November 11, 1868.

The royal family of Hechingen held a cadet review ceremony on the outskirts of Hechingen.

After passing the exam, the total number of students who passed the examination is only more than 3,300. However, these are the first batch of relatively high-quality students since the establishment of the Hechingen Military Academy. Therefore, they are highly educated, obey orders, and look quite military. demeanor.


It's past six o'clock.

The construction of the reviewing stand began, for the exclusive use of the royal family of Hechingen, where Prince Constantine and Ernst sat.

There are viewing platforms on both sides of the reviewing stand for teachers from the college and squire officials from the Hechingen area to observe the ceremony.

At eight o'clock, students from the Hechingen Military Academy began to gather and enter the review area.

"Today, everyone, listen up. This review is different from the ones in schools in the past. It is really for the public and the officials and gentry in Hechingen and surrounding areas, so you can't make a mistake.

If it is due to the stupidity of one or more people, not only will you lose face, but also the face of the Hechingen Military Academy, the face of the Hechingen region, and the face of the Prince and His Royal Highness.

Therefore, no mistakes are allowed. If you look ugly in front of the guests, my coach will greet you well when you get home. Do you hear me? "

"Report to the instructor, I heard you." The students responded loudly and solemnly, with a determined and solemn expression on everyone's face.

Today, all the students at the Hechingen Military Academy are wearing the military uniforms of the Hechingen Army, replicating the costumes of the original army led by the royal family of Hechingen one to one.

This is the first large-scale semi-military force formed by the Hechingen royal family since Hechingen was annexed to Prussia.

It seems that Hechingen has returned to the state it once was as one of the more than thirty states in Germany. The Hechingen army, which is small but can be considered one of the military forces in the German region, is back.

Of course, everyone knew that Hechingen could not go back. Among the people watching this ceremony were officials from the Hohenzollern Province of the Kingdom of Prussia, including the military commander sent by the local Prussian government in Hechingen.

The royal family of Hechingen only has many privileges and great autonomy. The rule of the Hechingen area is actually the Prussian government.

Hechingen Military Academy is registered as an educational institution, so naturally it cannot be compared with the army, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is the army, and it is the private army of the Hechingen royal family.

At nine o'clock, the royal family of Hechingen arrived belatedly. Prince Constantine and Ernst arrived in a carriage from Hohenzollern Castle in the south.

At this time, many people have come, including the townspeople of Hechingen who are joining in the fun. They have not seen the royal family of Hechingen holding a military parade for many years. Naturally, they want to join in the fun today. Among them are many veterans who fought with the old count and the prince.

Prince Constantine specially invited them near the viewing platform. The army of the Prince of Hechingen was gone, but it could not erase the fact that these former veterans went through fire and water for the Royal Family of Hechingen.

At nine-twenty, Prince Constantine gave the first speech.

“Hechingen is a region with a long history and is also the place where the Hohenzollern family originated. The Hohenzollern family is closely connected with the people of the Hechingen area.

And the Hechingen Military Academy aims to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and virtues of the Hechingen area..."

Prince Constantine, as the speaker of the Hechingen area, finished speaking. Principal Ernst appeared on the stage. Ernst stood on the reviewing stand and began to lecture.

"Hechingen Military Academy, as a military academy, shoulders the important task of cultivating professional military talents. It not only serves the Hechingen region, but is also a good place for all aspiring young people in the entire German region.

Learn professional knowledge here, cultivate bravery and fearlessness, understand military honor, and become a pillar of future society.

When the school was first established, I adhered to the concept of cultivating the Hechingen Military Academy into an important military academy in the German region in the future. However, due to conditions and time constraints, and at the same time (East African) society was in great need of a large number of talents, the Hechingen Military Academy was quickly Become a master, but such quick success also squeezes students' potential.

In the future, Hechingen Military Academy will move from the past pursuit of quantity and speed to the stage of pursuit of quality and refinement.

Every student will receive better educational resources, so students at the Hechingen Military Academy should strictly demand themselves, strive to improve their own standards, and strive for Germany in the future. "

After Ernst's speech, the review was officially announced to begin.

Under the guidance of instructors and student leaders, the military band first played the Prussian national anthem, pure music, for Prussian government officials.

At the same time as this music sounded, the students of the Hechingen Military Academy began to prepare.

Then the military band began to play the school song of the Hechingen Military Academy, and the melody started.

The instructors led the team into the field. The students of the Hechingen Military Academy were divided into eleven square teams and marched at a constant speed on the temporary field to be inspected.

"The glory of Germany bathes Hechingen,

The military academy trains hard,

Strive to be a good son of the times,

Defend Germany, defend our homeland.


Students of the Hechingen Military Academy sang the school song of the Hechingen Military Academy along with the music of the military band.

This school song was composed by Ernst in Vienna, the music capital, by inviting some well-known musicians. It sounds smooth in melody, solid in tone, and regular in beat.

Under the guidance of the military flag, they walked in Prussian goose-step and carried a Dresser rifle on their shoulders, majesticly passing by the reviewing stand.

The guests on the viewing platform looked at the young team in front of them and applauded one after another. Not to mention the technical level, the mental state was very good.

The invited Prussian military commander in the Hechingen region said to the surrounding guests: "Their training level is much higher than that of the ordinary Prussian army before the reform, but there are still some flaws. Just in terms of their formation, following orders and other technical aspects, it is estimated that they are not as good as the current ordinary Prussian army." The army is similar, but they are all young and have more promising futures."

In fact, he didn't think so in his heart. Of course, an army that has not been baptized by war has no idea how much it weighs.

The Hechingen Military Academy is currently on the right track, and you can get a glimpse of its organizational capabilities, but the enemy will not give you such a relaxed environment in a battlefield environment.

Therefore, the Prussian military commander in Hechingen was not sure about the combat effectiveness of the Hechingen Military Academy. He wrote in a report to the government: "Looking at the military appearance, they have a decent appearance, but they are all immature students and lack The war experience and combat effectiveness level are definitely not as good as those of the Kingdom’s army. In my personal opinion, the Hechingen royal family training these students is far inferior to the professional military academies established by the Kingdom.”

If Ernst knew that this military official wrote this, he would definitely not take it seriously. The road to the Hechingen Military Academy has just begun.

Today's military parade is only a prelude to the reform of the Hechingen Military Academy. After the professional teacher team and facilities are built, the Hechingen Military Academy will begin to exert its strength.

Whether the students of the Hechingen Military Academy are mules or horses will be determined in two years.

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