African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 246 The first shot of the German War in 1870

According to later historical records, starting in July 1870, three major German powers launched wars, and these three major powers basically coerced all German states into participating in the war. Therefore, people refer to these three wars in 1870 as the 1870 German War. .

Among them, the largest (based on the number of people invested and the number of weapons), the most intense war, and the most influential was the Franco-Prussian War. This was followed by the Second Italian-Austrian War, and finally the Third War of Conquest of the East African Kingdoms.

July 10, 1870.

On the chain bridge between the two banks of the Lualaba and Zambezi rivers, there was a surge of people. The expanded East African New Army began to set off in three directions.

The East African Kingdom, which has not yet digested Zambia, is about to use its last potential to completely lay the basic prototype of the East African Kingdom.

West bank of Lualaba River.

Msili, his sons, and the army of the Msiri regime have been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Merck! Your country's strength is really terrifying!" Msili admired with lingering fear. The more than 30,000 well-equipped and well-trained East African Kingdom Army gave Msili, the African chief, endless shock.

"Of course, Mr. Musili, any tribe is like a chicken and a dog in front of the East African Kingdom. They are vulnerable. If we, the East African Kingdom, use a little force, you will not be able to stop it. You are a smart person and choose to cooperate with us. Friends who belong to East Africa, we will not treat you badly."

Msiri has been portrayed as a hardcore "non-traitor" by the East African Kingdom. At the same time, the East African Kingdom has also made a promise that it will not kill the donkey in the future.

Before this war, the East African Kingdom provided Msiri with two options. After East Africa cleared the entire Central and South African plateau, Msiri could either go to the Zanzibar Sultanate to work as an apartment, or use Central Africa to develop in West Africa. Msili chose the second option.

Looking at the huge crowds of East African troops in front of him, Msili was a little thankful for his original choice. If he had been on the wrong team, he would probably be the target of a crusade now. Msili did not think that the hundreds of guns in his hand would be the opponent of the East African Army.

"Mr. Merk, don't worry. This time our Yeke Kingdom will fully assist you in your battle. I dare not say anything about other areas. The Luba Kingdom is my old rival, so I will let my people lead the way for you."

"Very good!" Merk confirmed.

"Bang..." The first shot was fired in the Third War of Conquest in East Africa (the first was the war to eliminate the eight northwest countries in the Great Lakes region, and the second was the war between Zambia and the Grady Sultanate, collectively known as the East African War of Conquest.). The Songo region is located between the Lualaba River, the upper reaches of the Congo River, and the Sankuru River, a tributary of the southern Congo River. The East African Army heading north encountered the Luba Kingdom's army in this area.

The first town is Qiwit Palace.

Felix stood in front of the sand table and introduced: "In this war of conquest, our East African Army is divided into four armies - the North Route Army, the West Route Army, the South Route Army and the Southwest Army. The targets are the Azande Plateau and South Sudan respectively. South; Lunda Plateau and Kuango Plateau; Matabele Plateau; northern Kalahari Basin area."

“Once the goal is accomplished, East Africa will be bordered by Egypt to the north, the Portuguese colony of Angola and the Kingdom of Congo to the west, and the Boer forces to the south, while forming a siege of the Portuguese colony of Mozambique.

In other words, after this expansion, East Africa's neighbors changed from indigenous people to countries all over the world, including Britain, France, Egypt, the Abyssinian Empire, the Ottomans (on the Red Sea coast), Portugal, the Boers, Somali tribes... …

Therefore, East Africa will not see such big actions for a long time in the future. "

This is a very exaggerated operation. The area it intends to cover is equivalent to that of India. Once the territory of East Africa is completed, it will directly reach more than 7 million square kilometers.

This is also the limit of East Africa, and there is nothing left to eat. As usual, the plateau area is the foundation of the East African Kingdom. This expansion is basically directed at the plateau area. In the tropics, only plateaus and mountains are the most suitable. Humanity survives.

East Africa has limited capabilities, so it is natural to give priority to occupying those good places in East Africa's eyes, so rainforests and deserts are not included in this plan.

Although the Kalahari Basin to the west and south is basically the same as no-man's land, the desert climate and long supply lines are basically impossible to complete, and even if it is conquered, there is no way to communicate.

However, a large-scale march in the Congo rainforest cannot be completed unless casualties are ignored. Even the indigenous people who have lived in the rainforest for generations dare not say that they can cross the rainforest.

In fact, it is still possible to occupy some strongholds along the river, but it is completely unnecessary. That will not establish effective rule. It is still possible to colonize, but there are not many people in the Congo rainforest, and they are all very small. Tribes have no colonial value at all, and all the valuable land in the Congo is in this expansion operation in East Africa.

It is important to emphasize here that the Congo region and the Congo rainforest in the previous life are completely different concepts. When it comes to Congo, it seems that it is very rich in natural resources and has a lot of arable land. However, Congo’s minerals, population, and arable land are all concentrated in the southeast and northwest. Plateau and mountainous areas.

For example, in the previous life of the Democratic Republic of Congo, its urban population was completely distributed around the Congolese rainforest. In this circle, the Mitumba Mountains in the east are already East African territory, and the Katanga Plateau in the south is also in the hands of East Africa. Now that East Africa is expanding, the Azande Plateau in the north, the Lunda Plateau and the Kuango Plateau in the south are gone, and only the west of Kinshasa in the east can still be inhabited.

There happens to be a force there already, namely the Portuguese. In fact, before Belgium, the Portuguese had always promoted the Congo region as their sphere of influence, but the British did not see it that way, and other countries did not recognize it. Now the western part of Congo is occupied by Portugal and the British. Divide the world into two parts, with the French colony of Gabon next to it.

"Our troops will basically not feel any physical discomfort when marching along the plateau terrain. The most difficult area here is the Kalahari Basin. Its water source is a big problem. Although the Okavango River forms a huge The inland delta, but for this reason, almost all animals are gathered here. The map maker said that swarms of hippos there discharge their feces into rivers and wetlands. Clean water sources are difficult to find, so the size of the army cannot be too large. .”

"Logistics is also a big problem. The indigenous people in the plateau area grow some things. If there is a shortage of food, they can temporarily solve it on the spot. There is no planting industry in the Kalahari Basin. All food has to be transported from the east. This cost cannot support large-scale Troops exist, so the total number of the Southwest Army is only over a thousand people.”

"The plateau areas are basically connected, so the rivers hinder our marching speed. If we want to control these areas later, we must build roads and bridges."

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