African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 346 Immigration Transition Point

Far East Assistance Mission?

After hearing that this aid group came from the Far East, the staff of the Dar es Salaam City Hall looked confused.

The staff said to Aryan in German: "Sir! We are not aware of the existence of the Far East Assistance Mission. There is no relevant news on the work schedule."

Aryan: "This matter is actually led by the East African diplomatic embassy in the Far East, but you also know that there is no telegraph line connecting East Africa to the Far East, so the news is transmitted back slowly, resulting in the embarrassment that people have arrived but the news has not yet arrived. , this is my work ID to prove what I said."

In fact, without a work permit, the city government staff believed what Aryan said. A yellow man who spoke German so well, coupled with his uniform East African style work suit, showed that he was an East African German.

East African Germans are unique in the world, and their main characteristics are yellow and white. People like Aryan who wear suits are at least teachers in East Africa.

White people in East Africa all know a concept, that is, there is a group of yellow people who are direct descendants of the royal family and have considerable strength in the government and the military. They are students from academia, mainly Hechingen Military Academy. His education is all about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and he is quite trusted by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

This also results in the fact that the yellow people have influence and real power from the central to the grassroots level. Although they are not as good as the pure Germans, they are much higher than the Slavs, Italians, and Paraguayans...

On the surface it looks like a dual system like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but in fact the core is completely different, because the East African Kingdom has realized the unity of Germany and China similar to the unity of Manchu and Han promoted by the ruling nations of the Far East.

And more thoroughly, all ethnic groups have been able to intermarry with each other, and the number of joint families accounts for the majority of East Africa. From the second generation of East Africans, there is no so-called race theory. To put it harshly, it is all a cluster.

If you look for the most similar example to East Africa in history, it would be the Hui people who merged with the descendants of Mongolia, Chinese and some Green Christians in the Far East during the Yuan Dynasty.

It's just that one uses religious integration, and the other relies on German cultural identity to integrate. As for what German culture is, the first priority is German. If everyone speaks German, it has already left the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which cannot unify its language, as a shadow. You can't see that, and in East Africa, everyone's living environment is basically the same, and gradually a unified outlook will be formed.

Staff member: "This matter is not something I can decide. I need to report it to my supervisor first. Please wait a moment."

Aryan: "Okay, but how long will it take?"

Staff: “It’ll be there soon.”

Half an hour later.

Dar es Salaam Immigration Department: "Mr. Aryan, we are from the Dar es Salaam Immigration Department. According to the instructions above, please stay in Dar es Salaam for a few days. , the central government will send someone to greet you in three days."

Aryan: "That's no problem, but how should we solve our food and accommodation problem?"

Immigration Department: "We have vacated some of the immigration transitional dormitories. You can live there for a short period of time. You can eat in the canteen. If you have any needs, you can talk to our people. We are professional."

Aryan: "Then I'll trouble you!"

Immigration Department: "You're welcome. We receive tens of thousands of immigrants every year. These are minor problems."

So Aryan walked out of the Municipal Service Hall and began to explain the situation to Li Ge and others waiting outside.

Aryan: "...So, we should stay at the immigration point for a few days, but I don't know what the situation is there, but we have contacted the central government, and they will send someone to pick us up and explain to you We still take it very seriously.”

Li Ge: "Mr. Aryan, I have a question that really bothers me. Why didn't your country arrange for us in advance? Instead, you are in a hurry now?"

Aryan: "Our embassy is indeed partly responsible for this matter, but it is more of a procedural error. Moreover, we did not expect that your government was so concerned about East Africa and took the initiative to send people to East Africa for assistance. At that time, Richard The German ambassador has no response plan."

At the beginning, the East African Kingdom just hoped that the Far East government could make it easier for East Africa to collect prescriptions, learn medical technology, and recruit medical personnel in the Far East.

Unexpectedly, they were so generous and took the initiative to organize an official medical team to go to East Africa for free clinics at their own expense. Of course, Ambassador Richard could not keep them waiting for too long. Where could such a good thing be found? What if they didn't go to East Africa because they were kept waiting too long? It would take half a month at the fastest to deliver the news to East Africa, so Richard made a prompt decision and let them go to sea.

Li Ge and others calmed down their depression after hearing Aryan's explanation. Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding, otherwise he would have really thought that the Germans were deliberately neglecting the Celestial Empire!

Li Ge: "So that's it. We were mentally prepared before we came to East Africa, and we are not too demanding about food and accommodation."

Aryan: "I wish you could forgive me!"

Later, under the arrangements of the people from the Immigration Department, the dock workers loaded the luggage of the people onto the hired carriages, and then everyone headed towards the immigration transition point.

Li Ge and others looked at the carriage they were riding in curiously. This kind of Western-style carriage has a very strange appearance and cannot be seen in the Far East. However, it feels quite comfortable to sit on without too much bumps. The experience is better than that of an Eastern carriage, but A little worse than a sedan.

There are windows on the carriage, and you can see the scene outside the window. The houses and streets, as well as the pedestrians on the road, are retreating one after another. Even if you have seen the street scene of Dar es Salaam before, it is still a bit novel, especially those three- and five-story "high-rise buildings". "The building is simple and solemn, with different shapes. There are also poles (gas-type street lamps) that can be seen everywhere on the street. I don't know what they are used for. They are even equipped with glazed tiles, which are square and somewhat like lanterns.

I don’t know how long the carriage was driving, but suddenly the carriage was stopped. It turned out that they encountered the checkpoint again. Just like the one that blocked their group before, several East African policemen were standing guard here with guns and ammunition. However, there seemed to be no buildings in front of them, just a road paved in front of them. The countryside, I don’t know where it leads.

The city of Dar es Salaam seems to have stopped abruptly here. To the north, there is a prosperous scene, but to the south, all the buildings suddenly disappear and return to the wilderness.

"Brother Shiyan! Why are you suddenly in the wilderness? These Germans don't know how to..." Ander said.

"Don't think blindly. If Westerners really want to take action, they won't pay attention to etiquette, justice and shame. There are people stationed here, and there should be some important place ahead!" Li Ge comforted himself.

By this time, the police had already checked the Immigration Department’s documents and said, “Let’s go!”

The carriage began to head towards an unknown place. The suburbs of Dar es Salaam were deserted and full of weeds and trees. The plants were very different from those in the Far East. After an unknown period of time, the carriage stopped again.

Aryan came over and informed: "We are here!"

Li Ge and others got off the carriage and looked forward. They saw that it was a large camp with rows of houses, which were uniform and completely different from the houses in Dar es Salaam.

If Li Ge and others look at it, this place is the same as the courtyard in the capital, arranged in an orderly manner, but more regular, and most of them are in rows.

Someone from the Immigration Department introduced: "This is the immigration transition point. Those houses are dormitories for immigrants. They can accommodate more than 2,000 people at the same time. We have prepared dormitories for you in District 23, together with separate public bathrooms. There are public toilets for you to use, and your meals are in the management canteen with our staff."

Later, the Immigration Department staff took Li Ge and his party to look at their rooms.

"Each house here is for eight people, but considering that you are distinguished guests, four people live in one room. You can choose bunk beds or bunk beds as you like. Although the environment is simple, it is very clean. We will send someone to help you clean it every day."

This is considered preferential treatment. In fact, the sanitation of the immigration transition point is usually managed by the immigrants themselves. The Immigration Department is only responsible for regular inspections every day. However, Li Ge and others are VIPs, so the treatment is different.

"There are more mosquitoes in East Africa, so we will provide you with mosquito coils and mosquito nets, but the mosquito nets need to be dispatched, so I have to force you to use only mosquito coils tonight. Each room is equipped with tables, chairs and benches. If you need to organize documents, you can use them. "

"Also, the temperature may cool down faster at night, so we have prepared clean mattresses for you. The logistics warehouse will deliver them later. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

"No more!" Li Ge and others said.

This condition is much better than what I and others thought. According to some people in the Far East government, East Africa is just short of describing it as a hell on earth. But now it seems that "hearing is deceptive, seeing is believing. The ancients were honest and never deceived." I!"

But this East African kingdom now looks much better than most places in the Far East. How can they be so shameless as to ask the court for help?

Along the way, Li Ge and others discovered that East Africa was not only prosperous and lively, but also did not see a dilapidated place. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and there was no so-called epidemic scene at all. If that were the case, not to mention that ten rooms and nine empty houses would be empty. It's right that people are panicking.

However, this also made Li Ge and Ande feel relieved. As the chief and deputy envoys of the assistance mission, they were actually "scapegoats" promoted by the Far East government, and they were even promoted on a temporary basis.

The medical team led by the two men was actually temporarily formed by civilian doctors in the Zhili region who were kept in the dark. Unlike Li Ge and Ande, they could still have "grapevine information" from their colleagues and know the "true face" of East Africa. ".

Although the East African Kingdom is a "barbaric country" created by German warriors in the eyes of the Far Eastern government, the diplomats sent by the East African Kingdom to the Far Eastern government are at the ambassadorial level, which is a special existence among Western countries, and it is the only one that "admires" the Chinese dynasty. Western countries with advanced medical skills greatly satisfy the vanity of the Far Eastern government, so reciprocity is a must.

But if the big shots were to come to East Africa, they would be very reluctant. After all, even the British minister said that Africa is a barren land where malaria is rampant, so he must have gone away. Who would go to East Africa to die.

Therefore, Li Ge and Ande, who had low status and no background, were arranged to be sent as envoys to the East African Kingdom. Even so, Li Ge and Ande were actually not bad themselves. Both of them were from poor families in the north.

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