Chapter 156 Tieyanguan Flesh Mill

 Chen Xing slowly opened his eyes, and the strong light pierced his pupils like countless thin needles. The stinging sensation made him shed tears.

 He tried to close his eyes again to hide from the unbearable light.

However, the soreness in his body constantly reminded him that he was in a strange environment at this moment.

His muscles felt like they had been hit by a heavy hammer, and every inch was telling of exhaustion and pain.

The nose was filled with the mixed smell of gunpowder smoke and blood, as if after a tragic battle.

 Chen Xing raised his right hand to block the dazzling sunlight, trying to let his eyes adapt to the strong light.

"Are you okay? I think you fainted." The soldier asked with concern.

Chen Xing turned his head and saw a young warrior squatting next to him. His face was covered with ashes and mud, but his eyes were particularly bright.

 Chen Xing struggled to sit up from the ground and looked around.

 He found himself in the ruins of a wild battlefield. Everything around him seemed so real, as if he had really just experienced a tragic battle.

 He pinched the back of his hand, and the pain he felt made him realize that this illusion was more real than he imagined.

"The enemy's attack has been repelled," the young soldier said, with a hint of sadness in his voice, "But we don't know if we can deliver the supplies safely."

 “Where are the supplies sent?” Chen Xing asked.

 The soldier suddenly looked at Chen Xing warily, his right hand on the trigger.

 “You don’t know the mission?”

 Chen Xing glanced at him and said, "I remember, I was talking about sending the supplies there, but I didn't know if we could deliver them."

 “Let’s go back to the camp first.”

 The soldier frowned and looked at Chen Xing carefully.

He had a vague impression of Chen Xing. He seemed to have seen him several times in the army, so he just woke Chen Xing up.

 Chen Xing walked in front, but he was wary in his heart.

 I didn’t expect the reactions of these people in this illusion to be so real.

On the way, Chen Xing put his hand in his pocket. He had been implanted with an identity. There should be something or relevant materials to prove his identity.

Hand touched a hard book in his pocket.

 Take it out, this is something similar to a certificate.

 The cover has the words Kyushu University written on it.

 When you open it, there is your photo inside, as well as your name, number, and position.

 —"Kyushu University Special Support Group"

 It’s good to have an identity.

Walking into the camp, Chen Xing found many artillery pieces placed around him and even saw tanks in the camp.

 Chen Xing knew it in his heart.

 It seems that this is an "ancient" battle.

 These things have basically been eliminated now.

 In this way, the scope of the battle can be further reduced.

 At the beginning of the invasion of foreign lands, Daxia relied on thermal weapons to resist.

 But as the war continued, thermal weapons were eventually phased out and replaced by beast control. Thermal weapons are still used in only a few places.

 A person came running towards me in a hurry.

 Come over and grab Chen Xing's arm directly.

“Old Chen, Platoon Leader Zhou’s condition is still getting worse even after receiving treatment. Have you seen the doctor in the camp?”

Chen Xing suddenly thought, "Where is Platoon Commander Zhou? Take me there."

The man took Chen Xing's hand and ran quickly to a corner of the camp. They walked through rows of low tents and came to a makeshift tent.

In the tent, a soldier wearing camouflage uniforms was lying on the bed with a pale face. His chest was rising and falling violently, and every breath seemed extremely difficult.

Beside him, a yellow double evil dog was waiting quietly, its eyes full of worry and anxiety.

 Suddenly, the soldier stood up and spat out a mouthful of black blood in pain.

Upon seeing this, the Shuangsha dog immediately started barking anxiously, its barks becoming faster and faster.

Chen Xing noticed that there was a layer of tears in the eyes of this double evil dog.

It kept pressing its head against the palm of its owner's hand, sticking out its tongue and licking it, trying to give the owner some comfort in its own way.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the tent.

 The Shuangsha Dog's ears twitched, and he immediately turned around and rushed out.

 It quickly bit the hem of a doctor who was passing by and dragged him into the tent.

The doctor was startled by the sudden appearance of the beast, but he quickly understood its intention and followed it into the tent.

“Platoon Leader Zhou, you are poisoned by Lieshan King, and my beast-controlling healing skills cannot cure it.” The doctor came in and took a look at the soldier’s symptoms, and frowned tightly.

"It's okay, Dr. Hong, you go see someone else first. Your magic power to control the beast is limited, so you don't need to waste it on me." Platoon Leader Zhou waved his hand and accepted his fate calmly.

 Then he said to the beast master next to him: "Eighteen, don't mess around. The doctor also has his own business."

 The doctor nodded.

 Then quickly left the tent, because there were more wounded waiting for treatment after the battle.

 Platoon leader Zhou looked at the two evil dogs and said in a weak but firm voice: "Eighteen! Take the order!".

Hearing the call of his master, the Shuangsha dog immediately became energetic and barked in response.

Then, it took half a step back, squatted on the ground, and stared at the trainer intently.

Platoon Leader Zhou paused, seeming to be gathering strength.

Then, he continued word by word: "The last order is given. After I die, you will follow the troops to **** the supplies to Tieyanguan. After the mission **** is over...approved to retire, the rest of your life is up to you."

 “Woof!” the Shuangsha dog responded loudly, indicating that it had received the command.

 Platoon Leader Zhou closed his eyes and his chest heaved violently.

 After calming down for a while, he looked at Chen Xing.

“Chen Xing, you are a top student at Kyushu University, you have read a lot, and you are also one of the earliest professional beast masters in the country. This batch of supplies is very important to Tieyanguan, you must deliver the supplies.”


 Hear this somewhat familiar name.

Chen Xing recalled the knowledge he gained on major battles during this period.

 Suddenly, Chen Xing remembered!

 In the 20th year since Daxia connected with foreign lands, the founding forces of Daxia, Fentian Giant City, fully invaded Daxia!

 The news spread into the country, and the whole country was shocked.

 The people on the border evacuated to the interior. At the same time, the major border legions gathered near the foreign passage to form four lines of defense.

In a hurry, the first and second lines of defense were broken one after another, and the heavy troops on the Daxia border gathered at Tieyanguan.

96 divisions, 1.5 million regular troops, and 2 million militiamen were gathered together, for a total of 3.5 million troops to defend the Iron Rock Pass.

 The slogan at that time was to hold on for half a month to buy time for the rear.

 But the end result was that the 3.5 million troops persisted for a full month.

 After the war, only 160,000 of the 3.5 million people remained, and the entire city was turned into a **** grinding ground. Later generations even used poems as proof.

 The war rages on all day and night, and the walls are painted with red flesh and rivers of blood flow.

The bones fill the wilderness for three hundred miles, and no wanderer returns to his hometown.

 This battle is also known as the Tieyanguan Blood and Flesh Mill.

 (End of this chapter)

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