oh la la!

As the sword energy passed by at extreme speed, a huge python head flew high, and bright red and warm blood splashed down all directions.

The sturdy and huge snake body banged to the ground, still writhing, and it took a long time to gradually stop.

Lin Lichuan hovered three or four meters above the ground, slowly retracting the sword.

This is the twenty six beast he has killed in nearly half an hour.

After entering the core area of ​​Ring of Sigh, he and Lu Qiu were attacked by fierce beasts more and more frequently, and their power level also increased rapidly, as if they were covered in hard and fine scales. The python monster has a level comparable to Gold Peak.

Perhaps Lin Lichuan and Lu Qiu don’t look like powerful creatures. Almost every beast they encounter along the way will attack them. Although they can’t hurt them, they’re also annoying and dragged down. The speed of advancement.

“Thanks, A’Chuan, we are almost there.” Lu Qiu approached Lin Lichuan and said softly.

In order to prevent Shadow Seeking Bird from being harmed, she did not take any action along the way, but instead gave Lin Lichuan the responsibility of the beast attack.

The two continued on their way, and then killed a few beasts that were blocking the way. After climbing over a mountain, the Shadow Seeking Bird standing on Lu Qiu’s shoulder suddenly squeaked.

Lu Qiu step one stopped, his eyes patrolled around, suddenly he swept out and rushed to a mountain wall not far away, stopped in front of the mountain wall, looked up at it, and a smile appeared on his face after a while , Turned back to Lin Lichuan and said: “That’s it.”

Shadow Seeking Bird also chirped a few times.

Lin Lichuan stepped forward, looked at the mountain wall and asked: “This mountain wall is the entrance to Star Disaster Vestige?”

“That’s correct.” Lu Qiu nodded and said, he sent Shadow Seeking Bird back, “but I think it is more appropriate to call it a node, because only here can the key cube be used to open the vestige entrance.”

“Star Disaster Vestige Isn’t it possible to open the entrance as long as it is within a certain range?” Lin Lichuan asked puzzledly, as is the case with Star Disaster Vestige on Blackflame Island.

“The functionality of Star Disaster Vestige is different, and the way to enter will be different. For example, this Star Disaster Vestige, once you enter, you can’t take the initiative to leave, you can only wait for 1 month later vestige to expel the entry “As Lu Qiu explained, he took out a cube the size of a goose egg from his body, glittering and translucent like a crystal, raising his head and gently pressing it against the mountain wall.

At the moment of contact, the cube quickly merged into the mountain wall like melted ice, and then the entire surface of the mountain wall suddenly rippled like water waves.

Seeing this, Lu Qiu slightly smiled: “Let’s go in.”

When the words fell, he took the lead and disappeared into the mountain wall suddenly.

Lin Lichuan clicking one’s tongue in wonder looked at this scene without hesitation, followed by stepping into the mountain wall.

Like passing through a thin film, waiting for came back to his senses, Lin Lichuan found that he was no longer in the mountains, but appeared in front of a vast forest.

In front of you are tall and lush trees. The warm sun shines through the gaps between the canopies and falls on the ground to form dots of light. The breeze brings refreshing coolness and the air is filled. With a refreshing taste, everything looks very peaceful.

If he didn’t know that he had entered vestige, Lin Lichuan might think that he had come to a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

However, when he looked up over the canopy of the tree, a giant tower towering into the clouds in the distance came into view.

“That is the Star Refining Tower, and it is also the most important place to explore when we enter the vestige.” Lu Qiu didn’t know when he came to his side, staring at the giant tower.

“Star Refining Tower? What kind of building is that?” Lin Lichuan was curious at hearing this.

“If I guess right, it should be the place where Star Race is used for some kind of test.”


Lu Qiu Slightly nodded, softly said: “To enter the Star Refining Tower, you must obtain five different Star Beast blood.”

Lin Lichuan slightly proves, such a strange request, it is indeed like a test.


He suddenly realized that the entry restrictions for this Star Disaster Vestige included age, and it also required that it should not exceed 20 years old, plus the test, Isn’t it…

Notice the change of Lin Lichuan’s expression, Lu Qiu whispered: “It seems that you have already thought of it.”

“Will this vestige? Is it the place where Star Race is used to test the adult warrior?” Lin Lichuan’s eyes flashed with suspicion radiance.

“According to our family’s investigation, the probability is as high as 90% or more.” Lu Qiu affirmed his guess, “So we have to enter the Star Refining Tower next, and then we will know the truth. “

Lin Lichuan nodded, this will arouse his curiosity.

“Five kinds of Star Beast blood…”

The two did not delay, and after a glance at each other, they entered the forest tacitly.

Suddenly, the vision dimmed a lot.

With no more than 300-400 meters, Lin Lichuan suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the right side. The next moment a dark shadow flashed out from behind the tree, cold and sharp. The cold glow carried baleful aura and hit his neck fiercely.

Lin Lichuan expression remains the same, pressing the right hand on his waist suddenly draws the sword, a Nadegiri slashes out, sharp aura in the agitation, a condensed Kenatsu whizzes towards the black Shadow, cut it into two neatly.


The corpse fell to the ground. Lin Lichuan looked sideways and realized that the attacker was a mantis-like mantis, which was two meters tall and a hideous monster.

He immediately stopped and landed next to the monster. When he picked the sword tip, he picked out a full-colored meteor crystal stone from the body.

“This monster is also a strange beast?” Lin Lichuan was slightly surprised. The strange beasts he had seen before were all tank-sized and looked like a gecko. He always thought that strange beasts were all like this. There were other kinds that didn’t expect.

“There are indeed more than one kind of strange beasts, but before discovering this vestige, I have not seen more than ten kinds of strange beasts, and the strange beasts of this vestige are conservatively estimated to be more than 30 kinds , You will see it later.”

Lin Lichuan hearing this is astonished. At this time, he is even more certain that the strange beast is a Biochemical Beast made by Star Race. There are dozens of different shapes. , The body structure is completely different, within the body but the same creature with meteor crystal stone, the probability of being a natural creature is really pitiful.

After came back to his senses, Lin Lichuan asked again: “What about Star Beast?”

“Star Beast is different from strange beast. Their appearance is basically similar, the only one The characteristic is that the higher the power level, the closer the body is to the human form.” Lu Qiu explained.

During the conversation, a few strange beasts rushed out from the depths of the forest and were killed by the two together.

And Lin Lichuan also really saw Lu Qiu’s ability for the first time.

Faced with the attacking strange beast, the girl just waved her hand, and instantly saw that the strange beast’s body was divided into two parts, and the middle part of the body seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

“Spatial ability… is still of the attack system.” Lin Lichuan’s eyes flashed in surprise. Didn’t expect Lu Qiu to master a very rare spatial ability, and it is not an auxiliary class. , But the offensive spatial ability that power ranks top among all abilities.

With this ability, Lu Qiu’s battle strength is undoubtedly a well-known figure in the same level.

In just a few seconds, Lin Lichuan and Lu Qiu joined forces to kill the strange beast that struck. The meteor crystal stone taken out was temporarily placed in Lin Lichuan, which has storage space, until the vestige trip is over. Assignment later.

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