Under the night, the black and white silhouette above the sky looks like a Demon God, exuding trembling aura.

The upgraded Hollowfication Ability has undergone tremendous changes when used. In addition to the three red stripes on the upper right part of the mask, there are two red stripes on the middle right part, and the left arm and left shoulder There is an extra skin on the chest.

If the original Lin Lichuan after Hollowfication was only similar to monster in aura, now he is gradually moving closer to monster even in appearance.

Compared with the skyrocketing power, this is far from what can’t be considered.

Lin Lichuan can feel that Reiatsu, who had originally disappeared, has regained contact. Although the total amount is less, it also has the level of LV 0 Hollowfied State, that is, Bioenergy Level 26 or so.

“The strength is weakened by 20-30%.”

Lin Lichuan has conducted an experiment. Under LV 1 Hollowfication, he is probably 30-40% stronger than LV 0 Hollowfication. Because there is no reference object, he does not know whether he has reached Level 27, but in any case, with the Hollowfication of LV 1, even if the power is reduced by half, it is enough to deal with a peak Morning Star Knight.

The actual situation is much better than he expected.

“Lu Qiu is right. The limiting effect of Ring of Sigh will decrease as the target’s strength increases.” Lin Lichuan clenched his fists and looked at the collapsed ruins again.

As his gaze fell, the center of the ruins suddenly exploded into the rubble, Zhou Heqin’s embarrassed silhouette rushed out from it, and under the moonlight, he could clearly see that his chest was already a bloody blur. The wound, the dark brown blood is flowing down, seems to have suffered a serious injury.

Zhou Heqin stared at Lin Lichuan in disbelief. He clearly saw Ring of Sigh hit the opponent with his own eyes. It stands to reason that Lin Lichuan’s power level at this time is at best the same as his own, or even weaker. , But what happened to the single fist it just now? He couldn’t even react to the reaction.

Thick horror surged from deep in one’s heart, Zhou Heqin clenched the teeth fiercely, and rushed forward again with an anger, shining black metallic luster’s sturdy body like a meteor. Lin Lichuan.

Lin Lichuan just stared indifferently at Zhou Heqin, who was rushing aggressively. He had become a dark-gold pupil and did not move. It wasn’t until Zhou Heqin sprinted closer and was about to hit him. Punch.


Zhou Heqin smashed down at a speed faster than before, and fell into the ruins again like a flaming meteor, a huge impact Crush all the rubble in the ruins directly into powder, and the hard ground instantly appears a huge pit.

chi! chi! chi!

Lin Lichuan especially did not stop, gently lifted Zangetsu, waved his sword, and cut out Getsuga Tenshō one after another, one by one by the huge black sword energy dropped from the sky with a swift and violent attitude, and hit Zhou Heqin in the center of the pit.

In just three or four seconds, he can slash no fewer than ten Getsuga Tenshō, but the strength of Reiatsu on his body has only weakened a little.

This is the strengthening effect brought by LV 1 Hollowfication.

In addition to increasing the speed, slashing power and defensive power of the original enhancement, LV 1 Hollowfication also greatly reduces the consumption of Getsuga Tenshō, and can release Getsuga Tenshō continuously in bursts.

After the Ten Notes of Getsuga Tenshō, Lin Lichuan stopped his hands and stared coldly below.

As the diffuse smoke gradually dissipated, the situation in the deep pit gradually emerged.

Zhou Heqin is far inferior to his Old Ancestor. As a Radiant Moon Knight, Zhou Ze can catch dozens of Getsuga Tenshō. He still didn’t die immediately, but he couldn’t. At this time, he lay motionless. In the center of the deep pit, life had already been lost, and even the whole body could not be preserved. It was mixed with sand and gravel, completely unable to recognize the original appearance.

all around There is dead silence.

Including Adrian and Su’e, everyone looked silly, staring blankly at the direction of the pit, haven’t recovered for a while.

I thought it would be a fierce battle of the dragon wars, the tiger battles, evenly matched, but the actual situation was unexpected. Zhou Heqin was crushed all the way and there’s no resistance. Kill to death.

This can’t be called battle at all. It is a one-sided killing. The killing of Morning Star Knight by Radiant Moon Knight makes people wonder if the Ring of Sigh thrown by Zhou Heqin will be Fake.

But they quickly dispelled their doubts.

As Zhou Heqin dies, a dazzling halo suddenly emerges from Lin Lichuan within the body, breaks out, and turns into a fluttering ring on his unfolded palm.

At the same time, a pressure that was far more fierce, violent and powerful than before suddenly spread, causing everyone in the room to tremble, and their chests became heavy as if they were pressed on a boulder.

At this time, they still don’t understand. It’s not that Ring of Sigh didn’t work, but Lin Lichuan’s power was so powerful that even if Ring of Sigh was used, his power still surpassed Zhou. Heqin many.

The power that Lin Lichuan is showing at this moment is much stronger than when he fought Zhou Ze a few days ago.

Su’e, who knows some inside information, is good to say, but Adrian and the secret peepers are shocked and inexplicably. No one expected Lin Lichuan to break through in just a few days, and his strength is even better. Up one level.

This talent is too evildoer!

For a while, everyone looked at Lin Lichuan with deep awe and awe.

The power that this young genius possesses today can no longer be underestimated, and his potential is destined for future achievements that will be more beyond imagination. Such a person can only befriend him, and absolutely cannot be an enemy, otherwise The consequences could be disastrous.

The battle between Lin Lichuan and Zhou Heqin ended very quickly. Tenken and Ashisogi Jizō and the Zhou Family were still fighting, but the death of Zhou Heqin brought unimaginable spirits to the Zhou Family. A few people even lost consciousness in the fierce battle, and they were immediately smashed into meat sauce by Tenken.

There is no suspense about the outcome of this battle. Lin Lichuan took a look and then looked back, and turned to look at Adrian, who immediately burst into a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

His strength is almost on par with Zhou Ze. The face-to-face confrontation is basically impossible to Lin Lichuan’s opponent, not to mention that Lin Lichuan still holds the Ring of Sigh at this time. To kill him is almost with no difficulty.

With many thoughts in his mind, Adrian suddenly bowed slightly and respectfully said to Lin Lichuan: “Zhou Family has no eyes, and Sire is the enemy. Now they are on their own account and are not worthy of sympathy, Cardan Family is happy to help Sire clean up the Zhou Family.”

As the ruler of the Elder Family, when you say this in full view, there is already some shameless meaning in it, but it is present. No one laughed at Adrian’s actions. They could understand that if Adrian didn’t quickly take out the Cardan Family, then the Cardan Family might be in disaster.

The influence of Cardan Family is not even as good as Zhou Family.

Compared to the survival of the family, trivial is not worth mentioning.

hearing this, Lin Lichuan took a deep look at Adrian, then no longer paid attention to, and when he put away the Ring of Sigh, he also lifted the Hollowfication.

His purpose is only to help the Blackflame Council defeat Zhou Family and let Su’e and the others regain their freedom. Apart from this does not intend to be extravagant. Since Adrian has taken a step back, he is not prepared to chase after him. Home.

Seeing this, Adrian was relieved in his heart, and quickly said: “Thank Sire for your understanding. Cardan Family will give you a gift in the future. Please also Sire to accept it.”

After this sentence, without waiting for Lin Lichuan’s response, he left swift and decisively, lest Lin Lichuan change his mind.

The good show ended, all around the bystanders who were hidden in the shadows also left with different thoughts.

Not long after they walked out, they heard a few short screams in the direction of Zhou Family Manor, which meant that the last remaining core members of Zhou Family had followed in the footsteps of Zhou Heqin. It also represents the beginning of the decline of Qianyuan Trade Union First Elder Family.

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