Conference room.

Shen Fei talked eloquently.

Li Gang praised: “In the end, it is a young man who reacts quickly to this piece, okay, Team Shen, are you going to investigate this dating company, or go to the suspect’s home?” ”

Shen Manru looked at Shen Fei and asked, “What do you think?” ”

Shen Fei said, “Let’s make a friend company!” ”

Shen Manru said, “Okay, our team will investigate this dating company.” ”

Li Gang nodded and said, “I notified the first squadron and asked them to go to the address Liu Xiaojuan said.” ”


Everyone divided into two ways.

In the car.

Shen Manru asked; “Do you think the other party is not in his hometown?”

Shen Fei nodded and said, “The other party has a certain anti-reconnaissance ability, and it will definitely not swagger home after committing such a case, the correct thing to do should be to hide outside for a while, while paying attention to the wind and grass, and then decide whether to leave or go home.” ”

Shen Manru nodded and said, “What you said makes sense!” Then I have to tell Team Li to be careful not to leak the wind. ”

Shen Fei said, “It’s best to let the other party arrest us later.” ”

Shen Manru nodded and said, “What you said makes sense. ”

She immediately dialed Lee Harbor’s phone.


City Bureau.

One squadron and two squadrons.

When Team Lee announced that they would carry out the arrest.

The expressions of several people changed.


“This may be an opportunity!”

“That’s right! Even if there is only a 30% possibility, it is better than 0! ”

Several team members cheered up.

Wang Wu even ordered: “This opportunity, everyone correct their attitude, bring all the relevant equipment, and prepare to set off with me!” ”



Everyone was in high spirits.

Just as they went downstairs to drive away.


Lee Gang walked down.

He said to Wang Wu: “The operation is temporarily canceled, wait for the news from the second team.” ”

Wang Wu was puzzled: “Why wait for news from the second team?” Aren’t we divided into two ways? ”

Li Gangdao: “The other party has a certain anti-reconnaissance ability, it will not be good if you fight the grass snake in the past, temporarily stay in the bureau and stand by!” ”

A few people looked depressed.

Wang Wu frowned even more, “This is reminded by the second team?” ”

Li Gang frowned slightly: “This is what I thought, everyone is for work, Wang Wu, your attitude is very wrong!” ”

Wang Wu kept a cold face and did not speak.


And this time.

The vehicle has arrived downstairs in a CBD.

This is the core business district of Huayin.

The Huayin headquarters of several major Internet companies are located here.


This is the name of this dating app.

Several people reported their intentions.

The manager in charge of reception is surnamed Zhang.

He immediately said: “We have already understood the intentions of several people, and we will definitely cooperate!” ”

Shen Manru said: “Let’s go, go in and say, now the suspect may commit a crime at any time, we must seize the time and organize all this.” ”

Manager Zhang is also clearly aware of the importance of the problem.

He immediately entered the office with several people.

The next moment.

He dialed the data department.

A young man knocked on the door.

Shen Manru said: “We now need to retrieve the data of a user in the background, can we do it?” ”

When the young man caught a glimpse of Shen Manru, he was stunned at first and stunned for a long time.

Without him!

Shen Manru has exquisite makeup and a graceful figure, with that flaming red lips, plus costumes, she is simply the dream lover of countless otaku.

Where have young people seen such a beautiful woman in uniform?

Manager Zhang frowned and said, “Xiao Yang, what are you doing stunned?” ”


The young man was stunned, and quickly asked: “Manager Zhang, what are you calling me for?” ”

Manager Zhang looked at several people: “It’s these police comrades who call you, just cooperate with you.” ”

The young man immediately looked at Shen Manru with a smile and asked, “Sister, I don’t know what you have to cooperate with?” ”

Shen Manru frowned slightly and said, “We are not so familiar, you can just call me Captain Shen.” ”

She leaned towards Shen Fei and said, “Shen Fei, you tell him.” ”

Shen Fei blocked the other party’s gaze and explained: “This time we are investigating a man with an ID called Eclipse Soot, his account number is XXXXXX, and it appeared three hours ago, you help me investigate the other party’s data.” ”

The young man withdrew his gaze with some regret and said, “Okay, I’ll investigate.” ”

He took the paper handed by Shen Fei and entered the relevant ID.

He said, “Is this the person?” ”

Several people looked over.

“That’s right! That’s him! ”

“Take down the location information of the other party and prepare for arrest.”

Several people spoke.

Without saying a word, the young man retrieved the data again.

A moment later.

He shook his head and said, “No! The other party turned off location services, and we couldn’t determine the specific location of the other party. ”

Shen Fei frowned, “Close position? Is there no other way about that? ”

The young man nodded and said: “This mobile phone should be a rice brand, with the so-called flare function, the protection of privacy is still relatively strict, once we do not get location permission, we can not monitor where the other party is.” ”

Shen Fei asked, “Then where was the last time the other party recorded the location?” ”

The young man glanced at the backstage and retrieved the data: “Let me see, the last time the other party recorded data was three days ago, when the location that appeared was in Nandu Village below Huayin!” ”

Several people froze their expressions.


This person is the suspect.

Shen Manru asked, “Is there any way?” Now the other party may escape at any time, we must lock the other party’s track as soon as possible! ”

Shen Fei frowned: “Team Shen, I’m not worried about this now, with the opponent’s anti-reconnaissance attributes, it shouldn’t have been online three hours ago, unless there is something unavoidable!” ”

Shen Manru was surprised and asked, “Are you doubting?” ”

Shen Fei nodded and said, “According to the data, this Li Jun is still single, and if the other party chats about some of the opposite sex during this time, it is likely that he will commit more serious crimes in the process of escaping, which is what we should worry about.” ”

The expressions of several people changed.

“It’s quite possible that you said!”

“Now we must find the suspect!”

“That’s right! Once it’s late, I’m afraid there will be more problems! ”

Several people had expressions on their faces.

The young man said bitterly: “I also want to help, but the other party can’t be located, and we can’t forcibly get it.” ”

Shen Fei frowned slightly.

He thought of using hacking techniques.

But such a large Internet company as the other party can not break through with one LV.2.

Let alone!

Time is the worst enemy.

Right at this time.

A flash of light suddenly came to his mind.

He stared at the screen and said, “Can you call up his chat history in the background?” ”

The young man nodded and said, “This is okay, but if the other party deletes it, then it will be gone!” ”

Shen Fei nodded and said, “You call first, see who the other party is talking to, if the other party opens the permission and the two are together again, can we quickly lock each other?” ”

As soon as these words came out.

The young man nodded, “Technically, this is feasible. ”

Several people nodded one after another.

“Shen Fei, you’re right!”

“It’s rare that you think of this, open the chat history quickly.”

The young man immediately called up the background record.

A moment later.

A string of records appears in the background.

The young man pointed to the picture and said: “Judging from the records retrieved from the background, the other party should have been chatting with this wool Tingting for the past three days, but the specific content of the other party has been deleted, we focus on private social, and the server does not save chat records.” ”

Shen Fei frowned and asked, “Then what about you calling up this wool Tingting’s information?” See if you can get it! ”

The young man entered the ID information of Wool Tingting.

The next moment.

He gently hit enter.

A string of information pops up.

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