If it is revealed that Shen Huai has rh-negative blood, then there is only one possibility for Shen Huai's fate, and that is to become Mr. Shen's blood bag. Until the moment Mr. Shen dies, then Shen Huai's blood bag will have no value. .

How could Aunt Xin be willing to love her so much, and the child she was taking care of would be reduced to a blood bag and suffer that tragic fate.

Therefore, Aunt Xin tried every means to hide this matter.

It wasn't until Shen Huai became sensible that he told Shen Huai about this and told him to keep this secret.

At that time, Shen Huai's closest and most important person was Aunt Xin, so he naturally listened to her. At that time, he was still relatively young and did not understand the meaning, but as long as Aunt Xin said it, he would listen. .

Because Auntie Xin is equivalent to a mother to Shen Huai.

It wasn't until he grew up and gradually experienced the intrigues in the Shen family that he realized how important it was that Aunt Xin helped him keep this secret.

It could be said that the only person in this world that Shen Huai could trust and entrust his life to was Aunt Xin.


Auntie, who was so important to Shen Huai, passed away two years ago.

It was not an illness or an accident. Although it seemed like an accident, after Shen Huai investigated, he found out that Aunt Xin was killed by other members of the Shen family because of him.

As for who that person was, he found out through investigation, but unfortunately due to the disparity in power, there was nothing he could do.

No one knew how painful Shen Huai was during that time.

No one knows how long he cried and how long he knelt in front of Aunt Xin's grave on the day she was buried.

He knew that at this moment, the person who loved him the most and was the most selfless to him was gone.

From now on, he will have to fight alone.

Shen Huai during that period was undoubtedly painful.

He even locked himself up and gave up on himself.

Until he found a letter left for him by Aunt Xin under the pillow in her room.

It was also in that letter that he learned that Aunt Xin had already had a premonition that she might not live long, so she wrote a letter in advance.

In the letter, Aunt Xin said that when Shen Huai saw the letter, she might be dead.

She hoped that Shen Huai would not be too sad and not give up on himself.

Gotta cheer up.

She said she always knew he was a smart kid with a tough personality.

So I hope that even if she is gone, Shen Huai will still be strong.

She said that Shen Huai would have two paths in life from now on.

One is to take a side, stop participating in all the fights in the Shen family, and just be a wealthy and idle person, so that no one will target him again.

There is another one, that is to cheer up, fight with all means and means, either die, or take the position of heir and head of the family, and then avenge her!

At the end of the letter, Aunt Xin said that secretly, she hoped that Shen Huai would choose the first option.

As a mother-like being, she actually has no big requirements for Shen Huai, nor does she ask him to become successful. She only hopes that he will have a safe life, marry a wife and have children, even if he lives a mediocre life for the rest of his life.

But Aunt Xin also wrote later that she knew that Shen Huai was brought up by her, and based on her understanding of Shen Huai, Shen Huai would choose the second option.

If Shen Huai really chooses the second option, then she also hopes that Shen Huai can protect himself as much as possible.

She hoped that no matter what, Shen Huai would put his own safety first and help her get revenge second.

She also hopes that Shen Huai can live happily in the future, find a girl to fall in love with, and live a good life.

After reading the letter, Shen Huai burst into tears.

Shen Huai knew that Aunt Xin was right.

Of the two options, he would indeed choose the second.

His character is like this, life or death.

Either go all out and get everything you want, or die like that.

And Shen Huai's pride made him not allow himself to die so easily.

Moreover, he must help Aunt Xin get revenge.

Aunt Xin, to him, is a more important existence than his mother. He must avenge this.

He also wants to take the position of heir and head of the Shen family!

He knows how important status, money, wealth, and power are.

Only by standing at the top and possessing these can he protect himself and the people he loves.

In the past few years, Shen Huai has been developing secretly.

And he is indeed powerful. A young man who has just grown up has already found a place in the Shen family and has his own power and connections. Although he is not as good as others, he is still very good and has even caught the eye of Mr. Shen.

It would be great if this time, the mother and child with Rh-negative blood could bring back even one of them.

Then he would be closer to his goal.


It is impossible for Shen Huai to reveal his blood type and act as a blood bag for Mr. Shen.

What Shen Huai didn't say was that the reason he fell in love with Lin Wangshu at first sight and had a crush on her was because Lin Wangshu partly resembled Aunt Xin in appearance.

Shen Huai felt very close and wanted to get close.

In addition, he felt that Lin Wangshu seemed to have a unique magic power, or charm, which attracted him deeply as soon as he saw it.

It made him feel that Lin Wangshuhe should be his woman!

When Haishi was about to leave and return to Hong Kong City, Shen Huai and Lin Wangshu implicitly confirmed their feelings for each other.

After returning to Hong Kong City, Shen Huai also used various methods to contact Lin Wangshu.

Unfortunately, it is not allowed recently.

only because……

Mr. Shen is dead.

That's right, Mr. Shen's health couldn't last long, so he decided to have surgery not long ago.

Before the operation, the old man said that he had arranged everything.

If he can succeed in the operation, that would naturally be the best. If it fails, it means that he is dead. What will happen to the Shen family in the future will be determined according to his will.

After leaving these words, Mr. Shen entered the operating room.

Everyone is waiting outside, waiting for a result.

Everyone has assumptions and preparations for both outcomes.

For a full 10 hours, everyone stayed outside, almost no one left, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the results.

10 hours later, the results came out.

Mr. Shen still suffered from bleeding in the end. Because he could not receive blood transfusion in time, the rescue failed.

Mr. Shen died, and everyone in the Shen family had a big mountain above their heads. It was as if they had been moved away in an instant. Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Mr. Shen’s will was also made public.

The head of the Shen family is succeeded by his youngest son Shen Jiyu. Of course, the rest of the Shen family has their own share of the family property.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Shen family was not satisfied with this result.

Because Shen Jiyu was the illegitimate son of Mr. Shen, and his abilities were average. Even if he liked him the most, they did not agree with Shen Jiyu taking the position of the head of the family.

And soon, Shen Jiyu was killed in an accident.

Just the day after the will was published.

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