African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 410 Naval Issues

This time Leopold II acted several years earlier than in history, and the establishment of the East African Kingdom had already set an example for him, so he was not as timid as in his previous life. Basically, it is certain that the establishment of the Belgian Congo would not have happened. What difficulty.


The scope of the Belgian Congo is probably the entire territory of Congo (Brazzaville) in the previous life, plus the Luanda area of ​​Angola in the previous life, most of Gabon, and a small part of southern Cameroon, eastern Guinea, and western Central Africa.

The area is at least 600,000 square kilometers. As for how much the Kingdom of Belgium can get, it depends on how much resources Belgium is willing to invest.

The only factor that threatens the Belgian Congo is France, but in the past few years, it is certain that France will not cause trouble to Belgium, and will even win over Belgium. People will grow, and so will the country.

After being beaten by Prussia, the diplomacy pursued by France during the Napoleon III era also had to change. If it did not find allies, it would really be possible to destroy the country next time. Belgium, which was between Germany and France, was one of the targets that France wanted to win over. one.

Furthermore, France's threat to the Belgian colonies is more convincing than France's threat to the Belgian mainland. After losing Lorraine and Alsace, France also lost the coal and iron ore production areas here, as well as the It is a large cotton-producing area and the second-largest steel and timber-producing area. After losing Lorraine and Alsace, the closest coal mine and steel producing area to France is Belgium. The most important thing is that Belgium has nearly half of the French-speaking people.

As for the Portuguese colony of Angola, the traditional colony in the Congo River Basin, the Belgian government simply chose to ignore it.

Now Portugal is no longer the world's number one maritime hegemon in the past, and Portugal's decline is not a slow decline overnight, but an avalanche. Currently, Portugal's population, economy, industrial level and other aspects are inferior to Belgium.

Although Belgium has not been independent for many years, Belgium was part of the Netherlands before. Even so, the Netherlands is still a part of the sea that cannot be ignored.

The Kingdom of East Africa also poses a certain threat to Belgium. The westernmost part of East Africa controls Bangui, the former capital of the Central African Republic. The Ubangi River below Bangui can be navigable all year round. This means that East Africa actually controls all of the Congo Basin east of the Ubangi River. area.

Although the East African Kingdom did not colonize the Congo rainforest area, East African patrol boats cruised on the Ubangi and Congo rivers until Kinshasa, the capital of the former Congo (DRC).

Leopold II naturally knew this, so he wisely used the Ubangi River as the dividing line between the Belgian Congo and the East African Kingdom.

The most important point is that Leopold II is indeed very understanding of human affairs. After he made the plan to colonize the Belgian Congo, he specifically conveyed the news to the East African Kingdom through the channels of his sister Princess Charlotte, so Leo Bode II's plans were quickly sent to Constantine and Ernst.

For this matter, Archduke Ferdinand asked for leave and accompanied Princess Charlotte from Bagamoyo to the first town.

Archduke Ferdinand: "This is a letter sent by Charlotte's brother, King Leopold II of Belgium. Belgium plans to colonize inland on the coast of West Africa. Will this kind of thing threaten the strategic security of the East African Kingdom? "

The term strategic security has special meaning for the East African Kingdom. Throughout the series of expansion wars launched in East Africa, the term strategic security is inseparable. I don’t know how many African forces have suffered unreasonable disasters because of this term. It seems that under the influence of the East African Kingdom, Archduke Ferdinand understood the essence of "strategic security".

It is understandable that Archduke Ferdinand considered the issue from the perspective of the East African Kingdom. Apart from his status as the Commander-in-Chief of the East African Navy, he supported any expansion in East Africa.

Every piece of land taken by the East African Kingdom represents the progress of the East African Kingdom's strength, and his daughter will be the future mistress of the East African Kingdom, so Archduke Ferdinand now considers the interests of East Africa first when thinking about issues.

Ernst did not answer his father-in-law immediately, but first carefully read the letter sent by Leopold II. Leopold II even thoughtfully attached a map of the "Belgian Congo".

Ernst praised: "His Majesty Leopold, he is really a natural genius for colonization. He is very good at maneuvering. He was able to perfectly avoid our sphere of influence in East Africa and other countries and find a way for Belgium."

On the map, Leopold II used a red pen to strictly control the "Belgian Congo" on the west bank of the Ubangi River.

Although Ernst was not interested in the Congolese rainforest, East Africa had actually controlled the Congolese rainforest since it occupied the Azande Plateau.

This is all due to the Congo River and its tributaries. East Africa controls the Congo River and the upper reaches of many tributaries of the Congo River, which makes the entire Congo rainforest fall into the pocket of the East African Kingdom.

By controlling the upper reaches of the river, you can gain strategic initiative. However, the environment of the Congo rainforest can only be developed along the river. Other forces entering here are within the firepower of the East African Kingdom.

Archduke Ferdinand said: "Ernst, do you mean to allow Belgium to expand on the west coast of Africa?"

Ernst nodded and said: "Since Belgium has this idea, there is no need for us to object. In fact, even if Belgium does not occupy it, it will be difficult for us in East Africa to exert our influence in Central and West Africa. The Congo rainforest is a natural chasm. We occupy Azande." The plateau is a bit reluctant, and even the closer White Nile Basin has not been effectively developed. Although the Congolese rainforest is large, it cannot accommodate many people, which is also a disadvantage. If we have the energy, we might as well think of ways to speed up the development. Integration of South Africa and East Africa.”

Constantine also said at this time: "Ernst is right. We have just occupied so much land in South Africa, and the land area has increased a lot. South Africa is obviously more important than Central and West Africa in terms of climate and importance."

After all, the East African Kingdom is still a small and medium-sized country with a huge area and a large population. Its energy is limited, so it is even more important to be self-aware. It is said that you can bite off more than you can chew, and you may die from eating too much.

Ernst changed the topic and said: "Father-in-law, when it comes to controlling South Africa, we have a plan right now that needs your help."

Archduke Ferdinand asked: "What's the plan?"

Ernst explained: "Since the Zulu Kingdom was eliminated, we have accordingly gained access to the sea along the coast of South Africa. In order to control South Africa's needs, we plan to build a port on the coast of the original Zulu Kingdom."

Ernst took out a map from the drawer, placed it on the table, pointed to Richard's Bay in South Africa in his previous life, and said: "This is a bay in the former Zulu Kingdom. Our people have already surveyed this place. It is very suitable for Build a port, because of the need to develop and control South Africa, I plan to build a dual-use port here."

Archduke Ferdinand said: "Do you want the navy to control this place?"

Ernst said firmly: "Yes."

This made Archduke Ferdinand very embarrassed. He said: "Ernst, I think you should be very aware of the situation of the East African Navy. Are you deliberately making things difficult for me?"

When it comes to naval issues, Archduke Ferdinand became angry instantly. The development of the East African Navy in recent years is actually not slow. After all, the East African Navy did not have any foundation before. However, as the former commander of the Austrian Navy, now the East African Navy is a bit Nor could he fall into Ferdinand's eyes.

No wonder Archduke Ferdinand said this, the East African Navy is really pitiful, with a total of only eight main battleships and thirteen gunboats.

Among them, the two warships of the Zanzibar Sultanate are not even comparable to the merchant ships of the East African Kingdom. The two sailing warships purchased from the Austro-Hungarian Navy are also decades old antiques. The other four newly built ones are barely passable. , but it is also a wooden hull. With the rise of ironclad ships, it seems that it will lag behind the times.

As for the giant ironclad "Archduke Ferdinand" funded and built by Ernst, it is still lying in the Royal Shipyard of Trieste. It will be completed until March next year. The most important thing is that Archduke Ferdinand himself does not Know the existence of this battleship.

Archduke Ferdinand continued: "The coastline of East Africa is more than 2,000 kilometers long, which is maintained entirely by these warships. We are also responsible for the defense of Mayotte Island in the Mozambique Channel. It is completely insufficient. If we add South Africa, I don’t even want to think about how to divide these ships, doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

Archduke Ferdinand's question of conscience made Constantine and Princess Charlotte laugh heartily. Ernst was indeed a bit unkind in this respect.

Ernst said calmly: "Father-in-law, what about the situation of the East African Navy! Of course I am quite aware that it has indeed been difficult for you in recent years. However, conditions did not allow it before. Now I have earned some pocket money in North America, so We are planning to add some new ships to the East African Navy.”

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