African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 297 The army changes its blood

Italy was in raging war, but Trieste, next door to Venice, was a different scene. After the war broke out, the transfer of military supplies and the huge demand for the war caused Trieste to reap a wave of war dividends.

A number of factories, including the Hechingen food processing company, ramped up their production of military supplies, which were then transported by sea to Venice and the Papal States.

There are ships coming and going in the Port of Trieste, and the pier is bustling with activity, but a large area is isolated from the crowd.

Graduates of the Hechingen Military Academy who arrived here from the Hechingen area will soon sail to East Africa here.

Except for thirty members who went to the Military Command Academy Theresa in Austria for further studies, the rest of the graduates are here.

Ernst personally saw off the students from Hechingen who were about to leave for East Africa. There was no complicated ceremony. Just before boarding the ship, Ernst said a few more words on the dock.

Ernst: "After you arrive in East Africa this time, your goal is to raise the theoretical study of the East African army to a higher level and speed up the modernization of the army. Of course, you should not look down on the level of the East African army. Many of them have also fought many battles. Yes, although it is not a military power like France, it may not be less difficult than the Franco-Prussian War. The East African army not only faces indigenous hostile forces, but also has to deal with a harsh environment. This is something you cannot feel in Europe. Sometimes they march The roads may have been temporarily opened, and the indigenous forces are very flexible. In a blink of an eye, they may disappear into the mountains and forests in front of the East African soldiers. If the enemy suddenly disappears, and they will be broken into pieces, you say Whether the East African army pursues or not pursues, so the East African army has great experience in dealing with guerrilla tactics. This is very different from the large-scale battles in Europe. When you go there, you must learn to adapt to local conditions, don't be superstitious about the knowledge in books, and focus on Analyze the various enemies that East Africa may face, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, know your enemies and yourself, and win every battle."

Students: "It's the principal!"

Ernst waved his hand and said: "Go! Start a new journey."

Amidst the roar of the steamship, the 70th graduates of the Hechingen Military Academy boarded the ship one after another. They were about to carry out a revolution in the army of the East African Kingdom.

Dealing with the indigenous people all day long, the combat effectiveness of the East African army will inevitably be affected by the indigenous people. If a war suddenly breaks out with a country with a little modern experience, the East African army may suddenly fall into a brain freeze.

Therefore, the Hechingen graduates who participated in the Franco-Prussian War this time need to carry out a major reform of the main force of the East African Kingdom's Army to accelerate the East African Army's understanding of modern warfare.

As for the non-main force, there is no need. If East Africa had not been too big, the transportation was poor, there were many indigenous forces inside, there were many surrounding forces, and the national defense pressure was high, Ernst would have wanted to abolish them now.

Compared with the population, East Africa's current military strength is surplus, and it has reached the strength of Europe. In fact, hundreds of thousands of troops in Africa are quite explosive, and only Egypt has this level.

Boarding a ship flying the Austrian flag, this was the second time that some students from Hechingen traveled across the ocean, and some were students from Germany.

East Africa, the first town.

East African Defense Minister Yaman reported to Constantine the work content of East African retired personnel.

Armen: "Your Majesty, this is the list of voluntary retired officers. There are 407 people in total. The lowest level is platoon leader and the highest level is 23rd Division Commander. Most of them are old people from the colonial era. .”

The old men in the colonial era were the mercenary group hired by the Hechingen Consortium, and Arman was the leader of the mercenary group at that time.

Constantine took over the list and looked at it. In addition to those who were older, some were injured, and the remaining small number were due to other reasons.

Constantine: "For those who originally wanted to return to Germany to retire in the mercenary team, carefully calculate their wages and bonuses over the years so that they can return to Europe and enjoy their lives. I will personally provide each of them with some Bonus, if they want to stay in East Africa, we also welcome their families to come and settle, and as for the disabled veterans, we will arrange local jobs for them."

The mercenary group itself came to East Africa for money. Most of them are retired soldiers from German countries, so they are generally older. The representative one among them is Arman himself.

Most of their families are in Europe and have roots in Germany, so after making enough money, many of them plan to leave East Africa and return to Germany. After all, they have worked hard all their lives and it is time to enjoy themselves.

Arman actually had this idea, but Constantine and Ernst did not intend to let him retire. In order to stabilize Arman, they arranged for Arman's family to live alone in the First Town.

After hearing Constantine's decision, Arman replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, we will verify it carefully based on the files."

Arranging for the retirement of officers is to make room for the incoming graduates of the Hechingen Military Academy. In the two years before this class of students, the accelerated courses at the Hechingen Military Academy were suspended and no military talents were provided to East Africa.

After all, the normal academic cycle is three years, and the time when the Hechingen Military Academy returned to the normal academic cycle was three years ago.

Relying on the voluntary retirement of officers alone is definitely not enough. Therefore, East Africa previously invited a group of incompetent people with negative records out of the army and asked them to change jobs. Through these two actions, a large number of officers were dismissed.

Therefore, East Africa is still relatively short of military talents in general, not only high-end military talents, but also low-end military talents, and this class of graduates from the Hechingen Military Academy will fill these gaps.

Armen: "Your Majesty, one more thing. Our diplomats were driven back by Mozambique. I heard that they didn't even see the new governor of Mozambique."

Constantine: "Oh! Do you have any specific information about this person?"

Jarman: "We learned from the Maputo businessmen that this man was born in the military and was a former general of the Portuguese Army. He was not very smooth. According to rumors, he was ostracized by the army and was sent by the government. From Mozambique, I heard that its military capabilities are pretty good. As soon as they arrived in Mozambique, they led the army to defeat the remaining forces of the Kingdom of Malawi."

Constantine: "If this is the case, we should also be careful about this person, and let the troops stationed on the Mozambique border be more vigilant. If there is any change in Mozambique, they should report it in time."

The new governor of Mozambique does not seem to be easy to deal with, and East Africa has to consider that Caboril will challenge East Africa. Because Mozambique is already surrounded by East African territory, Mozambique must be worried about security considerations. The expansion rate of East Africa is too terrifying, and it is simply a replica of Tsarist Russia. West Africa and North Africa are okay, but Eastern and Southern Africa are completely under the pressure of East Africa's expansion.

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