The county magistrate asked: Qin Yao, when are you going to set out to take down the leader of the thief?

Qin Yao can set out at any time just to chop off the head of the thief, but as a commoner, she has been suffering from the thief for a long time!

May I ask, sir, do you just want the leader of the bandits, or do you want to eradicate this gang of horse bandits and eliminate future troubles forever?

Faced with Qin Yao's inquiry, the county magistrate actually paused for a moment before asking: If you want to eradicate the weed, what's your plan?

A clever idea?

Qin Yao lowered her head and smiled lightly. When she raised her head again, her eyes were full of murderous intent, I have no clever plan, I only have martial arts to defeat it with violence!

This time, as long as there is a chance, she will deal with the threat of horse bandits in advance, so as not to have to worry about last year's experience on New Year's Eve this year.

The county magistrate frowned when he heard Qin Yao's loud tone, You can break it with violence. You are the only one. How can you break it?

Even with so many officers and soldiers, they couldn't get rid of those horse bandits who were so powerful that they never saw their tail.

The horse bandits use the mountains to hide their traces. Even if they are occasionally exposed, it is only a small branch of them. The bandit leader cannot be brought to justice, and there is a constant stream of small robbers. How to get rid of them?

At the beginning of the year, the military camp of the state capital was also alarmed, but after all, it was not a matter within the jurisdiction of the other party. Moreover, there was an inexplicable division of interests between the state capital and the county, and between the civilian officials and the military attachés.

As long as the situation does not go to the extreme and the public resentment does not reach its peak, he, the magistrate of Kaiyang County, is powerless.

And what about the merchants who were robbed?

After failing to put pressure on the government, they have now formed a partnership with the Escort Bureau. This Escort Bureau thrives if there are bandits, and will perish if there are no bandits. Within the scope of their business, the more gangsters they have, the higher their profits will be. On the contrary, a tacit understanding has been secretly formed.

In the end, there was no other way. Seeing that these horse bandits were getting more and more arrogant, they came up with the idea of ​​issuing a reward announcement, hoping that private experts would go out to solve the problem.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but after the reward announcement was issued, no one dared to reveal the list.

The government office could only wait for the ink to melt before attaching new ones, waiting for a slim hope.

Qin Yao didn't hesitate to reveal the reward announcement early in the morning!

Now, she said that she wanted to eradicate the root cause. The county magistrate's heart was surging, but his face was very serious. He just wanted to hear whether the method she said was reliable.

As a result, he actually told him to break it with violence?

Just her?

Qin Yao smiled contemptuously and looked around. There were five or six officers and soldiers present. The rest were either guarding the city gate or napping in the empty cells.

She asked loudly: Is there not a man of blood in this county government who is willing to go with me to kill that abominable horse bandit?

Several officers and soldiers looked unhappy, but they were angry that Qin Yao looked down on him so much, so they all sneered:

That gang of horse bandits numbered a hundred, and the county's officers and soldiers combined were only thirty-six. Without the support of the city, it would be like throwing an egg against a stone!

It's just a rabble. Qin Yao retorted: What's there to be afraid of a hundred rabble? Capture the leader first. Without the leader, they can't unite, so they scatter and escape. Thirty-six people from the government, equipped with weapons and armor, go out one by one. How difficult is it to break it?

How come they actually think this is feasible?

But thinking about it calmly, it is still very difficult. One of them said seriously:

The leader of the thieves doesn't show up easily, and there are three heavenly kings protecting him. He can't get close at all. It's not easy to get his head off.

Qin Yao raised the reward notice in her hand, Didn't I take the reward? You just need to cooperate with me to contain the escaped bandits.

Qin Yao quickly calculated in her mind and added: As soon as I succeed, I will send out a signal. When you see the signal, all of you will be dispatched. Let's work together to kill all these hateful horse bandits!

There are weapons and armors. I dare not say that one is better than three, but it is still no problem to be better than two.

What do those horse bandits have?

Except for the respectable ones who have horses and good swords, the rest are just a pile of scrap metal. Some of them can't be scraped together, so they just use sickles, hoes and clubs. Once their willpower is defeated, they are no match for the officers and soldiers.

There are many of you, and once you act, you will be exposed. The horse bandits will know about it and move ahead of time. Therefore, I will take the lead alone and capture the enemy leader first. We will cooperate internally and externally to strive for this time and avoid future troubles. What do you think, Mr. County Magistrate?

Qin Yao asked politely.

The county magistrate pondered for a moment, then stood up and pointed to the Taishi chair next to him, You sit down first, I will come back when I go.

He wants to go to the county magistrate and see what he thinks.

After all, he is a foreigner. He has only been in office for a year and has two more years to go. He must make the trade-off between merit and stability.

By destroying the horse bandits, political achievements and popular support will be achieved.

But at the same time, it also cut off many people's financial resources and blocked many people's interests. It is said that if a strong dragon cannot suppress the local snakes, life will be difficult for the remaining two years.

Only killing the bandit leaders will have the support of the people and the favor of the local gangsters. There will be room for maneuver in the remaining two years.

Qin Yao looked at the back of the county magistrate leaving in a hurry, sarcastically said that it was really interesting, and sat down on the chair.

The master then left, leaving only a few officers and soldiers in the lobby, staring at each other with Qin Yao.

They were also very uneasy. They wanted to get rid of the disaster and become heroes, but they were also afraid that their heroic souls would be ruined. It was very contradictory.

Qin Yao waited quietly without any fluctuation in her heart.

Anyway, as an ordinary citizen, she can't lose anything.

If the trouble can't be eradicated this time, she will only have a little trouble in the future.

But for the people of Kaiyang County, those days were difficult.

Qin Yao waited for a full hour before the county magistrate and the master came back.

Qin Yao stood up, cupped her fists and saluted, looked up at the two of them, waiting for a reply.

The county magistrate first asked: What do you need? Your Majesty has an order. If you can really capture the bandit leader, all the officers and soldiers in the county will fully cooperate with you to wipe out the horse bandits!

The master then said: If you want to act, you should do it as early as possible, lest the horse bandits get the news and go to the deep mountains again, and they won't be able to catch a hair by then.

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows. Got it. Play conservatively. Look at the chances of winning first. Then take advantage of whichever side has a greater chance of winning. There is really no need to take any risks.

There is also the implication of the master's words. If you want to act quickly, there will be someone inside who will pass on the news.

Qin Yao nodded, she understood, and confirmed again: If I get back the thief's head, I will reward you with a hundred taels of silver, right?

The two of them nodded in unison, and Qin Yao felt relieved. She opened the portrait and looked at it again. All she could see was that he was a ferocious man, and he didn't know if he could match the real person.

He cautiously held up the portrait and asked the master who was painting, Is that me in this portrait?

The master coughed twice and said uncomfortably: It's about 60 to 70% similar.

In fact, none of them had actually seen the appearance of the bandit leader. They all listened to the descriptions and sketches of the captured gangsters.

Qin Yao: .

Forget it, in order to be correct, I will chop off a few more heads and come back to make a deal, and one of them will be correct!

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