Chapter 904 Master, please enlighten me

Why is this?

Development to the present stage may be the most acceptable ending for the two of them.

After a while, Shen Fei took the initiative to give a step and added a polite remark by himself. The two parties smiled and reconciled, and the dispute would naturally pass.

If someone really brought paper money, wouldn’t Shen Fei want to show it?

“Manager Xu, please prepare tools for this young man. Since he is confident, he will surely be able to draw some amazing masterpieces. Everyone just opened their eyes and followed their studies.”

Cai Zhongmou smiled meaningfully, and ordered to the exhibition manager.

Named to flatter, but actually flattered!

As the saying goes, the higher the fear, the more miserable the fall. Even masters of Chinese painting like him have to humbly “learn”. If Shen Fei really fails to paint well, how can he step down in the end?

Yan Yunxiang from the land also roared strangely: “Yes, this expert can’t slip through the theory, and he has such confidence in painting. He must have real talents and learn. If you want to do a few strokes, you will surely be able to draw peerless. excellent work!”

The two masters and apprentices sing and harmonize with each other, and their intentions are really sinister.

Regardless of whether Shen Fei is capable of painting or not, it is as difficult as ever to give him the conditions that he really wants to paint.

You know, the drawing time of a mature and high-quality picture scroll is definitely not short.

It can range from a few months to a few years, and there are many famous artists who have only painted one masterpiece in their entire life, but they can be called gods after landing.

The two of them ate Shen Fei to death, and felt that he was young and vigorous, and he would definitely not be irritated.

When Shen Fei was really stupid to pick up the pen, this trick of the master and apprentice could declare success.

Everyone in the room is a witness and also becomes an accomplice.

The gimmick has already been thrown out, and everyone is definitely waiting for the “masterpiece” to be released. There are three and three levels in the crowd. The psychological pressure alone can make the people in the center unable to breathe.

Shen Fei is no matter how good it is, and it is estimated that his strength will be greatly affected. Thank God for being able to play three or four times.

The expectations of passers-by are already full. If Shen Fei fails to draw a good work in the end, everyone will naturally think that precious time has been wasted.

At that time, Shen Fei, a “liar”, will definitely become a rat that everyone shouts and beats.

And he Cai Zhongmou, who can laugh without a sword, finally said that he is still the superior master of Chinese learning…

The fact seems to be developing towards the conspiracy of master and apprentice.

Shen Fei, the “stunned green” who didn’t notice the crisis at all, put his hands on his shoulders and waited leisurely for the staff who took the tools.

In less than five minutes, the logistics department really found him a complete set of painting tools.

In addition, they also moved over a huge long table and laid layers of rice paper on it.

“Master? Please enlighten me.”

Cai Zhongmou said with a triumphant smile.

The enemy is about to go to a dead end, how can he be unhappy?

The exhibition hall at this time is quite strange.

The mischievous Cai Zhongmou and his party are full of smirks and are properly villain roles.

The passers-by were neutral and stared at Shen Fei with their eyes wide open, curious about how many points he would give.

And as Shen Fei’s closest girlfriend-

Qi Mo bit his lower lip tangledly, his face turned blue and purple, not to mention worrying too much.

How could she not see Cai Zhongmou’s trickery?

However, Shen Fei refused to listen to the advice, and had to jump into the trap…

Shen Fei, who was in the center of the storm, was unexpectedly calm at this time.

Seeing his old monk sitting still, he closed his eyes heavily.

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