Scarface Captain, Tang Qing and the others were shocked, the roar sound in the building gradually faded, and after two minutes, the sound disappeared completely.

In the next moment, Lin Lichuan flapped his jet-black wings, broke the smoke and flew out, and there was already a bright-colored meteor crystal stone in his hand, still carrying a trace of blood on it.


Lin Lichuan gathered his wings and landed seven or eight meters away. His body surface was black and light flashed, and Resurrección had been lifted. Resurrección was restored to its original appearance. The mask on his face was also ka-cha. Fragmented, the white fragments rustled to the ground.

Aware of the existence of the team, Lin Lichuan turned his head and looked at them.

Tang Qing and the others immediately swallowed their saliva, and their hearts throbbed.

Although all members of their expedition team are Gold Rank Transcendent, Captain Tang Qing is also a Level 21 Morning Star Knight, but they have never encountered the existence of Radiant Moon Knight, let alone 20. Radiant Moon Knight years old.


Suzumebachi dropping from the sky, landed on Lin Lichuan’s shoulders, Lu Qiu and Sode no Shirayuki and the others also landed from the roof of the building and stood on his Around.

Lin Lichuan approached them slightly nodded and signaled that it was OK, and then turned to Tang Qing, indifferently asked: “Are you a local Adventurer?”

“Yes, Sir, we Horned The Rhino Team is an official expedition squad registered in Bolin City. It has been here for seven or eight years.” Tang Qing replied hurriedly and respectfully, even using the honorific title. He hesitated and then tentatively Asked, “Does Sir have any orders?”

Lin Lichuan asked: “You have been in Bolin City for so long, should you know which places in the city are the safest?”

After all, it is an experienced Adventurer Captain. After hearing Lin Lichuan’s words, Tang Qing immediately understood what he meant.

With the current situation of Bolin City, if you want to break through the fundamentally impossible, the only way is to support the arrival of reinforcements, so the top priority is obviously to find a safe and secure hiding place.

After trying to understand this, Tang Qing only pondered for a few seconds, and then had the answer in his mind. He looked up cautiously replied: “Sir, the safest place in Bolin City now is the Redstone Colosseum.”

“Redstone Colosseum?” Lin Lichuan frowned. Redstone Colosseum is an open field, all around. Although there is a huge wall, there is no protection in the sky above, and it cannot withstand the intrusion of flying Strange Beast and Star Beast. .

It seems that Lin Lichuan’s thoughts were guessed, Tang Qing explained: “Sir, Redstone Colosseum is not hidden, but there is a defensive array in the colosseum, which is enough to stop the invasion of the beast herd.”

Lin Lichuan slightly startled, turning his head to cast a questioning look at Lu Qiu.

The girl understood what he meant, and whispered: “In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from hurting spectators off the court, a comprehensive defensive array is generally set up in the colosseum. The minimum standard of strength is to be able to withstand the full attack of Radiant Moon Knight. It’s a quarter of an hour.”

“Yes, as this…this Young Lady said.” Tang Qing glanced at Lu Qiu, secretly thinking of the girl’s amazing beauty and noble temperament. Surprised, but did not dare to show anything on the face, continued, “Moreover, the defensive array of Redstone Colosseum has been passed down for more than 600 years. During the period, it has been improved and strengthened many times. The defense strength is far better than the ordinary colosseum. Knight can resist for at least half a minute. As long as we can successfully reach there and open the defensive array, it should be enough for a few days.”

hearing this, Lin Lichuan was slightly surprised, frowned and thought for a moment. Make a decision quickly.

“Okay, let’s go to the Redstone Colosseum!”

Anyway, now we must find a safe place to hide. The battle situation at the city gate is not optimistic. It is estimated that the army will not be able to support it for too long. , It won’t be long before the beast herd will attack. If she is still on the street or in the fragile residential shops, the situation will be even worse.

Even though Lin Lichuan and Lu Qiu are both Radiant Moon Knights, facing thousands of beast herd, there is a strategic withdrawal, let alone the Qiming Cult who killed the three leaders of Thunderbolt Legion Grand Priest.

After the decision was made, the entire group no longer delayed, and immediately rushed towards the Redstone Colosseum.

Everyone in the Tang Qing team kept up with Lin Lichuan without saying a word.

In the Bolin City ravaged by beast herd, following such a super powerhouse, safety is undoubtedly greatly increased.

And the subsequent development also proved how correct their ideas are. Along the way, whether it is a strange beast or a Star Beast, they can’t get within ten meters of their own. They were killed by thunderbolt before they got close, and Only the gray robed man with dual-bladed scythe as a weapon was shot, and another mysterious person with a vicious mask and petals swept through his hands.

These two people teamed up to solve all the attacking monsters. The others, including Lin Lichuan, did not make any moves from start to finish. They just rushed, making the Horned Rhino Team more aware of this The power of squad makes me wonder in secret.

More than ten minutes later, the peak of the Redstone Colosseum, a huge wall of Redstone Colosseum, appeared at the end of the entire group’s vision.

And just at this time, there was a panic of footsteps in front of me, mixed with several rapid screams.

The sound came from the other side at the end of the street. Lin Lichuan and the others looked up, just to see a group of people rushing out in panic, panicking, as if they were very Chasing terrifying things.

There are about a dozen people in the group. The three young men rushed to the front. The moment Lin Lichuan could not help but browse slightly raises, everyone in the Horned Rhino Team also showed amazement. The color.

The three people who suddenly rushed out were Lei Mingjun, You Hongwen and Sun Xiangqing.

The three people also discovered the Lin Lichuan entire group at this meeting, and they were stunned.


The low and tyrannical roar suddenly sounded, interrupting the dullness of the three of them, making their face instantly changes without a trace of blood.

In the next second, a Star Beast rushed out from the corner of the street, flapping its wings and swiftly before, two sharp claws penetrated the chests of the two guards that fell in the end, bloody chest After coming out, the warm blood splashed all over.

This scene immediately scared the rest of the people the soul flew away and scattered, and quickly speeded up their pace to flee wildly, only hating father and mother for not giving themselves two legs.

Listening to the screams of the guard behind him before he died, Lei Mingjun’s face became paler, and even the look of Lin Lichuan not far away became fierce.

If this guy hadn’t killed Lei Wei and Lei Yuan, he wouldn’t have been chased by a Star Beast, and he would fall into this deadly situation.

The fear of death was intertwined with the resentment gushing from the depths of the chest cavity, instantly making Lei Mingjun’s eyes become red, and no longer caring about other things, he ran towards Lin Lichuan with his legs.

However, I intend to lead Star Beast to Lin Lichuan.

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