Liu Ji got up half an hour earlier than before today. After memorizing the book, the sky turned white.

At this time, Awang had also cut the grass that the livestock at home needed to eat, and spread it out on the shelf next to the cowshed to dry. He seemed to know how to feed the horses. When Lao Huang saw him in the past two days, he was very emotional. Always exciting.

Liu Ji heard the movement outside the courtyard, stretched out, closed his book, and went to the backyard warehouse.

He opened the door of the warehouse, looked at the piles of wheat inside, and smiled.

Awang, set up the carriage and have breakfast early. We will go to the town to sell grain later! Liu Ji's tone was cheerful.

Awang responded outside the courtyard, ran in quickly, pushed the carriage out, took the horses out and set them up, and then obeyed Liu Ji's instructions and came over with five bags of wheat.

For the first time, Liu Ji planned to take five bags of grain to test the effect. If it sells well, he would load the family's oxcart tomorrow and ask Awang to haul the family's grain back and forth to the town. He would keep the name himself. Sell.

The master and servant had been busy all morning, leaving behind a steaming breakfast, packed their lunch and set off.

Along the way, I met many workers who came to work in Liujia Village. When I met Liu Ji, they all asked him what he was doing.

The grain was placed in the carriage, which was covered by a door curtain. The guys didn't see the grain bags inside, and thought Liu Ji had gone out for a leisurely stroll.

Liu Ji didn't say anything, fearing that everyone would imitate him. Xiahe Village was not poor, and there were several families who stocked up on food.

Although the cost is not as low as his, and the volume is not as large as his, it is always the first wave of people who go to make money, so don't blame him for hiding it from the big guys.

He'll wait until he can no longer hide it anymore. By then, all the food in his hands will have been sold out.

Liu Ji was so pleased with his thoughts that he told Qin Yao that he was going to sell it ten cents cheaper than the grain merchant in the town, but in fact he was planning to sell it only five cents cheaper than others.

Counting ten thousand catties of grain, that’s fifty taels of silver!

In order to prevent Awang from leaking out, Liu Ji used various threats and inducements along the way. At one moment, he warned Awang that he could kick him out of the house at any time. At the next, he was concerned about whether he had anything he needed, so he just told the master and he would buy it for him.

Awang always had a blank look with no expression on his face, and he answered whatever Liu Ji said: Yes, yes, yes.

Liu Ji thought it was appropriate.

An hour later, the master and the servant arrived on the official road from Jinshi Town to the county seat.

No one was allowed to enter the city, and various aristocratic families in Jinshi Town blocked entry. The refugees who had escaped all gathered in the middle of the two places.

Along the way, wherever there was an open space or a Taoist temple with a pergola, it was crowded with refugees.

Some wealthy families will come here to recruit cheap part-time workers to help with the work, which can be regarded as providing some refugees with hope of survival.

But this kind of opportunity is very rare. Nowadays, there are many people who sell themselves for free for free, and gradually there are no more managers from big families.

The refugees from outside gather together, waiting for the people from the pawn shop to come and pawn every day.

Those with poor families were dying of hunger and lying motionless under the big trees on the roadside, not knowing whether to live or die.

Whenever we see locals passing by the official road, a large group of refugees will always gather around them begging for food.

Of course, Liu Ji's goal was not to find corpses lying under trees. He had to walk a little further toward the county town. There was a vacant horse farm over there. Some powerful refugees among the refugees had already occupied this place.

The carriage compartment was tightly closed, but the sense of smell of the refugees could be described as terrifying. As soon as Liu Ji's car passed by, it attracted many refugees following the car.

Since there were two rosy-looking adult men in the car, they did not act rashly.

Moreover, there are many thugs along the way from various banks, pawnshops, and wealthy families. Government officials will appear every day to maintain order and distribute relief food to local victims. The refugees have restrained themselves a lot.

The last incident of robbing Zhou Zheng and other officials' grain trucks never happened again after several of the leaders died.

Liu Ji, who had come from Fucheng before, was used to the wolf-like looks of these refugees. He turned to look at Awang and was about to comfort him, don't panic, there are people protecting us in this world.

He saw that Awang's expression did not change and he drove the car steadily.

Stop there, park outside that pavilion over there! Liu Ji found a good spot and urged Awang to park the car.

Awang did as he was told. As soon as the master and servant parked the car and dismounted, a group of refugees who seemed to be in good spirits gathered around and asked them if they had any food to sell.

Liu Ji didn't expect that business would come to his door. He immediately put up the sign he had written in advance, which read: COFCO forty-five cents per pound!

Someone in the crowd was literate and read it out.

It's actually half the price of the medium-sized grain from Mihang? Is it true? someone asked in surprise.

Liu Ji said confidently: Of course it's true. We are all ordinary people, not those black-hearted profiteers. I, Liu Laosan, know that everyone is in trouble now, so I will help if I can.

He signaled Awang to open the car door and take out the grain to show the quality to everyone.

The new wheat I bought at the beginning of this year has not been threshed yet. The grains are plump and sweet. It only costs 45 cents per pound. The quantity is limited. First come, first served!

Liu Ji shouted, and everyone was sure that there was really cheap and good food. They gathered around and wanted to buy it.

Liu Ji asked Awang to maintain order, Everyone, take your time, line up, everyone has something, no need to squeeze!

While smiling, he took out the scale and took the bowls, cans, bags and other items from each family to weigh their grain.

The business was so booming that Liu Ji couldn't help counting the money. Seeing that a large bag of grain was sold within a quarter of an hour, Liu Ji couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

The victims who bought cheap and good food were also very happy. Word spread, and people all came to the pavilion to buy wheat from Liu Ji's family.

The rice shop boy yawned and opened the door of his makeshift rice shop. He turned around and was about to say: Don't crowd in, everyone, you can buy food if you have money.

As I spoke, I realized that there was no one at the door of the store where there used to be a long queue.

The waiter was very shocked, Where are the people? Could it be that the government officials are giving relief food to the refugees?

A man's energetic shouting came to my ears: Fresh grain is only 45 cents per pound, the quantity is limited, first come, first served.

The boy quickly asked the thugs to keep an eye on the rice shop and rushed towards the place where the sound came from to check what happened.

Seeing the two masters and servants selling in full swing, the clerk's expression turned cold. He immediately caught a victim who was buying food and asked, Is the food in the rice shop bad? Why do you come here to buy it?

Even though he was just a guy, he behaved with a gangster spirit. The victims who were dragged away were startled and subconsciously covered their food bags, explaining hesitantly: Boss Liu's COFCO is only half as much as your rice shop. price.

So it’s natural to buy it cheaply rather than expensively!

The waiter let go and told the victim to get out. He gave the master and servant a hard look and noted their appearance, then turned around and ran quickly towards the nearby village.

Two unknown people who don't know where they came from dare to rob their business. Master Wu will definitely make these two people look good!

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