Cultural relics are one of the carriers of culture, and culture is what emerging countries like East Africa lack most. Not to mention countries with short histories like the United States, the same is true for Russia.

Russia's history is not short, but it is very embarrassing. It can never avoid the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde. It has also been ridiculed by the Western world and expelled from Europe at any time.

Therefore, nihilism prevails in Russian history. The Tsarist Russia era denied Mongolia, the Soviet era denied Tsarist Russia, and Russia denied the Soviet Union. In this way, Russia will always wander between Europe and Asia, unable to find a sense of belonging to its own country. This is the case for the entire Slavic nation. If the Slavs If you can find your own cultural confidence, it must be the power that can change the world.

The similarity between the East African Kingdom and Russia is that they both involve yellow and white races. Nearly half of the citizens of East Africa come from the Far East. Of course Ernst would not deny this history. Otherwise, how to explain the origin of the yellow people in the East African Kingdom? We cannot tell the descendants of East Africa that their ancestors jumped out of stones.

At present, the complete Germanization of the East African Kingdom is a necessary means to consolidate the political power. At the same time, the center of the world is indeed in Europe, and East Africa needs to move closer to Europe, so that it can better participate in international affairs as a German country. Moreover, Germany is a cultural concept. Germany does not necessarily have to be in Europe, and the United States does not prevent it from being an English-speaking country.

Therefore, Ernst himself believed that the East African Kingdom was a country formed after the fusion of Germans and Chinese, so the East African Kingdom had reason to inherit the heritage of both cultures.

Therefore, Ernst’s private collection will remain in East Africa in the future. This is a valuable cultural asset of the East African Kingdom. No one can deny the fact that the descendants of the East African Kingdom have Chinese ancestry, just like those Chinese in Nanyang. They are still descendants of Yan and Huang. .

Ernst also considered this, which is that Germany itself does not have a deep history and culture. The formation of the concept of Germany is firstly due to the glorious history of the Holy Roman Empire in Europe, and secondly, it is due to Napoleon the Great who completely forced the entire Germany into one kind. Cultural Identity.

But HRE is only a short time ago. Even if we push it back to the Roman era, the ancestors of the Germans are just a group of barbarians in the forest.

German history was a blank before the Germans wiped out Rome, no different from the indigenous people in Africa today. At this time, the Far Eastern civilization had entered its peak period. The Far Eastern civilization and German history can be spliced ​​together. In the future, East Africans can also say Five thousand years of his life.

The history of his ancestors is also the history of his own nation. East Africa is the natural successor of two civilizations. Ernst has no burden in his heart for this kind of thing.

While Ernst was still lingering in the port of Trieste, Immigration Director Thomas had already arrived in Haiti.

The routes from Europe to North America are densely packed with ships, so there is no need to worry about insufficient flights.

A group of white people came ashore in Port-au-Prince, which did not attract much attention. Port-au-Prince is the capital, political, economic, and cultural center and largest port city of the Republic of Haiti. It is located on the Coul de Sac plain near the southeastern shore of Gonave Bay.

In 1843, an earthquake destroyed the capital of Haiti, Cap-Haitien, and Port-au-Prince was destroyed by fire. Therefore, the current Port-au-Prince was renovated. However, the current Port-au-Prince is obviously not comparable to the previous port. It is a patchwork. state.

The current president of Haiti is Nissage Sage, who is also a troublemaker because he previously supported France in the Franco-Prussian War. It caused dissatisfaction in Germany, so Germany demanded 3,000 pounds in compensation and sent two warships to Port-au-Prince to demonstrate. Haiti was forced to compensate Germany. Now because of this incident, Nissage Sage is struggling to calm the Haitians. of anger.

Haiti had already had two presidents in the three years before Nissage Sage. The first was Fabre Gevral. Fabre Gevral can be said to be the only "wise king" in Haitian history. It can even be said that he is an unprecedented president in Haiti.

He did a lot of practical things during his reign, and it was recognized that Haiti had the best period of time during his reign. However, at the end of his rule, he went back to the old path, changing the constitution, giving himself a salary increase, and buying two plantations for himself. gardens, and added capital investment in armies and hospitals as well as personal luxuries.

During the later years of Gevlar's rule, his men attempted several military coups to overthrow his rule, but they basically failed. But three years earlier, in 1867, he was forced to step down by the rebel Sylvian Tsarnaev who sought to replace him and went into exile, remaining in office for eight years.

Sylvienne Sarnave is completely a coward. Soon after Sarnaf became president, rebellion broke out in Haiti and peasant uprisings continued. At this time, Sarnaf continued to suppress the opposition, revised the constitution, and added own power and made himself president for life, then was overthrown.

All in all, Haiti's history is a mess, and the current president, Nissage Sage, may fall at any time.

But Thomas doesn't care. This kind of Haiti is what East Africa wants to see. Based on the current situation in Haiti, Thomas believes that there is no need to waste money on the Haitian president.

So after much inquiring, he found the Cheros family in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The Cheros family is a local high-caste family, so it is quite powerful. In Haiti, the ruler may be overthrown at any time, so it is better to cooperate with such a deep-rooted family. Some.

Thomas was also shocked when he heard about high caste. Thomas had thought that this system was exclusive to Indians. He didn't expect it to exist in Haiti, but it didn't matter. Haiti, as a democratic republic, had several emperors, so it was a basic operation.

The Chelos family is a high-caste family of mixed black and white descent. The previous generation of clan elders, Cheros, was a man who made great achievements following the founding father.

Old Cheros is different from other heroes. He is not very interested in Haiti's leadership and only wants to make money. Therefore, Old Cheros has survived several generations of Haitian presidents and emperors. Before he took office as Haitian President Gevral The undersea leaders are all his former comrades-in-arms. Chelos Sr. died in 1863, and his eldest son Chelos Jr. currently manages the family.

At the Chelos family's manor, young Cheros met Thomas.

"Hello, Chief Chelos! I heard about your name when I first arrived at the Precious Land. I heard that in Port-au-Prince, the Cheros family is a well-established presence."

Little Chelos: "Sir, who are you?"

Thomas "I am a businessman from France, you can call me Medina."

Thomas himself is multilingual, which is one of the reasons why he became the director of the East African Immigration Service.

France! Hearing the name of the former suzerain country aroused little Cheros's vigilance, and Chelos felt that Thomas's French was a bit weird, but little Chelos did not show it: "It turns out to be France, my great-grandmother is French, and I was also in France. I have studied in France and am very familiar with French. Where are you from in France? Why is your accent so strange? And why do you want to find our Cheros family?"

Thomas: "It turns out you are half French, that's great. I'm from the northeast of France, close to Belgium, so I have a bit of a Dutch accent."

Little Cheros: "So that's it." It's no wonder. It should be similar to a dialect. Little Cheros's great-grandmother came from the south of France, and the spoken language is somewhat different from the Parisian dialect he learned.

Thomas continued: "I am here this time because I have a business deal that I hope your family can accept."

Little Cheros: "I wonder what the business is?"

Thomas: "Slave trade!"

"Ahem..." Little Cheros was shocked by Thomas's words, but he quickly adjusted, "This is not okay, Mr. Medina. The international community has already abolished the slave trade. If we in Haiti were involved in the slave trade, trade, it will be difficult for Haiti.”

Little Chelos even suspected that this was a French conspiracy, whether it was a specially set bait to fish for law enforcement.

Thomas: "Mr. Chelos, you don't have to worry. I'm just a slave trader. All I pursue is profit. As long as the Chelos family gives my fleet some conveniences and lands in Port-au-Prince, we won't be able to do the rest." It will be too involved with your family."

Little Cheros tried: "Mr. Thomas, you should be from the French government!"

When Thomas heard this, he realized why he had contacted the French government. He shook his head and said, "How is it possible? I believe you have heard about the current state of France. The Republicans and the monarchists are both arguing in the parliament. How can they have that?" Energy, we merchants wish that Britain and France would be in chaos, so that business at sea would be easier to do."

Little Cheros nodded, and that's what he said. France is in quite a mess right now, and has no time to care about other countries. Besides, the slave trade was done by the French, and he could just pretend not to know about it. Anyway, Haiti is in such a state. , there is no order at all, and it’s okay for slave traders to use Haiti as their base.

However, in this case, he would have to make a killing, so little Cheros said: "If that's the case, that's fine, but the lives of Haitians are also lives, and our Cheros family requires payment per head."

what? Charge per head! That price is sky-high! Who can cooperate with you if you have this kind of money?

Thomas said: "Charging on a per-capita basis is too much. We only do one-off transactions and don't consider the quantity. At most, we pay annually."

Little Chelos: "Mr. Medina, as I said just now, the lives of Haitians are also lives, and there are not many Haitians in the first place. Isn't it appropriate to charge per head? Our family can also provide you with slave hunting services." ."

It turns out that this is the case. It seems that little Cheros thinks that he wants to trade Haitians as slaves. He blames himself for not making it clear just now.

Thomas: "Mr. Chelos, you misunderstood, we don't want Haitians."

Little Chelos said with some confusion: "If you don't want Haitians, how can you do the slave business? How can you find black people from other places!"

Thomas: "You are right, our French colony is in Africa, so the source of goods is also from Africa."

Little Chelos: "Then what are you doing in Haiti? Haiti is so poor, it's impossible to have money to buy black slaves!"

Thomas: "Mr. Chelos, our market is the United States, and Haiti is a transit point, so you should understand!"

Little Cheros: "Then what can Haiti provide you with the slave trade? It would be more convenient to bring them directly to the United States!"

Thomas: "This depends on market factors. It is impossible for us to find buyers directly. Instead, we need to slowly contact American customers, especially those plantation owners, and then let them select the goods."

Little Chelos: "So what you're saying is that Haiti is dispensable in this link?"

Thomas: "Of course not. In fact, I have just entered the industry, so I don't know much about the American market."

Upon hearing that Thomas was a novice, Cheros was immediately interested: "Then can you guarantee that you will find a buyer?"

Taking the bait, Thomas had inquired about it before. The Cheros family was involved in human trafficking. Wasn't it true?

Thomas sighed: "Well, actually I have been active in the colonies before, and I only heard that the slave business is more profitable, and there are not many other things in Africa, but there are many black people, so I am also looking for a way to see if I can rely on the slave business. Get rich.”

Little Chelos: "Then you dare to do this business without finding a way out!"

Thomas: "I was also deceived by a friend. He said there was a connection in the United States, but there was no news in the past two months. I could only come over from the colony to see it in person, and then I found that Haiti is in a good location, just between the Americas and Africa. I had time, so I landed to take a look, and found that the country was a bit chaotic, so I hope to find a powerful family as a partner."

Little Chelos: "Then you found the Chelos family, Mr. Medina. I have to say, you are very lucky. We do have a way to make money, but I don't know how much goods you have?"

Thomas's eyes lit up: "Really! That's great. If nothing else, we have more supplies than we have in Haiti."

Little Cheros: "That friend of yours is unreliable. It's better to do business with us directly, but there is one thing I want to explain in advance."

Thomas: "Say it!"

Little Chelos: "We, the Chelos family, can eat whatever goods you have, and we have our own sales channels, so we can definitely sell your products to the United States. However, we, the Chelos family, can never do it for nothing. Help you, but as so-called multiple friends, multiple roads, I am willing to give you a chance, that is your goods, we can eat as much as you want, but we have to charge a commission, so we cannot give money to a black slave You are too much."

Thomas was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Mr. Chelos, you mean that we are partners in this business, but you want to take a share of the money earned from the black slaves sold?"

Little Chelos: "That's right."

Thomas: "Deal!"

An unexpected gain, a complete unexpected gain. East Africa originally planned to do a loss-making business and send black people to the United States. As a result, after negotiating with Little Cheros, not only did they not lose money, but they made a lot of money.

However, Thomas still said cautiously: "Mr. Cheros, our supply is worth several million. Can your family eat so much?"

You want to evacuate the colony! Little Cheros said: "Millions may sound like a lot at first, but you have to be able to transport it to Haiti. I dare not say anything else. Even if we transport 10,000 people to Haiti every day, we can still send it to the United States, but it is only a small profit." It’s just a matter of selling more, it can be sold in a few hundred days.”

Of course that is impossible. If there was such transport capacity, East Africa would not have spent so many years emigrating millions of people to East Africa.

Thomas: "Let's see, we can still handle thousands of people every month. When we make money in the future, we can buy more ships and transport more people."

Little Chelos: "Aren't you afraid of being raided by the British and French navies?"

Thomas: "Mr. Chelos, it's up to you!"

Little Chelos: "Look at me?"

Thomas: "What if these people were not slaves, but Haitians?"

Little Chelos' head turned quickly and he instantly understood Thomas's intention: "You mean to decorate your black slaves as Haitians? This is a good idea."

Little Cheros's own business was similar to this, but it was conducted in the form of a labor service company, so he instantly understood the meaning of "Medina", and the two were similar.

Thomas: "But the matter of Haitian identity will be more troublesome for you."

Little Chelos: "Identity! What kind of identity do Haitians want?"

Thomas: "Don't you have a passport or anything?"

Little Cheros: "We really don't have that thing, but you can have it if you need it."

Haiti doesn’t even have a passport! But think about it, Haiti gained independence from France too early to catch up. Thomas: "Then please provide some certificates and the like, so that we can ensure the stability of the supply of goods."

Chielos Jr.: "No problem. The proof is just a piece of waste paper. I can ask the Presidential Palace to complete it."

Thomas: "Please."

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