The moment Tenken and Ashisogi Jizō followed Bankai, Yao Qian and Yao Bing changed their colors slightly at the same time, and suddenly turned around to rush to support, but they were stopped by countless cherry blossoms gathered.

“I’ve said it, it’s good for the two of you to watch.” Lin Lichuan said lightly.

Yao Qian and Yao Bing’s faces are already a bit ugly at this time. The monster who didn’t expect Lin Lichuan summoned to have such a powerful force, that aura may already have Level 22.

Even though they are experienced and knowledgeable, they have never seen anyone who can summoned the summoned creation of Morning Star Knight Rank.

“How many abilities does he have?”

The two couldn’t help but have the same idea at the same time.

And just after they hesitated, the battle on the other side was over, Tuck and Gao Jin’s aura disappeared abruptly, one was devoured and the other was forcibly smashed into meat sauce.

Follow closely from behind, with the sound of a mournful scream, the battle between Hōzukimaru and Matisse was also declared over. The latter was defeated and died without accident, and was directly chopped off by Hōzukimaru’s head with an axe.

The street has returned to calm in a blink of an eye.

Lin Lichuan thoughts move, and the cherry blossoms that besieged Yao Qian and Yao Bing suddenly dispersed.

The two looked at the corpse on the ground, a faint anger appeared in their eyes, suddenly turned their heads to look at Lin Lichuan, and said dumbly: “It looks like you are determined to go against the council!”

“I didn’t mean that.” Lin Lichuan slightly smiled, facing Yao Qian’s gaze, neither too fast nor too slow said, “I have killed people, but it doesn’t mean I reject the Blackflame Council Except for District 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12, I will not go to other districts.”

This remark is really unexpected, Yao Qian and Yao Bing hearing this slightly startled.

The purpose of the Blackflame Council is to prevent the influence of unification on Blackflame Island. This is the most important and the only purpose. As for the life and death of Tuck and the others, they are not concerned at all. If Lin Lichuan can guarantee No longer expanding Seireitei’s territory, the current situation is not unacceptable.

The two of them frowned and fell into thought.

Lin Lichuan did not interrupt, but looked at them calmly.

In the final analysis, as long as it does not conflict with the ultimate goal of the Blackflame Council, even if the Tuck three are killed, there is still room for maneuver. The two sides will not completely cast aside all considerations for face.

Blackflame Council is the most powerful influence of Blackflame Island after all. The foundation is deep and unmeasurable. The two councils Yao Qian and Yao Bing alone are very tricky, let alone other councils, and even rumored ones. Blackflame Council Chairman.

As the wings are not yet full, Lin Lichuan does not intend to fight against the Blackflame Council for the time being.

Of course, Yao Qian and Yao Bing would definitely not agree if they proposed this before they started. After all, Tuck and the others are alive more in line with the Blackflame Council’s purpose of maintaining the balance of influence on the island.

For a long while, Yao Qian and Yao Bing only lifted the head and took a deep look at Lin Lichuan.

“I hope you can remember what you said.”

After saying this, the two turned around and left without looking back, and the silhouette disappeared at the end of the sky soon. .

Until this meeting, the people on the street below finally came back to his senses.

The Seireitei like Aaron, Tina, and Xu Pei stared at Lin Lichuan’s back in a daze, with a trance like in a dream.

Before the war with united influence, they all had pessimistic and negative thoughts about the outcome of this battle. They didn’t expect mountain road twists around each new peak, and in the end not only defeated the attack of united influence, but even He also killed all other District Lords, and this development is almost like a dream.

Even the people of Seireitei are like this, let alone the people of united influence, most of them have been scared to two tremors, look pale, if it weren’t for Tenken and Ashisogi Jizō glare like a tiger watching Looking at him prey, they turned around and fled without the slightest hesitation.

At the moment when all District Lords are dead, no one is Lin Lichuan’s opponent.

Slowly fell from the air and came to Aaron’s several people. Lin Lichuan waved his hand to interrupt everyone who wanted to speak. He pointed to the united influence members not far away and said: “Send someone to take care of them. Don’t let people run away.”

United influence At this time, there are nearly a thousand people left. On the contrary, there are less than 300 people on Seireitei, and the number of people is very different. However, Aaron listened to it without the Slightest hesitation is nodded, immediately turn around to arrange.

Xu Pei on the side hesitated, hesitantly said: “Sir, Blackflame Council…will it be bad for us afterwards?”

Lin Lichuan look He glanced at him, slightly laughed, and said: “Don’t worry, at least at this stage they won’t attack us.”

In today’s battle, he has shown enough strength, but he won’t Beyond the tolerance of the Blackflame Council, unless he actively shows signs of wanting to meddle in other districts, the Blackflame Council will certainly not fight him at a heavy price.

came back to his senses, Lin Lichuan turned towards Xu Pei instructed: “Now you take people to District 1, 2, 3 to receive the Blood Dragon Pavilion site, and let Hōzukimaru accompany you.”

“Yes!” Xu Pei refreshed, and the expression of emotion and excitement flashed in his eyes.

After this battle, Seireitei has become the biggest district influence on Blackflame Island, and the future is bright. He can’t help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he accepted Aaron’s persuasion to join Seireitei, otherwise he would have missed it. Opportunities.


When everyone in Seireitei was busy with excitement, Qimai Mountain, more than 400 kilometers away from District 11.

The whistling sky-splitting sound resounded in the mountains.

Yao Qian and Yao Bing slowly landed on the top of the mountain, waved back to the patrol guard who greeted them, and walked towards the castle not far away without a word.

Qimai Mountain has built a lot of buildings from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, most of which are low wooden stone houses, but the castle on the top of the mountain is unusually tall and magnificent. The whole body is constructed of hard cyan-gray color rocks. Cheng, reveals a sense of simplicity that has been time-honored.

Passing through the castle gate, the two of them walked straight into the main building. After a short while, they came to the study room on the third floor. There were already five people standing or standing in the room. They walked into the room. Cast his gaze over.

“It seems that your dissuasion is not going well.”

The talking is a thin old man sitting behind a desk. His hair is frosty and his face is full of gully. His wrinkles looked very old, like an ordinary old man about to die. He was sitting leaning on a wicker chair with a blanket on his knees, and he looked weak.

When the old man spoke, Yao Qian and Yao Bing showed respectful expressions on their faces, and they whispered about the battle just now.

The voice of the narration lasted for 4-5 minutes before it stopped, while the study fell into silence, and everyone present showed a contemplative expression.

For a long time, the thin old man asked softly: “According to the feelings of both of you, what level of strength has he reached?”

Yao Qian and Yao Bing looked at each other, and after a while Yao Qian solemnly replied: “It is estimated that it is only one step away from Level 24.”

As soon as this was said, the four people except the skinny old man converged their eyes, showing surprise.

The skinny old man was laughed and continued to ask: “Do you think he can do it?”

This question is endless, but everyone in the room is After hearing it for more than ten seconds of silence, one of the tall men, about 40-50 years old, shakes the head, and said in a deep voice: “At his age, he can be close to Level 24. I can be peerless genius, but that doesn’t mean anything. We have seen more geniuses, but the hand that can finally be promoted to Radiant Moon Knight can also be counted. In addition to talent, crossing this level requires chance.”

Yao Qian and the others nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, the thin old man pondered for a moment, lightly sighed, and slightly shake the head said: “Then observe for a while.”

He looked up at Yao Qian and Yao Bing , Said indifferently: “You two should work harder, secretly push the flames, let those unowned districts decide on a new District Lord as soon as possible.”


Yao Qian and Yao Bing responded at the same time.


The thin old man waved his hand: “Routine surveillance is fine. As long as Little Brat doesn’t go too far, just turn a blind eye.”

“Yes, Chairman!”

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