African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 762: Divided Pot Meeting

As various units in East Africa moved closer together with Luanda as the center, Angola's "frequent good news" a month ago was completely exposed.

"You bastards, why can't you defeat the East Africans in less than a month? Could it be that the military information in the past few months was all lies!"

Angola Governor Owen was furious, and the air in the conference hall seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees. Everyone was silent. Owen was so proud a month ago, but now he is so angry.

The Portuguese army on the front line fought really badly. If the Portuguese army changed badly from the beginning, then Owen would have nothing to say. But when the war started, everyone under him took credit, and it seemed that it would not take long to win. The first town was like capturing the royal family of Hechingen alive.

As a result, with just a little effort in East Africa, the Portuguese army was exposed. Since two weeks ago, all fronts have been either shrinking or being defeated. Could it be that the results of the last East-Portuguese War will be repeated in our own hands?

During the last East-Portuguese War, weak Angola was unable to stop the East African attack. This was understandable. After all, Angola received no local support at that time.

As a colony, its military strength is not strong, and it does not even have much standing armed forces, so it is reasonable to be crushed by East Africa.

But this time, Portugal had "sharpened their sword for ten years" and made full preparations. When they came back, they actually fought like this. Owen naturally has an unshirkable responsibility.

"Your Majesty the Governor, now is not the time to be angry. No amount of criticism can change the corruption of frontline military operations. We did not expect that the kingdom has spent so much effort to equip its army, and even the local army has such poor combat effectiveness."

Owen's assistant used a very serious tone to emphasize the "strength" of the local army. After all, the kingdom's local army could not defeat East Africa, so the Angolan colonial army was naturally even less useful.

This can at least give some comfort to the colonial leaders. It is impossible that the incompetence of the local army is caused by them. If the Angola colony is lost this time, it will be a problem with the entire kingdom's military system. Anyway, a big pot will be put on the local head first. .

But as Angola's top political and military governor, Owen's responsibility cannot be shied away. It is true that the kingdom's army has problems, and the colonial army was organized by Owen. If everyone is worse, Portugal will be finished sooner or later.

Owen said coldly: "Everyone is involved in this war. Of course, I did make some personal mistakes. I seriously underestimated the military strength and war preparations of the East African Kingdom. But didn't the British make mistakes in this?"

"The British are the main driving force of this war, but they have completely failed to implement their pre-war promises. Although I don't know what the situation in Mozambique is now, the fact that East Africa can mobilize so many troops to march into Angola speaks volumes."

"Either Mozambique's coalition forces failed to contribute, or they are in the same predicament as us."

"But one thing that is clear is that the British did not achieve their pre-war strategic goals, otherwise the East Africans would not have been able to increase their troops on the Western Front!"

Owen's analysis has been recognized by everyone. Angola's senior leaders are indeed somewhat "incompetent", but compared to the British performance, it is acceptable.

Before the war, the British vowed to Portugal that as long as everyone joined forces, the East Africans would only be defeated.

As a result, the two sides are now separated by the territory of central East Africa. They have not achieved the pre-war strategic goal of joining forces in the territory of central East Africa for three months.

It's okay for the Portuguese to be embarrassed. After all, they have been embarrassed several times in Brazil and Europe. The British are in disgrace this time. This is probably the most embarrassing time for the British since the Afghan uprising.

"Your Majesty the Governor is right, and the biggest mistake in the war is actually not our fault and the British's. The biggest enemies are actually the local insects!"

"From the beginning of the war to now, our material supplies in Angola have not reached the standard line. The front line lacks firearms, ammunition, artillery and other weapons. This is all the fault of the logistics department. If they are not corrupt, it is because of serious efficiency problems. Therefore, the Portuguese logistics department should be responsible for the defeat of this war. After all, in the absence of various supplies, what can the frontline soldiers do to fight against East Africa?"

Owen glanced at his subordinates approvingly. This was indeed an excellent excuse for losing the war. After all, it was a fact that the war supplies Angola received were insufficient.

Although the Angolan government is not very clean, and everyone is more or less corrupt, the supplies sent from the country are definitely not enough.

Anyway, the Angolan government can blame all "normal" losses on East Africa, and the local bureaucrats will have no place to blame. However, according to the current situation of the Kingdom of Portugal, it is estimated that nothing will be found. At most, after the war, La Several scapegoats were shot to anger the people.

Of course, doing this is in line with Governor Owen's understanding of the Portuguese government, but it doesn't have much effect now. The most important thing is how to get out of the quagmire of Angola.

Owen asked the military personnel: "General Madrid, what is the actual situation on the front line now?"

Here Irving specifically emphasizes the real battle situation. After all, the military's fraud was too serious before, and now Irving has lost trust in them.

General Madrid is a little embarrassed. Although Irving is nominally the highest military officer, he, a local general, is responsible for specific military affairs. Therefore, the biggest blame for the current frontline failure may still be on him.

He said a little stiffly: "Our army, the main force is now dragged in the east by East Africa, and it is difficult to come back for reinforcements. But now according to our intelligence, there are two main East African forces coming towards our rear, especially the one in the north. An East African army is most likely coming towards Luanda."

"Then what's your plan? Can you stop this East African army?" Owen asked eagerly.

The same goes for others. After all, if East Africa comes directly to Luanda, it will really threaten everyone's life safety.

"We are currently working hard to get the frontline troops to return to Luanda, and at the same time organize manpower to hinder the southward movement of the East African army. Now we have achieved some results, especially many black tribes who performed very well." Madrid said.

Owen asked: "Can this East African army be eliminated?"

Madrid shook his head and said: "I'm afraid not, because this East African army is very strong. Even if the tribal warriors block its military operations on the road, it will be a drop in the bucket and can only temporarily delay its arrival in Luanda."

Owen: "Are we just going to have to watch the East African troops approaching the city?"

General Madrid said: "This is very likely, but now I have begun to organize manpower and conduct military deployment in Luanda. If the frontline troops can return in time for reinforcements, our predicament should be relieved in time."

Although Madrid said so, everyone has now realized the seriousness of the problem, that is, Angola may really be finished.

Unless a miracle happens, the enemy will soon reach Angola. Even the mainland at this time may have nothing to do but watch Angola fall.

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