African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 527 East-British (Indian) Trade

Now that the landmark selection was determined, East Africa quickly collected plans from European designers and selected the one that best suited the father and son's eyes.

"The lighthouse of civilization is anywhere from a hundred meters to a full hundred meters. This height is enough for most ships in the Indian Ocean to see it. At the same time, the statue of the goddess of peace is used as the spire, and the lower tower is engraved with four-sided lion sculptures as an East African element. With the earth as the highest point, the future can..."

After looking at the design drawings, Ernst was very satisfied with the work anyway. The height has no meaning. In other words, one hundred meters itself is a good meaning and it is not difficult. At the same time, in this era, a hundred-meter building itself is a breakthrough. .

The current tallest building in the world, the Pyramid of Khufu, is just over 100 meters high and will not be replaced by Germany's Cologne Cathedral until next year.

Statue of Peace, Germans must like this element very much, there is a Statue of Peace on the Brandenburg Gate.

The lion and the earth, so that both East African and world elements are present, can make the beacon of civilization more worthy of its name.

Southern Frontier Province.

The border between East Africa and Cape Town.

As tense as every day, East African border guards Hans and Charlie started patrolling again to prevent the enemy from penetrating into East African territory.

"Hey, Hans, the number of people in the UK seems to have decreased recently. They have relaxed their vigilance!"

Charlie did not know about the British troops in Cape Town supporting the Afghan battlefield. This top military secret was only known to the big shots in East Africa.

In fact, this is not a secret, but the East African border guards have no way to know, but Charlie still discovered the fact that the number of British troops on the border has decreased through the naked eye.

"Why are you thinking so much? Anyway, we haven't received a battle plan to invade Cape Town. It doesn't matter to us whether the number of people on the other side decreases or increases." Hans said with some pride.

Hans's words were obviously a bit Versailles. Of course, as a German and in an army like the East African Defense Force that has not lost for many years, the self-confidence of the army, especially the army, became stronger.

The German Army is the best in the world, so the East African Army is naturally the best in Africa. In this era, the overall honor of the Germans is based on the nation rather than the country.

Because there are too many German countries, but there is only one German nation, and the German army is the best in the world, the Germans in East Africa are naturally proud of it.

"That's what you said, but these British guys are annoying enough. They must have encountered some trouble, hehe." Charlie laughed a little unkindly.

The laughter spread along the barbed wire to the ears of Leta, the Englishman on the opposite side. He looked at the wanton Germans opposite in annoyance.

As a member of the British Army, he naturally knows why the Cape Town Army has been reduced. Many of his comrades have gone to Afghanistan to suppress the uprising.

Seeing Leta's expression on the opposite side was embarrassed, which made Charlie laugh even more happily. In fact, everyone was an old acquaintance. If he hadn't not learned English, maybe Charlie would have had a few words with Leta.


The one who smiled happier than the East African border guards was the border merchant who had just concluded a deal.

"Mr. Max, happy to work with you!"

“Happy to work with!”

Dujin clicked the pounds in his hand and was quite satisfied with the transaction, while Max wanted to pursue higher profits, so he was happy to make more money by reselling supplies from East Africa to Cape Town.

Not forgetting the past is the teacher of the future.

Obviously British businessmen did not have this awareness.

The last time East Africa annexed the Transvaal Republic, it started with East Africa's border trade with the Transvaal Republic.

After annexing the Orange Free State, the British naturally learned this information from the Boers of the former Transvaal Republic who fled to the Orange Free State.

In addition, the United Kingdom has already adapted economic sanctions to East Africa, so it naturally prohibits its businessmen from doing business in East Africa.

But in Cape Town and East Africa, the ban is like a blank sheet of paper that both East African and British businessmen are selectively invisible to.

Especially after the opening of the Central Railway, the trade volume between East Africa and Cape Town has more than tripled compared with a few years ago. East African goods are directly converted into pounds as part of the East African treasury.

The pound is a fairly stable hard currency. Although normal trade cannot occur between East and Britain, East Africa has many ways to spend these pounds and exchange them for the supplies it wants.

The British mainland actually does not have many resources that East Africa needs. Instead, it is a British colony. East Africa needs to import many raw materials. Of course, most of the raw materials are not not available in East Africa, but are more cost-effective in the UK.

For example, coastal cities in East Africa import commodities such as coal, iron ore and timber from India as raw materials for industrial development, and in turn dump industrial products such as steel to India through Zanzibar merchants.

The trade volume between East Africa and India has increased year by year. The British sanctions against East Africa have not had any effect. On the contrary, British companies have lost many orders from East Africa.

The British restricted industrial development in India, making India's economy dependent on the export of raw materials and British industrial products.

India's economy relies on the export of raw materials, so British colonial officials had to export more raw materials to generate income. Before, there were no buyers, but after the emergence of East Africa, a country with the highest consumption power near the Indian Ocean region, the two naturally " "Lang Qing and Concubine Yi" hooked up together.

East Africa relied on low commodity prices to import industrial products to India, and these bureaucrats then sold them to wealthy Indian groups. The two achieved a perfect closed loop.

As for the sanctions bill, it is a British sanctions bill. What does it have to do with our great India? The Queen of India is Victoria? Oh well! It still matters.

But when the white banknotes flowed into the pockets of Indian officials, they felt at ease. As for betrayal, that did not exist. After all, the great Queen Victoria was printed on the pound.

Indian colonial officials typically make money from both ends. Most of the money imported from India in East Africa's ores and resources flows into their pockets, while selling East Africa's industrial products to Indians can drain a fortune from Indians.

The price paid is nothing more than the blood and sweat of Indians, and the most valuable thing in India is human life, so where can you find such a good thing?

In East Africa and Germany, the United States can be said to be the biggest enemy of British industrial development. The former relies on smooth trade with British colonies to develop smoothly, while the latter two rely on copycat products to steal Britain's back.

Labor costs in the UK are relatively high, and prices in island countries are also relatively high. In fact, UK prices are not too high, but they are obviously not comparable to mainland countries.

Therefore, it is an irreversible trend for British industry to be surpassed by late-developing industrial countries. It is better to vigorously develop the financial industry. After all, the world's business channels are now in the hands of the United Kingdom.

The reason why East Africa was able to steal India was because it benefited from its location. Although Britain was India's suzerainty, this could not be changed. The distance between the United Kingdom and India was about twice that of East Africa, and the closest industrial country to India was East Africa.

And India is the largest economic entity in the British colonial territory, so it is naturally impossible for East Africa to turn a blind eye to the existence of the Indian market and try its best to develop the Indian market.

Under the double attack of transportation advantages and cost advantages, the import and export trade between India and East Africa has become an important part of East Africa's foreign trade, and may even exceed East Africa's trade volume with the Far Eastern Empire.

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