African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 134 The first phase of the combat mission ends

The subsequent battles between the East African army against the Kingdom of Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala were lackluster and basically encountered no resistance. Even before the arrival of the East African army, the indigenous people in some areas had already fled.

Rwanda and Igala, however, learned from the mistakes of the princes and nobles of the Kingdom of Burundi and chose not to fight to the death with the East African colonies, but to relocate and start a new business.

Look at the current Burundi and Karawi nobles, they are really like lost dogs. All the way to Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala, most of the slaves around them ran away, and a lot of property was also taken away.

With the current state of Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala, the top leaders of the two countries really have no confidence to resist the attack of the East African colonies, and the East African colonies probably will not accept surrender, so they might as well move elsewhere as soon as possible.

Now that we take the initiative to give up this land, we can still preserve our strength and preserve the elite forces of the two countries. We can go to Central and West Africa and let the indigenous people there see what the iron fist of civilization is.

Just as the northwest countries faced the thermal weapons of the East African colonies, there was a generational difference in civilization, so the northwest countries also had a civilizational advantage when facing the indigenous tribes.

The iron manufacturing capabilities and organizational capabilities are not comparable to those of nomadic tribes, and the northwest countries are not the kind of countries that have completely entered the farming civilization. Their martial virtues are relatively abundant, and they are not timid when facing players of the same rank.

In addition, the northwest countries are not as foolhardy as the East Bantu people. If the East Bantu people winked at the local aristocratic group, the two sides would not fight to the death.

The nobles of the northwest countries do not mind having the many chiefs of the Eastern Bantu people below them and above the untouchables.

However, the East Bantu people, some large tribes, were arrogant and domineering, without any regard for the feelings of the local nobles, and committed all kinds of crimes including killing, burning, and looting.

It didn't matter. The local nobles could still turn a blind eye. As a result, these East Bantu people did not know what was good or bad, and they committed some massacres, attacked the local nobles, and robbed the wealth of the nobles.

This was the fate of the nobles of various countries in the northwest, so the noble forces in the northwest united to suppress the Eastern Bantu people.

Facing the invasion of East African colonies this time, the Kingdom of Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala do not intend to fight again. They really cannot afford to fight.

Anyway, what the East African colonies wanted was land, not really their own lives, wealth and slaves. There is a lot of land in Africa. The worst thing is to give it to the Germans and find another place for yourself. Apart from the Sahara Desert, there is no place where you can continue to live.

Therefore, the top leaders of the two countries sent envoys to the East African colonies, asking the East African troops not to worry, we will leave on our own, and the East African colonial governments were happy to do so.

As a result, a harmonious scene appeared in the two countries. The nobles of Rwanda and the Igala Kingdom collected their belongings (including slaves) and followed the kingdom through the north to start a business in Central and West Africa. The East African army took their time. Accept the lands of both countries in the back.

Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala decided to stay together and go to Central and West Africa to carve out a piece of the world, and attack the indigenous tribes living there from far away and close to each other, defeating them one by one.

This is not because the two countries know the art of war, but because the indigenous people of Central Africa are in a scattered tribal state and it is impossible to unite together.

As long as the two countries take one step at a time, they can build new countries in Central and West Africa.

June 27, 1868.

The East African army that followed them advanced to Ruhengeri, the largest city in the north of the Kingdom of Rwanda, and the war in Rwanda was basically over.

June 30th.

The entire territory of the Igala Kingdom fell, and the East African colonies broke through to the borders of the Nkole Kingdom and the Buganda Kingdom.

July 1st.

The first phase of the combat mission was basically completed, and the four southern countries fell completely into the hands of the East African colonies.

The newly incorporated land area in East Africa this time is about 83,000 square kilometers (excluding water area).

In the short time since the war broke out, the colonial government of East Africa moved into the area a total of 80,000 new immigrants, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the East African colonies, instantly surpassing many large areas in the Midwest.

Of course, the current infrastructure conditions in this newly occupied area are not very good, but they are far better than those in the Omo River Basin. After all, it has been developed by the indigenous kingdom for many years. There are still some fields and roads that can be borrowed, and they can be slightly modified in the future. .

At the same time, a large number of South Germans were settled here, and the orphans in Paraguay not only adjusted the ethnicity, but also adjusted the gender and age. At the same time, the young labor force was mainly young, so the population structure of this area was also relatively reasonable.

As long as the connection with the Solon Lake area and the Great Lakes area is completed and smooth transportation and communication are ensured, the rule of the East African colonies here will be completely stable.

Such a rapid advancement naturally resulted in the fact that the indigenous people were not completely cleared away. The considerate East African colonies specially organized the indigenous people who had not escaped and sent them to Rwanda and the Igala Kingdom who wanted to start a new business. In the East African Kingdom of Nkole The army sent these native gifts out of the country.

The fall of the four southern countries naturally caused a huge impact on the four northern countries. In particular, the Kingdom of Nkole and the Kingdom of Buganda have strengthened their military presence on the border with East Africa.

The indigenous people who had just been put into production were recalled to rejoin the army. The kingdom of Nkole was weak, and Buganda was facing the pressure of two-front war. The situation of both countries was not good.

If the war breaks out in the second phase, it is still unclear how effective it will be compared to the first phase. After all, the last time the four northern countries faced the invasion of the Eastern Bantu people, they did not damage their roots, especially the Kingdom of Turu and the Kingdom of Gira. The kingdoms of Kole and Buganda acted as barriers and suffered no losses at all.

This is also the basis for the four northern countries to dare to confront the East African colonies. Rwanda and the Kingdom of Igala were almost harmed by the East Bantu people before. They did not feel bad about selling their own land. The core interests of the four northern countries were not damaged.

The difficulty in the second phase of the battle is the strong will of the four northern countries to resist. The advantage of East Africa is that when the second phase of the battle breaks out, there will be sufficient manpower on the border this time.

Moreover, the supplies accumulated on the front line in the first phase will not make the East African army as busy as when they first entered the northwest region.

In the first phase of the combat mission, it was not the enemy that seriously hindered the advancement of the East African army, but the long supply line.

At the same time, another advantage of the second stage, as mentioned earlier, is the two-front battle. East Africa can attack from the south and east at the same time. Moreover, the population of the Buganda Kingdom is mainly distributed along the shores of the Great Lake (Lake Victoria), which facilitates the East African colonies. Transport troops and supplies through the water and directly attack Mongo, the capital of the Buganda Kingdom.

Mungo is only more than 150 kilometers away from Kisumu. If we go by ship, we can attack Mungo, the brain of the Buganda Kingdom, in two or three days.

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