
The screaming sound like a sharp blade cracking void.

Perceiving the golden light chasing behind him, the face of Star Race Chief Sergeant brow beaded with sweat suddenly showed an expression of surprised and angry mixed with fear, so that the entire face became distorted.

In horror, he had to turn around to meet and slashed at the golden light with a knife.

Until then, Meng Xiaotong and Cheng Chun noticed that Star Race Chief Sergeant was actually holding a longblade in their hands, and the two of them suddenly appeared in astonishment.

As everyone knows, Star Race is proud of its strong physical strength, and its fighting style is the same from boxing to meat. I have never heard of or seen them have the habit of using weapons, let alone Said it is still a knife.

Meng Xiaotong’s eyes fell subconsciously on the black butterfly pattern on Star Race Chief Sergeant’s body. She faintly felt that the other party’s abnormality might be related to these patterns.

In a brief period of consternation, Star Race Chief Sergeant let out several muffled hums, and a few more black patterns appeared on his body instantly, and the fright on his face became more intense.

In amazement, his movements inevitably stiffened for an instant, and he was immediately seized by the golden light, flashing behind him like a whirlwind, and puff hit a spot on his back covered by black patterns.

Under the eyes of everyone, Star Race Chief Sergeant’s body suddenly froze, and the second pattern instantly appeared where it was hit, which overlapped with the original pattern to form a new octagonal pattern.


As if to have a premonition, Star Race Chief Sergeant opened his mouth in despair, as if he wanted to shout, but only had time to utter a syllable. Suddenly, the whole person turned out of thin air into a pattern that was exactly the same as the pattern on the back, only magnified by a factor of ten, and then slowly disappeared.

The tumbling qi energy dissipated, and the air instantly returned to calm.

Meng Xiaotong and Cheng Chun watched a live Star Race disappear out of thin air with their eyes wide open, their faces dumbfounded.

“So, what is that ability?”

“Kill with two strikes.” Ren Yangyang showed some sorrowful expressions, “That is Captain Suzumebachi’s ability. If the weapon hits the same part twice, it will cause extremely terrifying damage, and it will have a direct death effect on a much weaker target.”

“A much weaker target… “

Meng Xiaotong opened his mouth, and was a little bit dumbfounded for a while. That was Star Race Chief Sergeant, which was quite a Radiant Moon Knight. In their Captain eyes, it turned out to be a much weaker pronoun.

Is Captain of Gotei 13 all monsters?

But soon, an even more shocking and unspeakable scene happened before me.

The golden light that killed Star Race Chief Sergeant came to the crowd with a swish, and after the radiance was dispersed, there was a petite and exquisite girl inside.

“Captain!” “Captain Suzumebachi!”

Zhang Shaoyang and Ren Yangyang and the others greeted each other.

Meng Xiaotong and Cheng Chun were shocked again when they saw this. The latter pointed to Suzumebachi and stuttered: “This, this is your Captain?”

Everyone in 2nd Division understands. He was surprised and smiled speechlessly.

“What’s so surprising? Can’t I be Captain?” Suzumebachi glared at Cheng Chun with his arms akimbo, his pretty eyes filled with dissatisfaction, “Do you look down on my small size? Huh, size has nothing to do with strength , Don’t think you are much bigger than me, I can beat you with one finger!”

“I didn’t mean that!” Cheng Chun waved his hand quickly.

Fight with Radiant Moon Knight? He had a cramp in his head before going to do that.

Meng Xiaotong looked at Suzumebachi curiously, completely didn’t expect Gotei 13 One of the 13 Captains, it turned out to be a creature that was obviously not human.

is it possible that is summoned creation?

If this is the case, it can serve as the summoned creation of Captain, and its Master will know who it is without even thinking about it.

“Are you Meng Xiaotong?”

While being surprised and uncertain, Meng Xiaotong was awakened by a crisp voice, but it was Suzumebachi who asked her questions, staring at her like amber eyes She kept watching, and finally even flew around her close to take a good look.

“What’s the matter?” Meng Xiaotong was a little uncomfortable being looked around by such a strange and powerful little girl. In the past, she was also a carefree personality, quite a little fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. It means, but today I saw things that surprised her one after another.

Fortunately, Suzumebachi finally stopped, folded his hands behind his head, said without thinking: “Nothing, I just heard Haineko and Tobiume say that you are a friend of the Master, so I am a little curious.”


It seems that this little girl is really a summoned creation of A’Chuan.

Meng Xiaotong is secretly surprised, even summoned creation has such a powerful strength, what level of Lin Lichuan’s power has reached?


Suddenly came a panting sound. In the distance, a fat man with a naked upper body and a golden rope around his neck ran quickly. Coming over, gasping for breath stopped.

“Ca, Captain, you ran too fast!”

“You are too slow, Gegetsuburi.” Suzumebachi said angrily, “I told you to lose weight. Boys who are too fat are not welcome by girls.”

Gegetsuburi eased his breath and muttered: “I am Zanpakutō and not a human being, how can I lose weight?”

“Zanpakutō doesn’t need to eat yet Well, I haven’t seen you not gluttonous!”

“Why is that the same…”

Seeing that the two Captains tend to debate on the spot, Zhang Shaoyang is helpless again It was funny again, and he quickly stopped and said: “Captain, Lieutenant, let’s do business first!”

Hearing this, Suzumebachi let Gegetsuburi off, tilted his head and asked, “Next What are you going to do?”

Meng Xiaotong and Cheng Chun were stunned, and everyone in the 2nd Division was already used to this scene. Zhang Shaoyang immediately said: “Lady Lin Zhenyi and Tania Empire Imperial family members are now Go out of the city and prepare to leave through the secret road. We’d better rush to meet them!”

“Ah, they are not in the imperial city?” Suzumebachi said in surprise, “6th Division and 7th Division entered the city. I just rushed there, and now it is estimated that I have arrived.”

As if to verify her words, just after the last word fell, there was a loud world-shaking noise from the direction of imperial city. Everyone followed the prestige and saw an incomparable gigantic, an incomparable gigantic, covered with spikes, rose into the air, and the head with its bright red mane opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spitting out a thick red light beam. It fell downward with a sound, blowing up smoke and dust.

“Zabimaru seems to be having fun, even Bankai is used.” Suzumebachi muttered.

“Maybe I have encountered a difficult opponent.” Gegetsuburi said.

Suzumebachi curl one’s lip, said: “You stupid, if you are really a difficult opponent, he would have used Sōō Zabimaru a long time ago, how can he use this Incomplete Bankai.”

Seeing that the topic has been diverted again, Zhang Shaoyang said with a bitter smile: “Captain, without further ado, let’s hurry out of the city now.”


Suzumebachi nodded, hovering in the air.

“Star Race has more than half of the power left in the city. Be careful, the next hard battle will be.”

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