Chapter 402


Xu Rui had no time to dodge. Shen Fei’s body in midair was directly punched and flew away. He flew upside down like a derailed train. He was thrown out more than 20 meters away before he slammed into a nearby tree. Tree.


The big tree with a diameter of more than one meter was broken by the waist, dragging Xu Rui into the ground.

The soldiers around were shocked and looked at Shen Fei in shock.


The process was so sudden that everyone didn’t react for a while.

Xu Rui flew out?

Was it beaten by a newcomer?

Without waiting for them to come forward, Shen Fei grinned and ridiculed: “Look, I’ll just say that it’s not enough for you to go together.”

“Damn, this kid can really pretend, let’s go together!”

Someone took the lead in the charge, and the remaining teammates followed closely. For a time, there was a gust of fist in the air.

Facing the siege of six masters in the rankings, Shen Fei seemed to be able to do so.

With a light smile on his face, he moved his steps lightly, as if dancing, and accurately dodged the attack under the encircling net, and by the way, he would go back with a punch and a leg.


From when the team members attacked in unison to when Shen Fei completed the counterattack, it took no more than two seconds.

When Shen Fei withdrew his hands, the team members swept across the sky like meteors and ejected in all directions.

For a time, sand and gravel flew around, and the trees were broken, and the originally quiet grove was instantly devastated, as if it had experienced a terrible war.

Although the voice was loud and it looked tragic, Shen Fei still controlled his strength.

If you want to kill, the power will not leak, so it seems that there is no violent reaction.

Only the person involved knows that all the shocks are concentrated in the internal organs, I am afraid that the gods will be hard to save.

But now it’s different. The louder the sound, the more Shen Fei’s power leaked out, so this group of players didn’t suffer any serious injuries at all.

But after lying on the bed for three or five days, I didn’t run away.

The only team captain in the field, Chen Kai, panicked, and found that all seven of his subordinates had been fucked to the ground, and now they were all lying on the ground shaking slightly, not even one could stand up!

This is a master of seven rankings, and he can’t stop Shen Fei’s light blow!

What is the origin of the newcomer?

But his subordinates fought bravely. As the captain, how could he be greedy for life and fear of death?

With the determination to die, Chen Kai vowed to defend the dignity of the soldiers and fight Shen Fei to the end!

Before he could take a step, a loud command came from the headset.

“Don’t go up, you pull down.”

Chen Kai stomped his foot unwillingly, watched Shen Fei vigilantly, ran to the seven team members in a detour, and pulled on their professional equipment.

Soon, no one popped up a simple bracket. Chen Kai pulled the handles of the brackets of the seven team members alone, evacuated wildly to the distance, and disappeared quickly.

This was the first time that Shen Fei saw the magical use of the Yanhuang team’s combat uniforms, and couldn’t help clapping his hands and exclaiming.

With this thing, it can definitely greatly reduce the casualties of teammates.


Didn’t you come to welcome own?

Now that the person has gone clean, then why should he go?

In the monitoring room not far away, Yu Guanglin, the leader of the leopard group, looked at the screen in surprise, and then winked at the middle-aged man standing next to him.

“What do you think?”

“This kid is obviously not the strength of the local ranking list. In all likelihood, he has already touched the threshold of the sky ranking list.”

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