African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 529 Applying to Return to China


As a newly independent country from the Ottoman Empire, the former Grand Duke of Romania has now been elevated to the King of Romania, that is, Carol I.

In the economic structure of the Kingdom of Romania, oil is an important industrial project. Otherwise, there is almost no difference between Romania and other agricultural countries.

In the area where the oil fields are newly developed, the Romanian Petroleum Development Company opened three new oil wells and built a refinery using the latest technology to develop more petroleum by-products based on Romanian oil refining.

The so-called Romanian Petroleum Development Company is also Ernst's industry. It is Ernst's starting point for laying out oil resources. Of course, Romania's oil resources are not as abundant as imagined, but it is indeed a good place for novices to level up. In other words , East Africa trains future East Africa’s own oil workers in Romania.

Before the entry of the Hechingen Consortium, Romania's oil development and utilization was actually entirely small-scale, and the production methods were extremely backward, relying entirely on manually dug pits for production.

After the Hechingen consortium invested, Romania's oil development embarked on a fast track. Initially, Hechingen simply imported a large number of machines from the United States to increase production.

The U.S. oil industry is almost completely monopolized by Rockefeller, and the Standard Oil Company formed by it accounts for about 90% of the U.S. oil market, and next year this number will further expand to 95%.

Unlike the United States, Europe is an oil-deficient region. Of course, Ernst is referring to Western Europe. Eastern Europe is different. Tsarist Russia is quite rich in oil resources. Romania and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have oil distribution, including Poland, which was divided. Some oil reserves, Tsarist Russia has no resources but no industry. This is contrary to the current situation in Western Europe.

Moreover, the market demand for oil is actually not very high. For example, the amount of oil produced in Romania is about 30,000 tons per year. This production can be said to be pitifully low, and more than 10,000 tons of it are purchased from East Africa.

In the 19th century, the use of petroleum was mainly concentrated in lighting and medicine. I heard that Americans used petroleum to treat rheumatism, but Ernst had never seen it.

As for the oil imported from East Africa, it is mainly used for machinery and river and lake troop ships in East Africa.

The oil reserves in East Africa are considerable, especially in the northern region near the Nile Basin, the Great Lakes region, and Lake Turkana.

But Ernst does not plan to develop these oil resources now, especially those in the Nile Basin.

That was the oil-producing area of ​​North and South Sudan in the previous life, next to the border, and to the north of the border was semi-colonial Egypt. The British behind Egypt would not develop the resources in South Africa for the time being, and Ernst did not want to be affected by the development of resources. Conflict with Britain.

Of course, the British may not necessarily be interested in the small oil and water. The gold mines in South Africa are fatal to the British. However, the British are typically harming others without benefiting themselves. What if they just want to cause trouble! So it's better to be on guard.

Moreover, the Romanian Petroleum Development Company is enough for Ernst. After the technology and personnel are trained in the future, East Africa can directly use it. After all, the Romanian royal family and the Hechingen royal family are one family. There cannot be two Hohenzollerns in one sentence. There is no need to worry about the Romanian government getting stuck in East Africa.

"Hey, are you all going back to East Africa?" the manager of the Romanian Petroleum Development Company asked the East African apprentices.

"Yes, manager, you also know that we came to Europe to study abroad. Isn't it the end of the year? So we plan to take leave and go back to East Africa to visit our families."

"Yes, you have been working here for two or three years. I understand your mood, but you can't all go back! Someone must stay and stand guard. That's good. You will return to China in three batches. The first batch After the second batch comes back, the second batch can go back to East Africa, and then after the second batch comes back, the third batch can go to East Africa.”

Of course the manager wouldn't let them go, but he couldn't let them all go back to East Africa, so he came up with this idea.

"Manager, when we came to work in Romania, we were assigned by the government, but I want to know if the government intends to keep us in Romania?"

It’s no wonder that they would think nonsense. Since they were sent to Romania to study and work, East Africa has not allowed them to go back. If it takes too long, they might become Romanians.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. If I really don't care about you, I will give you leave to go back to visit relatives? In fact, you should understand that the oil industry is an industry that the country is optimistic about, but domestic development is late and the infrastructure conditions are poor, so without you Learning oil extraction and refining technology in Romania is now the best choice for you.”

Now back to East Africa, these oil apprentices have no use. East Africa does not plan to develop the oil industry in advance. Without the oil industry, there is no need for oil workers. Therefore, these apprentices stay in Romania and continue to accumulate experience. This is what the country needs. At the same time, it can also create value for the Hechingen Consortium.

"What about you! You are the backbone of the country's future oil industry. The country will naturally not let go easily. Of course, you don't need to be nervous. Just study and work hard. And we will not interfere with your private life. If you marry a wife in Romania It is possible to have children, but I want to remind you that you will still have to go back to East Africa in the future, so when you fall in love, you must make an agreement with the local girl and don't make a fuss."

Petroleum industry workers, especially those with East African nationality, are mostly middle-level or technical staff in Romanian oil development companies and are high-income people in Romania.

Therefore, it is easy for employees of the Romanian Petroleum Development Company to solve the problem of being single. Moreover, East Africa encourages its own people to look for foreign cabbage from other countries. After all, the problem of imbalance between men and women in East Africa has always existed, so if they can , marrying a local girl, East Africa supports it, killing two birds with one stone.

The manager's words made these young men look like Brother Pig, and he was very speechless and said: "One or two, what do they look like? If you look like this, you want to solve the single problem, local girls I was already scared away."

"After you go home this time and visit your relatives, remember to come back to work early. Next time, you can only communicate by telegram."

"Yes, manager."

East Africans who work overseas generally return home based on years. Going overseas in this era is a troublesome thing after all, so it is really difficult for the Romanian Petroleum Development Company to give so many employees holidays.

Of course, because of the special nature of the Romanian Petroleum Development Company, the company will let them return to China to rest for a while.

The job of oil can be said to be a long-term job, and you can work for ten or eight years without any problem, so the Romanian Petroleum Development Company encourages its employees to settle down and buy property in Romania.

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