African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 213 Southwest Strategy

The United States has the Great Western Development, and the East African version should be called the Great Southwest Development. The western movement in the United States is a large-scale enclosure of land from the east coast to the inland areas.

What is happening in East Africa is a large-scale advance into the southwest. Unlike the Indians who are already weak, there are still many indigenous tribes in the southwest.

The indigenous population in the "pocket" area designated by Felix is ​​estimated to be around three million. East Africa now needs these more than three million people to contribute to the construction of East Africa.

Of course, according to the consistent policy in East Africa, indigenous children and women are not needed, only young and strong labor force is needed.

After such a screening, the remaining "laborers" were only about one million, and adding the current "laborers" in East Africa, there were more than two million.

"Labor" can be used, but there must be standards for "labor". Aboriginal children have little productivity and waste food rations, so they are not needed. Women have the ability to work, but in order to strictly prevent the racial policy of East Africa, none of them can be kept.

East African citizens are divided into three categories: pure white, pure yellow and mixed race. Mixed race is naturally yellow and white. Although the gender ratio in East Africa has been improving, it is still more men than women.

If black indigenous women are allowed to exist, there will be no guarantee that some bachelors will not be able to keep their pants on. How will we solve the problem of black men?

Regarding the gender imbalance problem in East Africa, Ernst has always emphasized that you can wait, there will always be opportunities, but if you have a relationship with a black person, you will be exiled.

But the destination of the exile is difficult to say. Generally speaking, it is the Alaska colony. Currently, there are more than 300 people enjoying this treatment.

The East African government has repeatedly emphasized these cases to East African residents not to take them seriously. Once they arrive in Alaska, everything will be unresponsive and the land will not work.

And if you are exiled to Alaska, don’t even think about bringing the little black boy and the black woman to Alaska. As for how to deal with them...

Alaska currently has a population of more than 20,000. Among them, excluding regular immigrants and "criminals" who marry natives, there are still more than 1,000 criminals.

Generally speaking, those who are not extremely guilty will not enjoy this treatment. Laws have always existed in East Africa, and supervision has been tightened. However, there are always some people among the more than two million people who will not change their ways.

Due west of East Africa, it has expanded to the east basin of the upper reaches of the Congo River, and further west is the vast tropical rain forest.

According to the capabilities of East Africa, it is possible to continue westward, because the Belgians colonized the entire Congo Basin by going upstream along the Congo River. If East Africa continues to go west, it is more convenient to go down the river.

However, it was too difficult to develop the rainforest area, and Ernst also wanted to see whether Belgium's Leopold would still focus on the Congo as he did in his previous life after occupying the best areas of the Congo (plateau and mountainous areas) in East Africa.

What was left of the Congo for Leopold was the large tropical rain forest in the lower reaches of the Congo Basin. It lacked minerals and the land was not easy to develop, so there was only abundant timber left, and the tropical rain forest had a small population, so If Leopold wanted to get back to his roots, he could only use more extreme exploitation strategies.

The directions from the Congo Basin to the east and south are blocked by East Africa, and to the west are the Portuguese and French. There are only some ways out in the northern plateau, that is, in the direction of Central Africa and Chad.

The forces there are now mixed. In addition to the original indigenous tribes, several kingdoms that were driven away from the Great Lakes region in East Africa and some tribes from the north have poured in there.

In fact, it is a bit inappropriate to call the Belgian Congo Congo. The real Kingdom of Congo is actually in Angola and a small section of the Congo River estuary. The name of the Congo Basin is also derived from this country. In any case, there are not many good places left for Belgium. .

Precipitation in central and southern Africa is bounded by the Katanga Plateau of Zambia and Congo, and gradually decreases toward the south. Its climate and topography are basically the same as those in East Africa. This is why East Africa is the focus of expansion toward the southwest.


Therefore, after the annexation of Zambia, East Africa will still be a plateau country. In the future, as long as a railway is built, the two places can be connected.

Expanding southward will definitely involve dealing with the Portuguese. The southern grasslands of Zambia are an important source of the Portuguese ivory trade.

There has always been an ivory trade route that traverses the east and west coasts of southern Africa, and the Kingdom of Kazembe is an important node on this trade route.

The two ends happen to be the Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique. Even if East Africa swallows this area in the middle, it will not border Angola. The only one that really has the ability to intervene in East Africa is Mozambique.

But now, East Africa has become bolder, especially since Army Commander-in-Chief Felix is ​​a hawk in East Africa, and Prince Constantine also came from the military. Both of them had been in the Prussian army.

The style of the Prussian army is known throughout Europe, so the current state of government in East Africa can be imagined, which is expansion, expansion and expansion.

If it weren't for Ernst and Sweet's mediation, Prince Constantine would probably be able to completely strip away the indigenous forces surrounding Mozambique.

"The First East African Cavalry Battalion has been assembled!"

"Very good. The Kazembe Kingdom has declined our East African offer. Next, let's give them a little cavalry shock?"

"Listen to my order, go straight to the center of the Kazembe Kingdom, and capture the top officials of the kingdom alive. Don't be afraid that the hostages are missing arms and legs. As long as they are in our hands, we will be afraid that they will not submit!"

The so-called good intentions of the East African government are not without reason. After the Yeke Kingdom was sold to the East African government by Msili, some affiliated forces took advantage of the situation and defected to neighboring countries.

Some chiefs of the Kazembe Kingdom also participated in this carving-up feast. Now the East African government directly asks them to spit out the benefits they have swallowed. The Kazembe Kingdom, which has not been severely beaten by East Africa, is naturally unwilling.

If it were the Kingdom of Malawi, which has been dealing with the East African government and the colony of Mozambique for many years, I am afraid that it would have found a scapegoat and come to apologize.

"Haha, after listening to my advice, everyone is living a more prosperous life now than in the Kingdom of Yeke. That boy Afonso is willing to be a dog for the Germans, but he doesn't know that the ambition of the German wolf will one day reap the consequences for himself, unlike Katzen Bei Kingdom, this is the world of our Portuguese, and there is no market for doing business in Africa. There are not even many people alive in the Yeke Kingdom. Even if Afonso wants to monopolize the Yeke Kingdom market, he can’t find suppliers. ." Santos said to his subordinates with a proud look on his face.

After returning to Kazembe, Santos quickly got in touch with his previous partners. The Portuguese were originally short of manpower in Africa, so they quickly agreed to join Santos and others, and Santos had accumulated a lot of money in the Kingdom of Yeke. The family has a lot of money, and now there are many people and horses, and he is prospering in the Kazenbe Kingdom.

"Boss, don't worry. As the saying goes, the one who laughs last is the one who laughs best. There will always be a day when Afonso will cry."

I don’t know whether Afonso will cry or not, but Santos and others will soon stop laughing.

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