This night, there was another person dreaming.

That is Xie Tingyu who is far away in the university dormitory in Beijing.

In the darkness, he slowly opened his eyes and folded his hands behind the back of his head.

He had just dreamed.

It was my first dream to come to Jingshi University.

I dreamed about that little girl.

She said, Brother Tingyu, I’m here to find you.

In the dream, the little girl smiled and threw herself into his arms.

At the moment when he hugged the person, Xie Tingyu felt that he was complete.

It was as if there had always been something missing in his previous self, and the moment the little girl threw herself into his arms, the missing piece of him came back at noon.

It was also at that moment that Xie Tingyu woke up.

Even though I woke up, I knew it was a dream.

But Xie Tingyu's heart calmed down.

Because he knew that the little girl was really coming to find him.

He was extremely sure that the little girl might be in this new life.

In fact, Xie Tingyu has always had a special place in his previous life.

That was his dream, but any dream is special.

His dreams even had some predictive power.

Xie Tingyu only told two people about the special nature of his dream. One was his grandfather in his previous life.

It was precisely because his dream inspired his grandfather that the Xie family avoided many disasters and developed better and better.

But when I got to the back, I saw that his health was getting worse and worse.

His grandfather realized something.

Tell him not to tell him anything he dreams about, even if it is related to the life and death of the Xie family.

Because in his grandfather's heart, the Xie family is important, but his grandson is even more important.

But how could Xie Tingyu be willing to watch such a good grandfather, his family in danger, and be plotted by villains, and how could he be willing to let such a good Xie family fall into ruin.

Therefore, although the frequency is less, he will still remind him if necessary.

As for his body.

He knew that even if he didn't say anything, his health would not be better.

Because he knew that his future seemed not to be in this world, but in another world.

He also knew this in his dream.

Of course, in addition to the Xie family, he also dreamed about Xu Jinning.

Dreaming that Xu Jinning seems to be living in another world...

But he forgot exactly what he dreamed about as soon as he woke up.

Xie Tingyu thought, maybe the time has not come yet.

He also dreamed about the little girl's death.

That day, he wanted to stop it.

But invisibly, there was a force stopping him, and that force seemed to want Xu Jinning to die.

And when the little girl died, he could only be imprisoned in the garden, unable to go or speak.

Until the news of the little girl's death came.

At that moment, the power holding him was gone.

It was also at that moment that he could feel that the world seemed a little different from before.

For example, he could try to kill Xu Jinwen...

For example, the Xie family seemed to be completely safe at that moment.

But before, it was as if there was an invisible hand, looking for various ways to frame the Xie family, hoping that the Xie family would fall and become a stepping stone for the development of other families.

In fact, Xie Tingyu's feeling was not wrong.

Because the world they live in is also controlled by the plot.

There are also cannon fodder.

The cannon fodder are destined to serve the protagonists.

The Xie family, a century-old family, have been patriots since the Republic of China. Over the past century, they have helped the country countless times...

According to the Xie family's long-term development plan, and the Xie family's integrity, courage, intelligence, and patriotic nature, the Xie family can continue to exist.

But in the plot of this world, such a Xie family cannot exist.

Therefore, there are always various ways to frame him, hoping that the Xie family will fall or even be destroyed.

In fact, if it weren't for Xie Tingmeng's reminder.

It is estimated that the Xie family has really fallen into decline.

After all, no matter how big the Xie family is, they can't resist the controlling power of the world's plot.

But how could Xie Tingyu turn a blind eye when he knew that his family was in danger?

So he stopped.

And his obstruction made the world aware of the plot and angry.

So Xie Tingyu's health is declining day by day.

He is destined to die.

And he died young.

However, how could Tiandao bear to watch such a good and innocent Xie Tingyu disappear like this.

That's right, if Xie Tingyu dies, his soul will also dissipate.

But that's not what Heaven wants to see.

So God gave Xie Tingyu a chance of life.

Xie Tinggu's ability to wake up in another world, the world where Xu Jinning is now, is the glimmer of hope.

This is also Tiandao’s gratitude to Xie Tingyu and Xu Jinning.

Because of Xu Jinning's death, her time travel, and Xie Tingyu's treatment of Xu Jinwen, the world returned to normal.

Let the way of heaven operate normally.

Let good be rewarded with good and evil be rewarded with evil.

Therefore, Xu Jinning and Xie Tingyu will be blessed in the end.

After Xie Tingyu traveled to this world, he didn't know that it was the world in the book, but his ability to predict dreams was still there.

Moreover, even if he talks about this prophetic dream and makes changes, it will not cause any harm to his body.

He even feels that if he makes more positive changes, his abilities will become stronger and stronger.

Of course, this is just his feeling.

But now, he dreamed of Xu Jinning.

She said she came to see him.

Xie Tingyu believed in his precognitive dream, and Xu Jinning must have come to see him.

It should be among the batch of freshmen tomorrow.

He wrote to find that little girl Ning Ning!

By the way, besides telling his grandfather about Xie Tingyu's ability to dream in his previous life, he also told Xu Jinning.

It's just that the little girl is stupid and thinks he is very powerful.

After having an idea in his mind, Xie Tingyu fell asleep again.

Wake up the next day.

The entire Beijing University is in the excitement of welcoming the new year.

In order to find Xu Jinning, Xie Tingyu also specially applied, in the welcoming team...

Xie Tingyu's appearance almost immediately became the focus of the crowd.

The boy of seventeen or eighteen years old has a handsome appearance and sharp features, especially his eyes, which are as bright as stars and can make people fall in love with him at a glance.

Tall and tall, clean and a little indifferent, he is undoubtedly attractive.

This young man, at first glance, seems to come from an excellent family.

Therefore, the front of Xie Tingyu's team was filled with freshmen, especially girls.

There was a faint smile on Xie Tingyu's face from beginning to end, but if you look carefully, you can find that his smile did not reach his eyes.


He didn't seem to see his little girl.

Ning Ning, when will you come?


Xiao Mei, do you think Ning Ning and Brother Xu can make it to school today? asked Wang Chenggong, who was dragging his luggage at the gate of Beijing University.

Wang Xiumei turned around and glared at her brother, Brother, you have asked this question eight hundred times since last night!

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