After the couple finished eating the cake, they paid the bill and led their horses towards the restaurant.

After the carriage was set up in the restaurant and there was no one around, Liu Ji told Qin Yao what he found in the examination room.

So, you must be on the list this time? Qin Yao was a little surprised. Who is so generous?

But this is not something that a commoner like her can know. The key now is whether Liu Ji can get on the list again.

In fact, Liu Ji didn't dare to guarantee the results before the list was released. He would only know when the list came out.

When will the results be released? Qin Yao asked.

This is fast, Liu Ji said: After finishing the test today, the results will be released the day after tomorrow.

Qin Yao glanced at the busy restaurant lobby and said, Then wait for two more days.

Liu Ji also meant the same thing, so that he wouldn't have to run back and forth.

Then the lady will live here these days? Liu Ji pointed to the carriage carriage, intending to persuade her to get a room so that he could enjoy it too.

Unfortunately, Qin Yao had no such plan, The carriage is quite good.

Liu Ji had no choice but to put away her petty thoughts and asked about the magical book box she sold, Madam, have you come up with a new money-making thing?

Qin Yao glanced at him unhappily, I told you that you don't need to worry about family matters. Anyway, you won't be short of food and clothing.

Liu Ji smiled flatteringly, Aren't I just caring about you, madam? Are you lucky that you are so busy? How about we go for an outing outside the city to relax a bit these two days?

Qin Yao frowned, Are you going to date me?

Liu Ji was stunned, what's the date? But she subconsciously followed her and said, Yes, I'll invite you for an outing.

Qin Yao snarled in disgust, Get out!

Then where are you going? Liu Ji not only refused to leave, but stuck to her when he saw her unloading the carriage.

He has no money in his hands now, and if he wants to eat well, he can only hold on to the thigh in front of him.

Qin Yao asked the kitchen apprentice to look after the carriage for her, then led the horse out of the back door of the restaurant, Go and have a look at the outskirts of the city.

Liu Ji was delighted, Isn't this just an outing? It's a good time for all things to revive.

Qin Yao turned around and said coldly: You don't know anything about the pests this year.

Liu Ji asked in confusion: What kind of pest?

Qin Yao raised her chin, and Liu Ji consciously climbed onto the horse's back and sat in front, holding the reins tightly with both hands, feeling a little excited and a little nervous.

The person behind him turned over quickly and sat firmly behind him.

A hand knocked on his back: Get down! blocking her view.

Oh. Liu Ji had already gotten used to it. He bent down obediently and hugged the horse's neck.

Qin Yao clamped the horse's belly, and Lao Huang took the two of them out of the city gate and came to Zhuangzi outside the city.

Outside Kaiyang County, all the way along the official road is fertile farmland.

At this time, the wheat harvest has come to an end. At first glance, it is black and gray, which is the trace left after the tenant farmers burned the wheat straw.

The horse slowed down, and Liu Jicai dared to raise his head.

I was sitting in the carriage when I arrived, and I was preoccupied with the re-examination, so I really didn’t notice the situation of this year’s wheat harvest.

Looking at it now, even he who had little time to work in the field could tell that something was wrong, Why are so many wheat straws burned?

Wouldn't it be better to keep the fire at home?

He remembered that in previous years, the remaining stacks were burned to fertilize the fields and to facilitate spring plowing so that the plowing could be smoother.

Qin Yao turned over and dismounted, and Liu Ji quickly slid off the horse and followed her to the nearest acre of wheat field.

Qin Yao squatted down and grabbed a handful of wheat straw that was not completely burned. The wheat ears were clearly distinguishable.

In primitive farming methods, there were no insect repellent pesticides, so the only way farmers could think of was to burn the infested land to kill the insects.

Even the ears were burned, which showed that there was almost no harvest of wheat in this acre of land, and it was also seriously infested by insects.

Liu Ji was shocked. Looking at the large black and gray wheat fields in front of him, they were all burned. Is it possible that no food was confiscated from these wheat fields?

Because of the bumper harvest last autumn, the tenant farmers also wanted to cultivate their fields, but not all the land was planted with wheat. The gray and black colors were scattered throughout the farm. From a distance, it was not as scary as up close.

But if there is no wheat production this season, it may be difficult for the tenant farmers to survive until the next autumn harvest.

Liu Ji suddenly remembered Old Man Liu's previous worries and weakly poked Qin Yao's arm, Madam, you said there won't be a locust plague this year, right?

Qin Yao's voice was firm: We don't do that here.

The tenant farmers here in Kaiyang County dealt with the pests in a timely and thorough manner. They were willing to burn everything and the situation was under control.

Although there will be a small wave of famine in May and June, there should still be enough grain in Kaiyang County for disaster relief.

The food crisis will be lifted after the autumn harvest in mid-to-late July.

However, this kind of thing cannot always be completely predicted. Just because it is not serious locally does not mean that it is not serious in neighboring counties.

Qin Yao wiped the ashes off her hands and stood up, saying to Liu Ji: Thank you Princess Huiyang. If there is no marriage between the princess and the princess, the war will continue and the food reserves of Zijin Mansion will not be retained at all.

Liu Ji responded habitually: Yes, yes, yes.

But after answering, he couldn't help but mutter: My classmates all said that only a weak country would agree to something as humiliating as a marriage.

Qin Yao's brows that had just relaxed a little frowned suddenly, and she looked back at Liu Ji, Do all your classmates say that?

Liu Ji didn't know what her position was, so he quickly distanced himself, They said that, I didn't say that.

After saying that, he saw a sneer on her face, which was either contempt or something else, It seems that you bunch of scholars have read your books into the dog's belly!

Liu Ji said weakly: Can you not use 'you'? I didn't say whether it was okay or not.

If you didn't agree, you wouldn't have let me hear what you said just now. Qin Yao sneered coldly, I'm shocked that you guys, scholars, have such a small vision.

Liu Ji was dissatisfied with what he said. He bowed his hands to Qin Yao and said in a strong tone: Please give me some advice, ma'am!

He would like to hear how much vision and structure she can have.

Qin Yao didn't want to talk to a waste like him at first, but then she thought about it. In the future, she would take the imperial examination and pursue an official career. It was necessary to cultivate his political sensitivity. She took a deep breath, suppressed her discomfort, gestured for him to hold the horse, and walked towards Walking towards the county seat, he said:

If you were the person in Kyoto who had just ended decades of war and established a unified country, what do you think should be the next step?

Liu Ji did not answer, because his answer was to welcome beauties from all over the world into the palace, live happily and enjoy the ultimate happiness in the world.

But after saying this, he would definitely die today, so it was better to act like he was all ears.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Qin Yao knew that he had no good intentions, glanced at him, and then continued:

If you want to know what to do next, you have to think back to why the previous troubled times occurred.

This idea sounded a bit fresh, and Liu Ji rarely used his brain to think about what happened in the past.

It's a pity that this happened in recent years. The historian has not written it yet, and the teacher has not taught it. I don't know where to think of it.

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