Mr. Ding glanced at the list and confirmed it again, Liu Pingling, right? A girl?

Siniang nodded, Yes, my name is Liu Pingling, I'm a girl.

After saying that, Siniang heard a tangled sigh, Girl.

Si Niang tilted her head in confusion, what happened to the girl?

Master Cheng waved his hand, Don't you know how to write? There is paper and pen over there. You can write an article.

Okay Master.

Si Niang agreed, turned around and knelt down in front of the book desk that had been prepared in advance. The small one did not look much higher than the desk. She added water to the ink stick, picked up the pen, dipped the ink on the paper and started writing. Terrified.

The characters are very large and the handwriting is only neat, but it can still be seen that she wrote a short paragraph from the Analects of Confucius.

There was a difficult word that I couldn't write, so I made it in a circle.

After finishing writing, she put down her pen. She resisted the urge to rub her wrist, stood up slowly, and retreated to the desk, Sir, please take a look.

The three wives came over together, and the fourth wife was a little nervous because her handwriting was indeed not good.

But her father and mother’s handwriting is not very good, so that’s all that can be taught to her.

Fortunately, she was still young, so the three wives were more tolerant of her. The three nodded, took away the paper, informed her that the assessment was completed, and went out to wait for news.

Siniang remembers what Jinbao and Jinhua said about ticking and crossing, and she also wants her husband to tick something for her.

It's a pity that after I finished writing, I let him out and there was no chance to go to the gentleman again to check.

Siniang could only give her brother an encouraging look and retreated.

There was a quarter of an hour between her and the girl who came out before. It can be guessed that the husband must have asked a lot of questions, and she also answered a lot.

How is it? Are you scared? When Qin Yao received the child, her first reaction was not to ask about her grades, but to care about her emotions.

The mentality is unstable and the performance is inaccurate.

Dalang and Erlang also came around and coaxed her by saying they would buy her snacks later.

Siniang shook her head. She was not afraid, but she just didn't know how to describe Mr. Ding's tangled sigh.

Auntie, I don't think the master likes me. Siniang said in a low voice.

Qin Yao's heart skipped a beat, but she looked relaxed and helped the little girl arrange the cloth on her head, Sometimes people's feelings may not be right. Let's wait for the result.

Siniang nodded: Okay!

Sanlang was the second to last person who came out. He was led out by his servant. His eyes were already red, and he was still talking about the poems he had memorized at home. The servant looked helpless and raised his head and asked loudly:

The Liu Ziming family comes and takes away your children!

Qin Yao and others hurriedly stepped forward, What's wrong?

The servant said: I just saw my husband tripping and falling. He may have hurt something from taking drugs. Please take him to see a doctor quickly. Don't cause any trouble!

After giving the child to his family, the servant hurriedly turned around and left, as if he was afraid of being cheated on.

Upon hearing this, Qin Yao quickly carried Sanlang to the carriage shaft and asked him where he had knocked.

Saburo opened his rabbit-like red eyes, pointed his little finger at his knees, and hummed.

Qin Yao lifted up her trouser legs and saw that there was some skin on her knees, some red marks, no minor injuries that were not even skin injuries, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I was scared to death. I thought something was wrong. Liu Zhong patted his chest, stepped forward and asked curiously:

How did you fall? Did you fall after you replied to Master first? Or did you fall out without even seeing Master?

Sanlang stopped crying after being blown by his mother twice, and replied in a low voice: I have finished answering what Master said, and I tripped when I came out. It hurts.

Hearing this, the nervous hearts of several adults immediately relaxed. If they passed the assessment, it would be fine.

However, he fell down before leaving. Wouldn't the masters think that he had any innate shortcomings?

Qin Yao looked at the Liu Bai brothers, who also looked at her. Forget it, let's wait for the result.

Saburo's performance was actually pretty good. Although he was timid, he answered all the questions he asked.

And as soon as they saw him, the three masters discovered that he and Siniang were twins, with identical little faces and completely different personalities, which brought a lot of fun to the three masters.

It's just that the little guy is too timid and doesn't talk as much as his sister.

Sanlang still remembered what his master said before letting him come out: How can a man be so timid and step out with his head held high and his chest raised?

Then, as soon as he raised his head, he tripped over the high stone steps.

After listening to the little guy's retelling, Qin Yao couldn't help but raise her hand to her forehead. These masters don't care about other people's personalities. They are really idle!

Sanlang was still sad. He grabbed Qin Yao's clothes and whispered: Mom, am I not a man?

Qin Yao replied simply and rudely: You are! It's just a special kind. There are many categories of men, not just one.

The men around them all looked over and curiously asked: Three brothers and sisters, what kind of men are there?

Qin Yao's eyes widened, Ask me again about beating someone.

Several people immediately shut up and stood beside the carriage, pacing back and forth, waiting for the next two groups of assessments to finish and the results to be announced.

After waiting until dusk, the assessment was completely over.

After the assessment, they waited for another quarter of an hour before the three masters walked out of the door and announced the admission list.

The names I read before were all the names of the twelve wealthy families.

Then, he heard the names Liu Jinbao and Liu Ziming, and Liu Bai was very excited.

Saburo was only happy for a moment, and then he and his brothers and ladies anxiously waited for his sister's name.

But the masters had all reached the twenty-eighth person, and before they heard the three words Liu Pingling, the expressions of mother and son gradually became serious.

Lu Liang!

Here you are! Another parent whose name was read said in surprise on behalf of his child.

Only the last one is left.

Mr. Ding suddenly raised his head, looking for something in the crowd.

Si Niang seemed to sense something and took two steps forward excitedly, looking over with expectant expression.

When their eyes met, Mr. Ding narrowed his eyes in surprise, and then announced the last selected name.

Liu Pingling

I'm here! Siniang immediately raised her hands, as if she had been waiting for this moment. The bright and proud smile on her face was hotter than the noon sun.

Mr. Ding sighed helplessly in his heart. Fortunately, he chose her, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see such a scorching gaze.

Grandma, Si Niang has been chosen! Erlang said excitedly.

Afraid that she wouldn't know, Sanlang also said: Ah Niang, Si Niang has been selected, we can go to school together!

Qin Yao looked at the children's happy smiles, raised her hand to touch her chest, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Wow! A loud cry from the girl came from behind. Liu Zhong turned around heartbrokenly, pulled the unsuccessful girl to him, touched her little face, It's okay, it's okay, there will be more next year, next year Come again.

Dalang and Qin Yao looked at each other, secretly thinking that it was very dangerous. (End of chapter)

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