The most glorious and prosperous period of the colosseum can be traced back thousands of years ago. It is said that a colosseum was built in cities of a certain size.

However, after the star disaster, with the development of the world, most of the ancient things such as colosseum have disappeared in the torrent of time, and only a few remain in secret places that are not known to the general public.

As far as Lin Lichuan knows, Tania Empire has a colosseum.

There will be gladiatorial fights every once in a while. The participants are naturally not ordinary people, but Transcendents with extraordinary powers such as Martial Artist, Ability User and Cyborg. They are dedicated to some powerful and respectable people. Watch, well known in the upper class.

At that time, Lin Lichuan had never been to the imperial colosseum because he had been busy improving his strength and executing the Nightsong mission. He still had some regrets in his heart. There was a colosseum in Bolin City.

And listening to Miao Xiang, the existence of Redstone Colosseum seems to be public.

“Sir, Redstone Colosseum is the largest colosseum in Bolin City, and even the entire Lei Family territory. Every year, numerous Transcendents apply to become the gladiator of Redstone Colosseum and start their journey to glory in the fight.” Miao Xiang said proudly.

“journey to glory?” Lin Lichuan was slightly stunned. The battle of the colosseum was mainly to bring visual excitement to the viewers. To some extent, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a performance. It was bloody and bloody at best. What does it have to do with glory?

Miao Xiang is not surprised by Lin Lichuan’s doubts. He seems to have seen it a lot. Hearing this explains: “Redstone Colosseum is different from the colosseum outside of Ring of Sigh. It was created and controlled by Lei Family. Anyone who has a free identity, an innocent background, and has won more than ten consecutive victories in the Redstone Colosseum can join the Thunderbolt Legion, the direct army of the Lei Family, and become a glorious Decurion.”

Lin Lichuan was relieved. The so-called journey to glory was a test in plain terms. As long as he passed the test, an ordinary Transcendent could become an officer. Stepping into the elite class is actually equivalent to a way of promotion.

For the ruler Lei Family, such a system is an effective way to supplement Legion’s fresh blood.

At this time, Lin Lichuan suddenly remembered the conversation with Lu Qiu not long ago, and finally understood another reason for the unusually high proportion of Bolin City Transcendent.

I am afraid that many Transcendents are here for Redstone Colosseum.

came back to his senses, Lin Lichuan said: “Then let’s go to the Redstone Colosseum to take a look.”

“Yes, sir, Redstone Colosseum is not far ahead Please follow me.” Miao Xiang immediately walked forward and led the way.

It’s not far away. In fact, it took more than ten minutes for the entire group to walk, and then one could gradually see a huge plaza complex covering a wide area in the field of vision. At the same time, the stones paved into the ground were also It gradually becomes shallow red.

There are countless shops selling all kinds of food, drinks, and other memorials on both sides of the road. Pedestrians are constantly shuttled, taking a bustling scene.

“It’s so lively here.”

Suzumebachi, who sits on Lin Lichuan’s shoulders, looks at all around with a strange face, and at the same time, many people cast her With a curious look, just as Lin Lichuan guessed. Although summoned creation is rare, it is not rare in Bolin City. The pedestrians who pass by are not doing anything else except looking curiously.

“Redstone Colosseum is also open to ordinary people for a fee, and the admission fee is not expensive, so everyday all has a lot of spectators here, and even the commerce in the streets around here has become very prosperous.” Miao Xiang explained graciously.

While speaking, the entire group has reached the Redstone Colosseum.

Getting closer, Lin Lichuan found that the Redstone Colosseum is much larger than expected. What’s more amazing is that the entire Redstone Colosseum exudes a cruel, bloody, and heavy oppression. , It is as if there is a sea of ​​scarlet wandering over the colosseum. Just looking at it makes the chest faint and feels breathless.

“How many lives have to dissipate here to create such terrifying pressure…” Lin Lichuan whispered.

came back to his senses, he asked Miao Xiang: “How long has the Redstone Colosseum existed?”

“Redstone Colosseum existed before the star disaster. Thousands of years of history.”

Lin Lichuan squinted his eyes, feeling hard to describe in his heart.

But soon, he noticed that the expressions of the overwhelming majority who entered and exited the Redstone Colosseum were not at all unusual. It seemed that they did not even notice the terrifying pressure in the air, including some that seemed to be obviously The same goes for Transcendent pedestrians. On the contrary, Sode no Shirayuki and Suzumebachi are slightly frowns, and obviously feel the pressure just like him.

After a little thought, Lin Lichuan understood.

“It seems that at least a Knight Rank Transcendent is required to perceive this pressure.”

Fortunately for Lin Lichuan and the others, this pressure is at best They feel a little uncomfortable, and Reiatsu can be dispelled by running Reiatsu a little, and it will not have much effect.

Among the people, Kazeshini is the only one who has a soft spot for the bloody pressure that permeates all around the air. The face hidden under the grey cap shows an expression of enjoyment and desire.

“Here…should be able to fight a bit more refreshingly.”

Suzumebachi rolled the eyes unhappily: “Can you not open mouth, closed mouth? Fighting, such a man will definitely not be popular!”

Kazeshini glanced at her, coldly snorted.

“Oh, woman.”


“Okay.” Lin Lichuan interrupted Suzumebachi’s words and touched After touching her head, “Don’t fight.”

With the comfort of the Master, the sullenness on Suzumebachi’s pretty face gradually dissipated, and he made a grimace at Kazeshiini, and no longer paid attention to him.

Miao Xiang on the side waited for the two to stop quarreling, and then hurriedly said: “Sir, Redstone Colosseum also allows foreigners to register as a gladiator, but only the powerhouse must be a Knight Rank powerhouse, and whether you win or lose, you can get rich Bounty.”

Lin Lichuan faintly smiled, shake the head.

Miao Xiang saw it, but he misunderstood what Lin Lichuan meant.

“It seems that this grand guest and his guards are not Knights, but they should have at least the strength of Gold Rank.”

If it is not Knight, at least three or more Only when Gold Rank Transcendent goes together, it is possible to pass through the Ring of Sigh.

This idea just passed away in a flash, and Miao Xiang quickly left it behind. Anyway, the employer only needs to have money, and everything else doesn’t matter.

“Sir, let’s go in.” Miao Xiang said, pointing to the stone gate not far away.

Lin Lichuan nodded, walked over with Sode no Shirayuki.

Redstone Colosseum has no boxes, all seats are open-air, but according to the order of arrangement, the admission fee is different. The closer the seat is to the central circular plaza, the higher the price expensive.

The price of the top seat has even reached five dragon marked gold coins, which is far beyond the level of ordinary people’s tolerance. Obviously, those who can sit in this seat are not members of the rich family, or they don’t need money. The transcendent powerhouse.

Lin Lichuan naturally belongs to the latter kind. He directly selected the most expensive seats richly and imposingly. After paying all the seats, including Miao Xiang, under the guidance of the staff, An unremarkable but luxuriously decorated side door walked in from the corner of the colosseum.

After passing through the long corridor, the eyes suddenly open up.

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