Shen Fei pondered for a moment and said, “Team Wang, forensic doctor Li, I may know the reason why the suspect only has a strangulation mark!” ”

“What reason?”

“Is there any detail missing from this?”

Wang Guogang and Forensic Li both looked at Shen Fei.

Shen Fei nodded and said: “I think this may be a breakthrough in this case, that is, the suspect is less than five centimeters away from the ground, and such a distance has not broken free, indicating that the suspect may not have a trace of strength in his body, which also causes the other party to not struggle.” ”

“The strangulation marks on the lower jaw are actually traces of struggle, but what if the suspect really has no strength?”

Wang Guogang nodded and said, “Your analysis is very reasonable. ”

Forensic doctor Li also said: “This speculation does have some truth, then Wang Team, if there is no need to do further investigation here, we will put the person down and conduct an autopsy here.” ”

Wang Guogang nodded and said, “Put it down, originally to wait for Shen Fei, how long will it take for your side to give results?” ”

Forensic Li said, “It’s probably around noon.” ”

Wang Guogang nodded: “Okay, you guys hurry.” ”

Forensic Li led people to put the victim down.

Wang Guogang and Shen Fei discussed with several people.

“What do you think?”

Wang Guogang asked.

Lao Li said: “The suspect’s methods are extremely cruel, if it is really like Shen Fei speculated, it is deliberately creating some kind of element, as if he deliberately wants to do this.” ”

Shen Fei nodded and said, “That’s right!” Only five centimeters off the ground, so that the suspect has hope for life, but can only watch himself lose his disappointment little by little, such pain is more painful than directly killing him, I suspect that the murderer and the victim have a deep hatred before their death, perhaps from this angle can be investigated. ”

Wang Guogang nodded and added, “Shen Fei’s guess is good!” From the perspective of the suspect’s modus operandi, it is simply to give hope, and watch death, Lao Li, you check the suspect’s identity information, lock the specific identity of the suspect, and focus on checking whether there is an enemy. ”

Lao Li nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll investigate immediately.” ”

Wang Guogang asked again: “How did Chen Feng’s surveillance find out there?” ”

Lao Li said: “Still under investigation, the calculation time should be about the same.” ”

Right now.

Jingle bells!

A phone rang.

As soon as Wang Guo connected the phone, his expression changed without saying a word, “What?” Found it? Okay, you wait for us at the scene, and Shen Fei and I will rush over immediately. ”

Hang up.

He said to Shen Fei: “Chen Feng’s side has already investigated the whereabouts of the victim, but it was relatively dark at that time, and we need to make further judgments, let’s go, we will go down the mountain now.” ”

Shen Fei nodded.

He was just about to leave.


He “huh”.

Wang Guogang and Lao Li both looked over.

Shen Fei stared at the sole of the victim’s shoe and said, “What is this thing?” ”

Lao Li looked over and said, “It seems to be phosphors and other things, there are often these things on the mountain road here, and many students like to go up the mountain to play, and they all bring these things to increase the atmosphere.” ”

Shen Fei nodded, withdrew his gaze and said, “Team Wang, then let’s go down the mountain.” ”

Wang Guogang said: “Let’s go, first lock up the victim, Lao Li, your side also hurry up to investigate.” ”


Lao Li said seriously.

Three minutes later.

Wang Guogang and Shen Fei walked into the visitor management center.

Chen Feng walked out quickly: “According to the clues provided by the informant, I focused on the monitoring from eight o’clock to ten o’clock last night, and really found some abnormal points, Wang Team Shenfei, you can take a look!” The victims did not enter the park until after six o’clock in the evening, by which time it was already dark. ”

He presses the play button.

A figure appears in the picture.

Judging by the clothes, it is the victim.

He entered through the entrance of the park.

It’s getting a little dark!

This made his face shape not very clear.

Wang Guogang asked, “Shen Fei, can you tell if the two are the same person?” ”

Shen Fei nodded and said, “It’s not a big problem!” Brother Chen, copy this video, I have to watch it twice to confirm the specific details. ”

Chen Feng said, “Okay, I’ll copy it!” ”


Shen Fei sat in the monitoring chair.

He watched the video over and over again, comparing it with the identity of the victim he had just seen.

Especially some physical characteristics!

A moment later.

The two figures completely coincided.

Shen Fei nodded and said, “I can confirm that this person in the picture is the victim.” ”

Wang Guogang said: “In that case, then tune out all the pictures along the way to see if the victim’s trajectory along the way can gain something.” ”

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said: “I wanted to access it just now, but the people in the monitoring center said that there was a strong wind some time ago, and the monitoring route on the mountain was blown off, and it has not been repaired, and only the camera on the ground can be used.” ”

Wang Guogang frowned and asked, “Broken?” Are you sure it’s a coincidence? ”

Chen Feng nodded and said, “It should be a coincidence, I checked the historical record, and what I could find was three days ago!” That day, there was a strong wind in our Hongcheng, and several boats were flooded in the lake. ”

Wang Guogang seemed to recall and nodded, “Yes!” I remembered that the police were still dispatched to maintain order. ”

Shen Fei asked: “Is there a monitoring of the parking lot?” I just saw that he seemed to have a bunch of keys pinned to his waist to see if he could lock to the other party’s license plate number, so that he could quickly confirm the identity of the other party. ”

Wang Guogang nodded and said, “That’s right! Chen Feng, you call up the monitoring near the parking lot. ”

Chen Feng didn’t say a word to call up the surveillance footage.

The next moment.

Everyone saw the picture of the parking lot.

A black Mercedes is parked in front of the parking lot.

Shen Fei pointed to the car and said, “Stop!” That’s the car! The driver is him! The license plate number is South HXXXX. ”

Wang Guogang immediately said: “Chen Feng, immediately call Lao Li, go to the traffic department, retrieve the information of this car, and find out the identity of the owner.” ”

Chen Feng said, “Okay.” ”

Shen Fei stared at the victim and got out of the car, and said: “Judging from the current monitoring, the victim’s family conditions should be good, then there are more possible directions for our investigation, maybe family, maybe business, or others.” ”

Wang Guogang nodded and said, “Such a luxury car is generally not available to wage earners, but you can start from his identity.” ”

Right at this time.

Shen Fei stared at the picture and suddenly “heh”.

Wang Guogang asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Shen Fei pointed to a certain part of the picture and said, “There is a problem here!” ”

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