Liu Ji, come in!

Qin Yao suddenly shouted in her room.

Breakfast had just been finished at this moment, and Liu Ji happened to wipe the stove clean and put the pots and dishes that Dalang and Siniang had washed into the cupboard.

Madam, what's the matter? Liu Ji asked from a distance in the kitchen without moving, with the word caution written on even his hair.

Qin Yao hummed and urged again, Come in quickly!

Then he said to the four brothers and sisters of Dalang: A lot of dry firewood has fallen down the hillside. Go pick up some firewood and come back. Pay attention to safety and pick it up at the bottom of the mountain. Don't go too far.

Dalang responded with a oh, and greeted Erlang and Sanlang who were still in the main room to endorse and didn't want to leave. He picked up the small firewood stand made by Qin Yao, and gave Erlang and himself a small basket. He also gave Sanlang and Si Niang each a small basket.

I didn't expect the twins to be able to carry firewood. I only wanted to be a companion, so I pretended to bring two back.

Si Niang still wanted to stick to her grandma, but finally Qin Yao did not go to the water mill and stayed at home today.

But the little girl was the smartest. She looked at her father, who was full of vigilance, and then at her grandma, who looked like an old master. She ran into the master bedroom, kissed her, and then left with her brothers, carrying a small backpack on her back. .

When leaving, Dalang thoughtfully closed the door to prevent any scandal at home from being spread.

Liu Ji raised his eyes and looked around, filled with despair.

He sighed step by step, and finally walked into the master bedroom at a faster pace under Qin Yao's murderous and impatient glare.

This is not the first time he has come in, but he rarely comes to this room.

When he looked up, he saw the bow and arrow hanging on the wall and the broadsword placed beside the bed.

There are not many decorations in the house, not even flowers and plants, so the answer sheets on the big table are particularly eye-catching.

sit down!

Qin Yao didn't know when she took a bamboo stick in her hand and slammed it on the stool in front of the desk! Liu Ji was so shocked that he missed half a beat of breath.

Madam, don't we have something to talk about? Liu Ji weakly reminded, There's no need to wield a sword or a stick.

As he spoke, his body obeyed subconsciously, and he sat down on the chair in front of the desk with trepidation, his knees together, his hands on his knees, and his back straight.

Zhuziao clicked on the question card on the table, This is the simulation paper I made early in the morning. You only go home for one day at a time. If time is tight, let's start practicing directly.

From now on, this room is the examination room, I am the examiner, and you are the person taking the examination.

It's the first test of the county examination in February. You can start answering questions according to the imperial examination answer format. You have to submit the paper before dinner today. I will test your current level first.

As he said that, he placed the four books next to the table, I think your foundation is weak, so today is an open-book test.

After saying this, she put the written down answer format rules in front of him. Qin Yao sat down on the bed opposite, stared at him, and instantly entered the role of examiner.

Liu Ji was stunned for a full minute before he reacted.

He wanted to say something, but Qin Yao immediately shouted: Quiet!

Liu Ji looked at all this in disbelief and thought to himself, if he had known this, Xiu Mu would not have gone home this time!

However, this mock exam seemed interesting, so he reluctantly gave it a try.

Liu Ji took a deep breath and picked up the question card.

But as soon as I saw the test poem required above, my eyes suddenly darkened, and I just wanted to throw down the question card and run away.

He raised his head and gave the 'examiner' a vague look, forget it, just write!

Fortunately, he still remembered the answers to the scientific examination that Fan Xiucai said.

If you can't just copy it, just imitate a similar one and compare it.

Seeing Liu Jizhen starting to write the exam papers, Qin Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It took Liu Ji an hour to finish the test poem. There was not much time left, and he still had to write a 700-word answer, which still had a format.

He wanted to apply to go to the hut, but Qin Yao gave him permission for half a quarter of an hour.

When Liu Ji came out of the back door, he wanted to run away. Qin Yao had already expected it and hit him on the calf with a bamboo stick, causing a burst of screams and wails.

After being brought back to the 'examination room' by Qin Yao, he finally became honest under the suppression of force.

This question was answered from noon until the sun went down in the evening, but I couldn't finish it.

But when the time is up, it must be rolled up.

As soon as the test paper was handed in, Liu Ji felt that he had experienced a real scientific examination. He was in a daze, overworking his brain, and exhausted.

Qin Yao kicked him out to cook in disgust, and sat at the table to check the exam paper.

The full text is no more than five hundred words, and it is so incomprehensible that I didn’t even get the point when I copied it from the book.

Qin Yao has read the entire contents of the four books herself. Although she has not memorized them, she has the basis of reading in her previous life. It is easy to understand these words and sentences, and it can even be said to be easy and simple.

If she had to write this answer sheet, it would take up to two hours, and she would definitely pass the passing mark.

As for the test poem, I'm afraid she still has to learn it before she can write it.

Qin Yao didn't know the level of Liu Ji's test poem, but he might have imitated the correct template of other scholars, and it looked a little similar.

To sum up, the foundation is too poor, the understanding is high, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Qin Yao now understands that pulling seedlings to encourage growth will not work, and the foundation must be laid.

In the remaining half a year, read down the four books first, one book a month, four books equals four months, and the remaining two months will be used to deepen your knowledge, which is just right.

Qin Yao wrote down the study table on the spot and handed it to Liu Ji, asking him to take it to the academy and study according to the study table.

What about the arrangements made by the teacher in the school? Liu Ji asked in surprise.

Qin Yao waved her hand, You can solve it yourself, talk to your teacher, or adjust your study schedule to match the progress of the school, whatever you want!

Liu Ji said Oh and quickly took a look at the well-arranged study schedule. It even strictly limited the time he had to spend eating, sleeping and going to the latrine. He suddenly felt a sense of suffocation and wanted to die.

But they didn't notice the surprise and envy in Dalang and Erlang's eyes when they saw this form.

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows at the two young boys, You want it too?

Dalang and Erlang nodded sharply, Yeah!

Qin Yao always tells them that hard work will pay off.

Talent is indeed indispensable, but that kind of thing is out of reach for ordinary people. As long as we can achieve the ultimate goal, what if we live in a small town and become a topic artist?

Therefore, Dalang and Erlang were vaguely aware that the seemingly well-arranged study list in their father's hand was a shortcut to their final destination.

You still know the stuff. Qin Yao rubbed their little heads and promised to make their own study schedule for them after they go to school.

Thank you, grandma! Erlang said excitedly.

Although Dalang didn't say thank you, his eyes were filled with gratitude. Smiling, he rolled up his sleeves, put the dishes prepared by his father on the table, set out the bowls and chopsticks, Auntie, dinner is ready!

Let's go. Qin Yao called to the twins who were feeding chickens in the courtyard, Eat!

Here it comes~ Si Niang hurriedly took her little brother to the stone trough to scoop water and wash her hands. The family sat together and enjoyed the delicious food that only comes once every half a month.

The five mother and son used the CD action to prove their recognition of Liu Ji's cooking skills.

Liu Ji, who couldn't win at all, gritted his teeth: Thank you!

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