Chapter 606

He does have heaven-defying strength. With the strength that Shen Fei revealed just now, Zhao Tiankui will definitely die when he attacks Heaven Mountain!

The scene of everyone surrendering made Shen Fei very satisfied. He put away the domineering side, smiled and nodded.

“Very well, remember, the general offensive will be launched in two days. Are there any questions to ask in the end?”

“Boss, that… Regarding Heaven Mountain, if we really attack it, how will we allocate it then?”

Among all the people, Maguire is the strongest, and this kind of issue that everyone cares most is naturally brought up by him.

Although they are all afraid of Shen Fei’s strength, how can there be good things that only allow them to work and not feed the grass?

Tian Tian Mountain is located in a sensitive area. It is not only an important place for the two big powers to compete for, but because of its special geographical location, it has become a transit point that nearby military and commercial passages must pass through.

If you want to pass Tianwang Mountain, you have to pay tolls.

By tightly keeping this path of wealth, Zhao Tianquina’s army of tens of thousands of people will be fed, and even become rich.

Because of this, after occupying Tianwang Mountain, he stopped accepting dangerous mercenary missions and became a complete landlord.

This raid, once the plan is successful, how to divide the huge cake becomes a difficult problem.

A pair of straight eyes looked at Shen Fei, they were waiting for the new boss to answer.

Everyone is risking their lives to do things for him. If the distribution is unfair, I believe no one will follow him again.

Shen Fei pondered for a while and slowly said: “The specific allocation will be divided fairly according to your performance after the battle is over. In addition, I can also give you a special gift.”


Everyone raised their eyebrows curiously, wanting to hear what it was.

“I can guarantee that I will give a promise to the top ten power leaders who have contributed the most. No matter how many years later, as long as you need my help, as long as you don’t violate the moral principles, I can be satisfied!”

Shen Fei’s gift was like a depth bomb, instantly detonating the audience.

Everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, and then the corners of their mouths cracked bigger and bigger until they couldn’t close their smiles.

At this moment, no one cares about the amount of wealth divided up.

What is the concept of Shen Fei’s promise?

He seems to be in his early twenties, but he has already reached the peak and will step into the legendary Realm at any time.

This kind of fierce man will become the overlord in the future 10,000%.

Not only does it affect a certain country, it can even affect the situation in the world.

Make him owe favor?

If you really hold Shen Fei’s promise in your hand, then it will undoubtedly become the most precious treasure in the world, a super treasure that can’t be exchanged for anything!

Whether it was Maguire, Catherine or Nia, there was an excited smile on their faces.

They must do their best to make their own contribution large enough to win the big reward of this day.

“Boss rest assured, we will do our best to kill the Dragon Slayer Legion without leaving it!”

The strong people in the room shouted in unison, causing the entire tent to shake violently.

“Very well, you go back and prepare immediately. Two days later, gather at the outskirts of Heaven Mountain. Please contact Jiang Yunxiang and Chu Tian for specific matters. They will naturally inform you of the detailed combat plan at that time.”

After hearing Shen Fei’s instructions, everyone left the scene one after another.

Different from the ramblings when they came, everyone is gearing up at this time, and their enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high.

This battle is about one’s own future prospects, even if you don’t count the loss, you must grab the top ten spots!

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