Chapter 635

Although Zhao Ruihai experienced the feeling of “flying” at this time, he was not happy anyway.

He was already shaking like sifting chaff, and Zhao Ruihai’s lips were already scared to appear purple and blue before Shen Fei’s palm used force.

He wanted to beg for mercy or continue to threaten, but when the words came to his lips, he reluctantly discovered that the organs of his own were no longer dominated by the brain because of the huge fear.

Before he died, countless memories flashed by, and the glory and pride of the past seemed to be vividly remembered.

Zhao Jia is clearly one of the eight big families in Beijing. As long as he doesn’t die, he should have had a dazzling life.

What’s more, there is such a powerful Uncle as Zhao Tiankui.

Without Shen Fei’s chaos, Zhao Ruihai could have used Uncle’s power.

The other scenes, thinking about it makes people excited…

In fact, it is not an unattainable dream.

In the past half a month, Zhao Ruihai has touched the apex of power.

Only one step away, as long as he is given a little more time, he is really confident that the Zhao family can become the strongest family…

Boldly imagine that there is Zhao Tiankui abroad, forcing Xia Guo not to intervene; in China, Zhao Ruihai boldly expands under the banner of Uncle, and their Zhao family will not only become the first family of Xia, but may even be among the world’s richest!

How wonderful the future is…

Shen Fei missed!

Qi Mo’s matter has nothing to do with him…

They were all the bastards of Zhu Jianhua, even though he also had Qi Mo’s idea now, it was all something that happened later.

The cause of everything is obviously just Zhu Jianhua who wants to play with a woman!

Hahaha, a woman…

Because of this trivial matter, Uncle, who was calling the wind and rain in the world, died tragically, and the Zhao family is expected to usher in the disaster of annihilation, and he…

It is about to be killed by Shen Fei soon!

If Uncle knew that his first name was destroyed by a rich second generation who could not stand on the table, would he crawl out of the ground angrily?

Zhao Ruihai was thinking wildly in his mind, and his body felt lighter and lighter, as if he no longer belonged to him.

At the end of his life, he stared at Shen Fei blankly.

At this time, the two are less than half a meter apart, but they are about to cross life and death.

Is this kid a human?

Why can he…

So strong?

You can break through the top of the sky list in your twenties, and even fly.

From now on, the whole world will become his…


Accompanied by the crisp sound of fractured neck bones, Zhao Ruihai’s head tilted and drooped like a discouraged ball, thus ending his life.

Shen Fei’s expression remained unchanged, as if he had only done a trivial thing.

With a flick of his hand, he threw Zhao Ruihai’s body more than ten meters away, then slowly fell to the ground, and quickly disappeared in the dark, never to be seen again.

An hour later, in the Zhu family mansion, Zhu Jianhua was trembling violently, every inch of his face was beating frantically, and his eyes were eager to stare out, staring at the front.

There stood a famous and enchanting woman. Although her face was wearing a thick mask and she couldn’t see her face clearly, she knew that she was definitely a beauty by looking at the heaven-defying figure and the waterfall-like red hair squeezed out of the mask. !

If it is in peacetime, Zhu Jianhua is likely to use a trick to get the opponent.

If Qi Mo can’t get it, he has to compensate from other aspects…

But not today, and he will never be able to do it even in the future…

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