, the look in his eyes quickly dimmed, and his body fell to the ground weakly.

The battle broke out to the end, but in a blink of an eye, Aaron, Tina, and Ann couldn’t even see Lin Lichuan’s flashy silhouette. Came back to his senses and realized that the battle was already At the end, the originally aggressive Adams and muscular man have become corpse lying on the ground, motionless.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the three of them were dumbfounded, showing incredible expressions, and could not speak for a long while.

Among the people present, apart from Zanpakutō, Aaron siblings are the two who know Lin Lichuan’s strength best.

They have seen Lin Lichuan burst out with the strength of Knight Rank to kill Leader Gonza of Black Prisoners, but it was summoned Kokujō Tengen Myō’ō at that time, with an unmatched powerful body like today This is the first time I have seen the quality of killing enemies. The unrivaled strength and speed of Gods shocked the two of them, and they couldn’t help but feel unspeakable shock.

Even Aaron siblings was so surprised, let alone Alek. Seeing that Adams and muscular man, whom Lin Lichuan thought of as a backer, were killed by Lin Lichuan as if they were crushing ants, he was already scared complexion pale. Trembling non-stop.

“Forgiveness, forgiveness…”

Seeing Lin Lichuan turning his head and looking around, Alek suddenly frightened the soul flew away and scattered, opening his mouth to ask for mercy, then Halfway through, it stopped abruptly, and an extremely small pinhole suddenly appeared between the center of the eyebrows, his eyes widened, and the expression in his eyes quickly dissipated.


Corpse fell to the ground, and Tina, a few meters away, slowly retracted her palm, showing an expression of hate relief on her pretty face.

Lin Lichuan saw in his eyes, did not say much, took out new clothes from the backpack and put on them.

Shunkō power is extremely powerful. The only downside is the cost of clothes. Every time you use it, the upper body clothes will be torn into pieces by the gushing out of the compressed Kidō. If he didn’t have a backpack, he could store clothes with him. Then you have to use it once.

In the corner of the billiard room, Haineko stared at Lin Lichuan’s sturdy upper body, cheeks slightly red, showing an ambiguous smile like Small Fox.

“Hey, hehe, didn’t expect Master’s build so impressive.”

Tobiume next to her gave her a disgusting look: “lecherous women!”

“Then you are talking about it, don’t you look good?”

“humph.” Tobiume turned his head, rarely refuted.

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