Standing in front of the console and busy for more than ten minutes, Lin Lichuan finally determined the specific location of the information. To be more precise, it was not in the console, but on the wall where the console was close to the surface of the console. A square metal plate about thirty centimeters away.

He tried to knock, and the touch and sound from him proved that the back of the metal square plate was hollow.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan only hesitated for half a second before violently dismantling it.

After all, there are at least three hundred buttons and joysticks on the console, not to mention how much work it takes to try one after another, even if he is willing to spend time trying, there is no way.

Many parts of this control room are dark. Obviously, the energy has been exhausted for a long time and can no longer operate.

After making the decision, Lin Lichuan did not delay in the slightest, and immediately manipulated the cherry blossoms around him to float towards the metal square plate, and began to cut along the gap.

There was a sharp metal rubbing sound in the control room. The metal square plate was completely enveloped by cherry blossoms, and a large number of fire stars could be seen inside.

The metal material used to build this control room is obviously not ordinary steel. Lin Lichuan had expected it a long time ago, but when he actually started it, he found that the hardness of the metal square plate was beyond expectations, even if he aimed at It is the most fragile square plate joint, but it still took half an hour to complete the cutting.

Change to ordinary steel, this time is enough for Senbonzakura to cut off for an unknown number of times.

Manipulating the petals to push down the broken metal square plate, bang smashed it on the console, Lin Lichuan then looked intently, and it turned out that there was a hollow hidden grid with a ring slightly protruding in the middle. , A dark golden square is placed right inside the ring.

This cube is completely different from the key cube used when entering vestige. It has a side length of about 20 cm, almost the size of a basketball, and the surface is extremely flat, revealing a rock-like texture.

Lin Lichuan looked at it for a moment, then extended the hand to pick up the dark gold cube.

The starting point is a little heavy, and the texture is indeed similar to the stone, but the density is not a bit higher than that of the overwhelming majority stone, which is not 1-Star. After all, with his current strength, he can feel a little heavy. The quality does not matter.

“This thing doesn’t look like a meteor stone.”

Looking at the weird dark gold cube on his hand, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

However, it is not only meteor stone that has information prompts. Meteor crystal stone and meteor crystal also have information prompts. As long as there are things that contain meteor energy, there will be prompts. Perhaps the dark gold cube belongs to the latter.

The information prompt that has disappeared at the bottom right corner of the eye also proves this judgment.

“Speaking of which, will those Star Beasts survive by absorbing the meteor energy in this thing?”

I glanced at the Star not far away Beast corpse, Lin Lichuan thinks it is more possible.

After all, apart from this dark gold box, no other meteor stone was found in the entire temple.

For a moment of contemplation, Lin Lichuan concentrates one’s mind, absorbed in the heart silently, and suddenly felt a warm current slowly flowing in from the part where the palm was in contact with the cube, and the speed was horribly slow.

This scene made him stunned for a moment.

“What’s going on?”

In the past, when absorbing and transforming meteor stone and meteor crystal, the whole process was completed in an instant, and the speed was so fast that there was almost no feeling of inflow. , There has never been such a’clear’ experience like now.

Lin Lichuan opened the personal interface and looked intently, and found that as the strange warm current slowly flows into the palm, the value of the Crystal Stone Column on the interface is gradually increasing, increasing by 1 crystal every two or three seconds on average. stone.

“It looks like it will take a while.” Lin Lichuan murmured.

Suddenly, he expression moved, suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the stairs, his brows slightly frowned.

“Someone is coming?”

Just now, Lin Lichuan clearly noticed that there were a lot of auras in the dome space on the first floor. Although the other party tried to cover it, they still He was aware of the moment he entered the dome space.

“There are a total of twelve people, of which two have extremely weak aura and faintly discernible. If it is not for the special ability to cover up aura, then the strength should not be weak. Most of them are Knight Rank Transcendent.”


The question is, how did these people get in?

Lin Lichuan’s eyes flashed slightly.

The three key cubes that entered the vestige, two of them are now on him, and the other is in the hands of the Seireitei members guarding the light gate outside the vestige. Could these people attack the guards and then pass the light gate Come in?

Unlikely, his decision to enter vestige was a temporary motive, and his actions were swift and secretive, and the non-Seireitei executives were basically impossible to know, let alone a trailing attack.

Then there is only one explanation left.

These people came in through an entrance and exit hidden somewhere in vestige.

Maybe it is the entrance and exit in the depths of the lake, or it might be another place. Since there is already an entrance and exit in vestige, one more entrance is not impossible.

While thoughts are revolving, Lin Lichuan wanted to understand everything.

He glanced at the dark gold square in his hand, moved slightly in his heart, raised his head and looked at the wall all around, and his eyes quickly brightened.

Without hesitation, Lin Lichuan immediately relieved Senbonzakura’s Bankai, put the metal square plate back in place, and put the Star Beast corpse on the ground into the backpack, and quickly cleaned up the blood.

After doing all this, he jumped up and fell lightly behind a large equipment hanging on the wall on the right. There happened to be a small space that only one person could enter.

Sitting quietly behind the device, Lin Lichuan converged to aura, while continuing to absorb and transform the dark gold cubes, while quietly waiting for the arrival of the uninvited guests.


On the first floor, in the empty dome space.

Squad cautiously walked forward in the dark, carefully watching all around, besides being on guard, there was a look of shock that was hard to conceal on his face.

“This space is too big, right, and the floor and walls…what kind of construction techniques are needed to create such a space?” Gu Xingsong muttered in shock. Talk to yourself.

Although the others did not respond, there was involuntarily a look of approval flashing across their faces.

Even the two Knights, Lu Mengzheng and Liu Shuo, who are the most knowledgeable in the squad, have never seen such a seamless metal wall and floor in their lifetime, let alone such a huge area, I am afraid that the world There is no such construction technology in any of the above countries.

Perceiving that Squad’s attention is gradually distracting, Liu Shuo suddenly shouted: “Be vigilant and don’t let go!”

“Yes!” Everyone came back to His senses, heart shivered with cold, all whispered.

After a few seconds of silence, Gu Xingsong finally couldn’t help but ask: “Teacher Liu, Teacher Lu, didn’t the ancient book we got said that there is a Star Beast patrol guard near this temple? Why did we go all the way? I didn’t meet half of the head when I came here?”

Liu Shuo and Lu Mengzheng also frowned at hearing this, obviously they were also very confused in their hearts.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Mengzheng hesitantly Kaidō: “Perhaps those Star Beasts have died out. After all, no matter how strong the monster is, it is impossible to survive in this desolate environment without food and water for thousands of years.”

This explanation is reasonable, thinking of the desolate scene of broken walls that I have seen along the way, Gu Xingsong and Zhou Hongzhang can’t help nodding, and immediately felt a little grateful and joyful.

Originally, they thought that this trip to vestige was extremely dangerous. After all, they were very likely to encounter the legendary Star Beast whose strength was comparable to the Morning Star Knight. They were concerned about this point. Gu Xingsong and Zhou Hongzhang only agreed to work together and paid a high price to invite two Morning Star Knights, Lu Mengzheng and Liu Shuo. The guards in the same industry are also strong, including Gold Rank Transcendent.

Even if Gu Xingsong and Zhou Hongzhang are both high-ranking direct heirs in their respective families, they have very high status, but they must form such a unit without being aware of the family and other competitors. It took a lot of effort to support squad.

But as long as you can get the treasure in vestige, all this is worth it.

Thinking of the rich treasures of Star Disaster Vestige in the rumor, Gu Xingsong and Zhou Hongzhang deep in one’s heart couldn’t help but a touch of excitement and excitement. At last, they are elite direct juniors from Great Family, and they are not greedy. Nian dazzled his head, quickly took a breath without a trace, suppressed the excitement in his heart, continued to guard all around, and proceeded carefully.

The journey went smoothly beyond imagination. The entire group arrived at the stairs without any hindrance. Liu Shuo expression waved his hand indifferently. Two of the squad stood out, facial expression grave. Stepping up the stairs, one after the other took care of each other and walked up.

About two minutes later, there was a low whistle.

Hearing this voice, everyone on the squad suddenly felt slightly relaxed and immediately climbed the steps.

Waiting for the above, not surprisingly, everyone was shocked by the high-tech layout of the control room.

After looking around, Gu Xingsong’s gaze was quickly attracted by the bones sitting on the chair. He hurriedly stepped forward and looked carefully for a while, gradually showing ecstasy on his face. Can’t help but exclaim.

“It looks like a human, with double horns on the head, and the bones are fluorescent…This is the skeleton of Beyond Heaven Evil Demon!”

The voice fell, Liu Shuo, Lu Mengzheng Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongzhang and Zhou Hongzhang froze for a while, and then rushed forward.

Several people stared at the bones for a long while, and their eyes gradually became hot. After a while, Liu Shuo broke the silence first, and gently nodded like a sigh: “Yes, it is indeed Beyond Heaven Evil Demon’s. The bones are exactly the same as those described in the ancient book.”

Even though Liu Shuo’s calmness and calmness, I saw the bones of Beyond Heaven Evil Demon right in front of me, and I couldn’t breathe from the forbidden area.

Except for the four of Gu Xingsong, the other guards in the squad have apparently never heard of the so-called Beyond Heaven Evil Demon bones. Seeing it, they looked at each other in blank dismay, showing a dazed expression.

But they quickly and keenly felt that the atmosphere in the control room began to become a little weird.

Liu Shuo still has a plain expression, Lu Mengzheng has a smile, and Gu Xingsong and Zhou Hongzhang looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

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