In the room.

Shen Fei pointed to the wound on the victim’s neck and said: “Speaking of this, Team Wang, I think this woman’s wound is very strange, not like an ordinary knife or tool, from this aspect of investigation, there may be some discoveries!” ”

Wang Guo just stepped forward, leaned over to check the wound on his neck, and nodded: “That’s right!” This kind of crime tool is rare, Xiao Yang, restore the scar on the neck and find out what kind of crime tool it is! ”

Xiao Yang nodded: “Received!” Team King! ”


Several people continued to look at the room.

Shen Fei looked around.

The whole room looked messy.

Perhaps the two struggled too violently, and even the crystal lamp was broken.

He picked up the crystal lamp on the floor and walked around the room.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that the living room is a little strange.


He slammed his head.

He called out to Team Wang and said, “Team Wang! You come and see! ”

Wang Guogang and Lao Li immediately walked over.

Wang Guogang: “What’s wrong?” ”

Shen Fei did not answer, but pointed to the mess in front of him, beckoned the two to retreat to the door, and said, “Look carefully, is there some special order in this mess in front of you?” ”

The kingdom just looked over.

A moment later.

Wang Guogang nodded and said, “You really feel a little like that!” ”

Lao Li “heh” and said, “That’s right! You see, these clothes, cabinets, uniform are tilted and collapsed in the direction of the left, simply put, if you take the entrance as a starting point, it is like walking along the coffee table in the living room, turning over. ”

“This is not in line with the whereabouts of a normal burglary, and it is generally to first pick some places where valuables may be rummaging.”

Chen Feng nodded and said, “When you say so, I also feel this way!” ”

Wang Guogang frowned, looked at Shen Fei and asked in a deep voice: “Shen Fei, what is your judgment?” ”

Shen Fei frowned and said, “I think the other party seems to be deliberately faking the scene of the burglary to mislead our investigation!” ”

“From this point of view, the other party should have a certain anti-reconnaissance ability! But at the same time! The other party does not even grasp some basic principles, which also shows that the other party is actually only learning the skin, should not be a professional, or even just a trick and a half of learning from TV or novels. ”

“This may help us to find out the identity of the suspect.”

Wang Guogang nodded and said in a deep voice: “Shen Fei is right, this clue is very important, then the current direction of investigation is mainly someone known to the victim, this point can be calmly entered from the other party, and even the other party’s intentional forgery of clues may be to eliminate the traces of acquaintances!” ”

Chen Feng said, “Then I’ll go and take down the monitoring and see if I can find clues!” ”

Shen Fei shook his head and said, “I already focused on it when I came here just now, this is an urban village, there are basically no cameras, and there is no one near this building.” ”

Wang Guogang said, “Then Chen Feng, you will visit the people nearby to see if there are any clues!” ”

Chen Feng nodded and said, “Okay!” ”

And this time.

Director Zhang had already led the informant into the house.

Director Zhang said, “Team Wang, this is the informant Li Qian!” ”

Wang Guogang nodded and asked Li Qian, “Is it the case you reported?” ”

Li Qian nodded and said, “Yes!” I, I came over this morning to check on the situation, but I didn’t expect Xiaohong to be dead. ”

Wang Guogang asked, “Chen Xiaohong hasn’t gone to work for a few days?” ”

Li Qian thought for a while and said, “After she got off work the night before yesterday, she didn’t come to work for two consecutive days, and our foreman felt that the situation was not quite right in the morning, so let me come and see, who knows…”

Shen Fei frowned, “I didn’t go to work yesterday, why didn’t you come to check?” ”

Li Qian blushed and said, “Yes, sometimes we are too tired to go to work.” ”

“Too tired?”

Shen Fei frowned, “You still have this rule?” Pretty human, huh? ”

Li Qian’s face showed a blush.

Wang Guogang asked, “The night before yesterday, Chen Xiaohong went out with someone else, right?” ”

Li Qian was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Wang Guogang said coldly: “Now that the life case is launched, the last person Chen Xiaohong saw is likely to be the murderer, if you deliberately conceal it, it is obstructing our investigation and handling of the case, what crime you should be clear!” ”

Li Qian said a little nervously: “Then, then I said, will you find our boss’s business?” ”

Wang Guogang said coldly: “We are criminal police!” The person in charge of investigating this case, other things are not available for the time being, as for whether others will investigate, that is someone else’s business! ”

Li Qian hesitated and said, “Well, three guests came that night and ordered three of us, and one of them took a fancy to Xiaohong, and took Xiaohong out after singing.” ”

Wang Guogang asked, “Why did you take it out?” ”

Li Qian hesitated and said, “Comrade police, didn’t you ask knowingly?” ”


Lao Li slapped the table and said, “We are now making a note for you, asking you something, answer honestly, and if you don’t cooperate, be careful to arrest you!” ”

Li Qian was taken aback.

She said, “When I took it out, I went to the hotel. ”

Wang Guogang asked, “How many people?” ”

Li Qian shook her head and said, “I don’t know the specifics, Xiaohong went out with the three of them at that time.” ”

Wang Guogang asked again: “What about the name?” ”

Li Qian said: “I only know that everyone else calls him Brother Hei, and I really don’t know the specific name.” ”

Wang Guogang nodded and asked again: “Which KTV do you work for?” ”

Li Qian hesitated and said, “Red Star KTV!” ”

Wang Guogang asked again: “When exactly did you enter the box?” What time did you leave the box? ”

Li Qian recalled: “It should be around ten o’clock in the evening, Brother Hei took two people into the box, sang for about two hours, and left around twelve. ”

Wang Guogang immediately said: “Inform Chen Feng, immediately rush to Red Star KTV, investigate the entry and exit video of the night before, and lock this person named Brother Hei, the other party may be the last person to contact Chen Xiaohong!” ”

Lao Li nodded and said, “I’ll call Chen Feng.” ”

And this time.

Shen Fei looked at Li Qian and raised a doubt.

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