In the square, Lei Wei frowned as he watched Sode no Shirayuki walking out from behind the iron fence gate.

“This woman is Young Master’s goal, so you have to be careful not to hurt her too much, otherwise Young Master will not be able to explain it.”

thoughts are revolving In time, the iron fence gates on both sides of the square were slowly closed, making a dull sound.

The gladiatorial fight began, but the two sides of the battle did not immediately take action.

Lei Wei stands straight in place, behind his back is a half-human sharp giant axe, which shines with a palpable sharp metallic luster under the sunlight.

But he has no plan to take down giant axe. If he uses weapons to deal with a weak woman, he will inevitably be laughed at.

The thought of contempt flashed from Lei Wei’s mind. Just as he was about to unarmed and subdue the opponent in front of him, the next scene made him stared wide-eyed.


Even in the noisy colosseum, the sound of ice freezing is still very clear.

On the large plaza, the ground was covered with a thick layer of ice at some point. The fog visible from naked eye was gradually raised, and a chill that seemed to freeze human flesh and bone along with bone marrow filled Every inch of the square, even the auditorium above felt a clear chill.

Some of the weaker spectators sitting in the front row have begun to shiver.

The terrifying chill comes from Sode no Shirayuki in the center of the square.

Just standing there motionless, the extreme chilliness exuding from the girl almost freezes the entire square. Such terrifying elemental control power is self-evident.


Lei Mingjun suddenly got up from his seat and knocked over the coffee table in front of him. The wine on it was spilled all over the floor. However, he couldn’t take care of this anymore, he just looked surprised and angry. The scene on the field.

This maid is also Knight?

He stared at Sode no Shirayuki standing in the center of the ice with wide eyes. He was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He didn’t expect this beautiful maid to have the power of Knight Rank. .

After came back to his senses, Lei Mingjun suddenly turned his head and looked towards Lin Lichuan, his eyes twitched fiercely.

What’s the origin of this guy? There are two Knight guards beside him!

Even if it’s me, it took a long time for my cousin who is the ruler of Bolin City to get two Knights as guards. Does the trivial foreigner have this kind of spectacle?

Looking at Lin Lichuan, who looked calm, Lei Mingjun couldn’t help but feel a sense of anxiety.

At this time, Lei Wei, who found that he underestimated his opponent, had already reacted. He immediately took down the giant axe behind him, and did not dare to hold it up any more. The expression grave ran the qi energy and strode towards Sode no. Shirayuki.

The thought of contempt a moment ago has long been forgotten by him. Although he was shocked by the strength of his opponents suddenly revealed, he has a wealth of fighting experience and he immediately calmed his emotions and responded with all his strength.

Faced with aggressive opponents, Sode no Shirayuki’s face was as delicate as a ceramic doll, without any fluctuations, white and delicate hands protruding out, stars and dots of ice suddenly appeared, condensed into a handle in the palm The whole body is white, glittering and translucent long sword.

After that, she reversed the sword, with the sword tip facing down, drew a circle around the ground.

Some no Mai, Tsukishiro!

The lustrous white light emerges from the ground, forming an aperture of more than ten meters in diameter with Sode no Shirayuki as the center. When Lei Wei sprints with giant axe, the moment he steps into the aperture, countless extreme cold Mist emerged out of thin air. In an instant, the soles of Lei Wei’s feet in contact with the ground were frozen in place by ka-cha, and a large amount of ice spread quickly along his ankles.

The sudden change caused Lei Wei’s pupils to shrink suddenly, but he did not panic. He decisively shook the ice on his feet instantly, and then floated up without the slightest hesitation.

In just an instant, with his rich combat experience, he judged that most of his opponent’s moves were some kind of large-scale defense skills, and the aperture on the ground could freeze the creatures stepping into it.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you fly into the air, you can avoid the aperture and approach your opponent.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated. At the moment he rose into the air, countless cold air surged from the aperture under his feet, rising into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and submerged him in an instant.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

In the blink of an eye, there is a huge pillar of ice in the center of the square, and Lei Wei is in the center. Through the glittering and translucent ice, you can vaguely see the freeze on his face. color.

I have to say that Lei Wei’s reaction ability is very good. Some no Mai, Tsukishiro can be judged in a short time, but it is only part of it. Some no Mai, Tsukishiro marked out. In the aperture, not only the objects in contact with the ground will be frozen, but all the spaces corresponding to the aperture will be frozen, which naturally also includes the sky above.


In full view, large cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the icicle.

Some no Mai, Tsukishiro power is good, but Lei Wei is Morning Star Knight anyway, and this move is not enough to kill him.

Sode no Shirayuki had anticipated this a long time ago, and calmly raised his snow white sword again, moving towards the ground in front of him like lightning, stabbing it all around, and suddenly the ice blossomed from The pierced ground rises, like a flame seedling.

Surrounded by ice and bloom, Sode no Shirayuki’s originally very beautiful figure is becoming more and more stunning, like Ice Goddess coming from the snow, exuding a moving cool charm.

Many viewers couldn’t help but see the expression dull and opened their mouths slightly.

However, this beautiful posture fell in Lei Wei’s eyes, but it was no different from Shinigami’s life-reaping scythe. A strong fear of death instantly enveloped his heart. Under the horror, he had to fight hard Strength, want to break through the ice.

Unfortunately, it is too late. As Sode no Shirayuki stabs the sword, a large amount of extreme cold springs out of thin air from the front of the sword, moving towards Lei Wei in the sky like a stormy sea, swept away madly. Even the air was instantly frozen everywhere, and countless ice crystals emerged one after another.

Looking from a distance, it is like a huge ice gun pierced through the air, and at the end is Lei Wei who is about to break the ice.

Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren!

In Lei Wei’s desperate gaze, the raging cold air instantly overwhelmed him, and the biting chill of his marrow instantly froze his blood, flesh, bones and consciousness.

The cold fog is permeated, and the temperature of the entire Redstone Colosseum has dropped a lot for a while.

It took a long time before Sode no Shirayuki put down the sword. Following her movements, the icicles on the square suddenly ka-cha, turning into countless ice crystals and flying away, a huge block of ice. Falling from the air like a meteor, hit the ground with a bang, cracking into countless small ice blocks under the huge impact.

The entire Redstone Colosseum was absolutely silenced for a while, as if the throats of all the audience had also been frozen, everyone stared blankly at the cool and elegant white clothed girl on the field, unable to speak for a long while Come.

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