African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 751 Counterattack on the Western Front

The situation encountered by the Portuguese troops in Angola now is actually the situation encountered by the early immigrants from East Africa.

It's just that the conditions in East Africa are much better now, especially those provinces that have been developed, and they no longer look any different from other places in the world.


Aldin's company decided to rest in the village of Luaina for one night, and then headed east to search for the whereabouts of the East African army.

However, most Portuguese, including Oldin, agreed that finding East Africans would be a difficult task.

Because they have not seen what the East African Defense Force looks like in the past three months, but other troops have exchanged fire with the East Africans. This kind of thing has almost become a "legend" among the Portuguese troops who invaded Danube Province.

Therefore, after setting up a temporary camp, the defense of Aldin's unit was very lax, and there were not even a few sentries.

After all, compared to the "empty" East Africans, being able to have a good sleep in the "ruins" of this unknown village is the most important thing for the Portuguese who have suffered for several months.

But sometimes things are just such a coincidence. When Aldin and others were stationed in Luaina Village, a group of soldiers from the 411th East African Division happened to be in this area.

"According to the map mark, the front is Luaina Village. This was one of our reclaimed villages. However, after the war broke out, the villagers were arranged to evacuate to the rear. However, the efficiency of the Portuguese was too low. They are only now touching At this point, if I had known this would happen, there was no need to evacuate Luaina Village at the beginning." Ronal, the company commander of the team, said.

According to the plan of the Western Military Region, nearly four-fifths of the entire Danube Province was basically abandoned. The Portuguese should be able to advance the army to at least two-thirds of the country.

But the Portuguese taught East Africa a lesson, that is, the efficiency of the Portuguese army was far slower than the East Africans expected.

"Our scouts discovered smoke rising from cooking stoves in Luaina Village around six o'clock today, so they judged that there should be Portuguese troops stationed in Luaina Village. However, the specific number of people is unknown, but according to the size of the smoke, the number must not be large. , and the impact on the surrounding environment was also very weak, and no animals such as birds were seen to be frightened, so this force should be a very small force in the Portuguese advance force."

"Our people did not go deep, for fear of alerting the enemy, but we can be sure that this should be the forefront of the Portuguese army. I have informed the rear troops of this situation. According to the order of the battalion headquarters, we will do what we can, but this time There is no need to be timid in counterattacking, as if there is an emergency, we can easily get support.”

Ronal looked at his watch and continued: "It is now seven o'clock in the afternoon, so the Portuguese army should not have rested yet. When the sky darkens completely at eight o'clock, our scouts will investigate the situation closely. If the opponent There are not many people, so let’s take out this enemy’s troops.”

Following Ronal's arrangement, all the soldiers in the first company began to lean against the tree trunks with their eyes closed to relax. At this time, the sun had set and it was a little cold in the rain forest.

Because of the enemy, we couldn't light a fire in order to avoid exposing our position. Before that, everyone only ate some compressed biscuits to fill their stomachs.

However, under the calm appearance of the soldiers in the company, their heartbeats were constantly accelerating, and everyone was extremely excited.

At eight o'clock, the scouts set out again, wearing camouflage uniforms woven with green vegetation, and approached the village of Luaina. In order to avoid the enemy's hidden sentry, the scouts of the first company did not take the main road.

There is an inconspicuous road connecting Luaina Village to the outside world, but it is now overgrown with grass. If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to see.

The scouts approached the village of Luaina along the jungle beside the road. The location of Luaina Village was easy to judge because the Portuguese did not extinguish the bonfires for warmth. At this time, there was a faint light of fire in Luaina Village. .

This bit of fire could provide the East African scouts with accurate directions, so they successfully found the area where Aldin and others were stationed.

In less than twenty minutes, the scouts returned to report the situation to Ronal.

"Company Commander, the enemy's security is very lax. They have not set up sentries on the main traffic roads at all. The same is true outside the village. There are only a few sentries near the camp. We were not discovered by them."

"These Portuguese people really take it lightly. Aren't they afraid of meeting us and catching them off guard!"

"I'm afraid these Portuguese are not the main force of Portugal. A mistake of this level is unthinkable in our army. Even if we don't deploy sentries on the only way, at least we should arrange some manpower on the periphery!"

In fact, Aldin's troops didn't even think about the external passage to Luaina Village. After several months of crawling into the jungle, their vigilance had long since been completely lost.

So I subconsciously realized that Luaina Village did not think of this. Of course, Luaina Village is indeed a bit deserted, especially the existing roads. If you don’t observe carefully, it is difficult to find it. According to the current state of the Portuguese army , it is difficult for them to notice this detail directly like the East African scouts.

Ronal didn't know what to say about the scouts' complaints. After all, he didn't know much about the specific situation of the Portuguese army. Anyway, he was not the Portuguese commander.

He asked: "What is the enemy's strength?"

"It looks like there should be a hundred or ten people, probably a company of troops, but they are not in good condition, and the equipment does not look too sophisticated."

Ronal said: "Very good, we should be able to capture this force directly."

"Company commander, are you going to attack now?"

Ronald looked at the time again and said: "Continue to rest now. The enemy can't run away anyway, and now with large-scale operations, there may be sudden changes. After eleven o'clock, when the enemy's mental state is completely relaxed, we will go over and fight." He was caught off guard."

In this way, time passed little by little, which was extremely tortured for the psychology of the East African soldiers. After all, nothing could be done at this time, while the Portuguese slowly fell asleep in the village of Luaina, quietly unaware that the threat was coming.

After eleven o'clock, Ronald's troops began to take action. Under the leadership of the scouts, they "swaggered" along the road and approached the village of Luaina.

Along the way, as the scouts had said before, the Portuguese completely ignored this and waited until they arrived around the village.

Ronald gave the order and rushed directly into the village of Luaina. At this time, the Portuguese had just fallen asleep, and before he could react, the East African put a gun to his head.

The entire war lasted less than five minutes and ended with victory in East Africa, with only sporadic gunfire.

Before most of the Portuguese could react, they had become prisoners in East Africa, and three Portuguese escaped at the same time.

However, running away at this time was obviously not a good option. The surrounding rain forest and the pitch-black environment meant that even if they ran away, they would probably lose their way. What's more, these Portuguese were not locals. As outsiders, they separated from the large army and basically escaped death.

Twenty minutes after the battle, an "unlucky guy" who escaped came back and surrendered to the East African leaders. Because he didn't know where to go, he could only choose surrender.

With the victory in the battle of Luaina Village, it also represented the beginning of East Africa's first counterattack against the Portuguese in the western region.

East Africa's regaining control of Luaina Village also means East Africa's first step in regaining the territory of Danube Province. This is the center of Danube Province. With the contact between East Africa and the Portuguese here, the subsequent war is about to break out.

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