Ann himself is proficient in wind elemental power and is also proficient in Shunkō. The integration of wind element is naturally much easier than non-Elementalist.

With his current strength, as long as he masters Senkei, he can immediately possess the power of Radiant Moon Knight Rank.

Of course, Senkei is not the end of Shunkō, and further up there are Wei Neng’s more powerful skills. The principle is to use Reiatsu to form a curse seal within the body with a special circulation method based on Senkei. At the same time, it temporarily becomes a half human half beast, and there will be more things like tails or horns on the body.

According to the different Senkei attribute and the beast form after the appearance change, the strength enforcement obtained will be different.

For example, if you become a cat, in addition to the elemental attribute power is greatly increased, the agility and dexterity of the caster will also be greatly enhanced.

This technique can be said to be an enhanced version of Senkei, but it is not without side effects. The caster may be affected by the beast emotions represented by the form, thereby losing the normal human thinking ability, and the behavior is controlled by the beast instinct.

But even so, compared to the increase in strength, this side effect is still within an acceptable range.

In fact, if it hadn’t been for Hollowfication’s greater potential and power than Shunkō, and at his current level, Shunkō’s role had been minimal, Lin Lichuan would probably be unable to help training Shunkō’s subsequent two skill.

After listening to Lin Lichuan’s account, Ann has been stunned, her eyes full of shock.

For a while, he came back to his senses, looking at Lin Lichuan with bright eyes, and couldn’t help but say: “Sir…”

Although I didn’t say it clearly, the intense desire and urgency in my eyes has explained everything.

Lin Lichuan said with a slight smile: “Don’t worry, since I told you, there must be plans for you to train, and your elemental ability training Senkei happens to be very suitable, so let’s do it early tomorrow morning Come to practice dojo and find me. I will teach you the main points of Senkei training. As for the second advanced skills, I will say when you can use Senkei proficiently.”

I have nothing to do, and I quickly agreed.

At this time, he is no longer in the mood to continue training, and he is ready to go back to sleep well and replenish his energy for next day training new abilities.

Looking at the back of An excited leaving, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

In fact, he taught Ann Senkei’s training method, and he also has his own selfishness in it.

After taking Lin Zhenyi back to Blackflame Island, he thought about how to improve the power of aunt as soon as possible, and after thinking about it, training Senkei was undoubtedly the most suitable method.

After all, like An, Lin Zhenyi is also a Fire Elementalist, very suitable for training Senkei.

Considering that Lin Zhenyi has not even started training for Kidō, it is estimated that it will take a long time to train Shunkō, let alone Senkei. That’s why Lin Lichuan started to teach Senkei to Ann. Thoughts.

Once An has successfully mastered it, with such a pioneer, Lin Zhenyi will be easier to train afterwards.

Although it is suspected of treating An as a guinea pig, I am a little sorry for him, but for selfishness, Lin Lichuan can only do this, and Senkei’s teaching is a reward.

early next morning, when Lin Lichuan arrived to practice dojo, Ann had already been there early, eyes full of eager anticipation.

Laughed involuntarily for a moment, he taught Ann the Senkei training method in his mind as scheduled.

For Senkei, Lin Lichuan has only relevant training information in his mind, but he has no training experience, so he can’t give pointers, explain all the content, make sure the Ministry of Safety writes it down, and then leaves straight away Practice dojo.

It didn’t take long for Lin Zhenyi and Meng Xiaotong to approach him and propose to study at Shin’ō Academy now.

“You just came back yesterday, don’t you plan to rest for two days first?” Lin Lichuan asked.

“No, my injury has healed a long time ago, and I don’t need to recuperate.” Meng Xiaotong pouted and hugged his arms, “I walked around here this morning, and I just found out about Gotei 13. There are many people who will be younger than me next year, but much better than me. If I don’t try to train, I will be sorry to boast that I am a genius.”

Lin Lichuan knocked her head funny. Said: “Less talk nonsense, you are already the Morning Star Knight. In Gotei 13, there will be a Knight who is younger than you. Zhang Shaoyang and Ren Yangyang have to rely on Shunkō to compare with you.”

“That is now. If I stay idle anymore, maybe I will be overtaken by them.” Meng Xiaotong did not remove Lin Lichuan’s hand, pouting, “I don’t want to even be your second Seated Officer. It’s not better.”

Jiang Han and Lu Lin obviously have the same idea as Meng Xiaotong, and hearing this is nodded.

Even Ren Yanan, who is used to carefree, is full of impatient training energy on his face.

Lin Lichuan glanced at Lin Zhenyi, who had a smile on his face, and the meaning was self-evident.

“Okay, since you have decided, then I will find someone to arrange for you to go in, and temporarily follow the teacher training in the Academy, and then I will guide you when I am finished.”

Lin Zhenyi expression moved and asked: “Seireitei will have a big move next?”

Lin Lichuan did not hide it, and directly nodded and admitted: “Wait a few days, after digesting the gains of Baiwei City Battle, Seireitei He officially launched a counterattack against Star Race.”

hearing this, Lin Zhenyi opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Lin Lichuan knows what she wants to say, said with a smile: “It’s okay, aunt, you just need to concentrate on studying.”

The voice fell, his expression moved suddenly, looking towards White The direction of Gull Port, eyes flashed a bright glint and passed away.

“They are back.”

The one who came back was the ten squads supported by Baiwei City.

The scale of the enemies who invaded Baiwei City is quite large. Although the Star Flag Officer has been killed in battle, the remaining Star Race and Strange Beast are still quite tricky. Gotei 13 will not be scattered in Baiwei City until the early hours of the morning. Enemies everywhere were killed.

Fortunately, due to the death of most of the high-end battle strength of Star Race, Gotei 13 suffered very few casualties in this battle, and the main Captain and Seated Officer were quite a lot.

After collecting the meteor crystal stone of death strange beast within the body, Gotei 13 embarked on the way back to the island overnight.

On the way through the front line of the battle between the Empire and Star Race, he also cleaned up the Star Race at the scene according to Lin Lichuan’s orders, successfully released the frontline troops of the Empire, and assisted the army to retreat safely to the neighboring Blackflame Island The coastal city has fulfilled its promise to Elle.

Lin Lichuan absorbed all the meteor crystal stones collected on the same day, increasing the value of the crystal stone by more than 20,000.

After two days of recuperation, Seireitei turned the machine at full strength, quickly mobilized, and blew the counterattack horn against Star Race.

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